
Richard R. Muntz

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143EEGiuliano Casale, Richard R. Muntz, Giuseppe Serazzi: Geometric Bounds: A Noniterative Analysis Technique for Closed Queueing Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(6): 780-794 (2008)
142EECheng-Jia Lai, Richard R. Muntz: Tunnel Vector: A New Routing Algorithm with Scalability. INFOCOM 2006
141EEGiuliano Casale, Richard R. Muntz, Giuseppe Serazzi: A New Class of Non-Iterative Bounds for Closed Queueing Networks. MASCOTS 2006: 69-76
140EEAlvin Chen, Richard R. Muntz: Peer clustering: a hybrid approach to distributed virtual environments. NETGAMES 2006: 11
139EEEdmundo de Souza e Silva, Ana Paula Couto da Silva, Antonio Augusto de Aragão Rocha, Rosa M. M. Leão, Flávio P. Duarte, Fernando J. S. Filho, Guilherme D. G. Jaime, Richard R. Muntz: Modeling, analysis, measurement and experimentation with the Tangram-II integrated environment. VALUETOOLS 2006: 7
138EEYun Chi, Haixun Wang, Philip S. Yu, Richard R. Muntz: Catch the moment: maintaining closed frequent itemsets over a data stream sliding window. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 10(3): 265-294 (2006)
137EECheng-Jia Lai, Richard R. Muntz: On-demand overlay networking of collaborative applications. CollaborateCom 2005
136 Yun Chi, Philip S. Yu, Haixun Wang, Richard R. Muntz: Loadstar: A Load Shedding Scheme for Classifying Data Streams. SDM 2005
135EEYun Chi, Richard R. Muntz, Siegfried Nijssen, Joost N. Kok: Frequent Subtree Mining - An Overview. Fundam. Inform. 66(1-2): 161-198 (2005)
134EEYun Chi, Yi Xia, Yirong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: Correction to "Mining Closed and Maximal Frequent Subtrees from Databases of Labeled Rooted Trees". IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(12): 1737 (2005)
133EEYun Chi, Yi Xia, Yirong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: Mining Closed and Maximal Frequent Subtrees from Databases of Labeled Rooted Trees. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 17(2): 190-202 (2005)
132EEYun Chi, Yirong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: Canonical forms for labelled trees and their applications in frequent subtree mining. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 8(2): 203-234 (2005)
131 Cheng-Jia Lai, Richard R. Muntz: A peer-to-peer paradigm of web-browsing by using a DHT. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 643-648
130EEYun Chi, Haixun Wang, Philip S. Yu, Richard R. Muntz: Moment: Maintaining Closed Frequent Itemsets over a Stream Sliding Window. ICDM 2004: 59-66
129EEYun Chi, Yirong Yang, Yi Xia, Richard R. Muntz: CMTreeMiner: Mining Both Closed and Maximal Frequent Subtrees. PAKDD 2004: 63-73
128EEYun Chi, Yirong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: HybridTreeMiner: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Frequent Rooted Trees and Free Trees Using Canonical Form. SSDBM 2004: 11-20
127EETatiana A. S. Coelho, Pável Calado, Lamarque Vieira Souza, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Richard R. Muntz: Image Retrieval Using Multiple Evidence Ranking. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 16(4): 408-417 (2004)
126EEZhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz: On Stage Ordering in Staged Computation. GPCE 2003: 77-96
125EEYun Chi, Yirong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: Indexing and Mining Free Trees. ICDM 2003: 509-512
124EEAlvin Chen, Kai Chung Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Query Plans with Roaming Sources: Shifting Streams of Data. WORDS 2003: 90-
123EECynthia A. Patterson, Richard R. Muntz, Cherri M. Pancake: IEEE Pervasive Computing: Spotlight - Challenges in Location-Aware Computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(10): (2003)
122EECynthia A. Patterson, Richard R. Muntz, Cherri M. Pancake: IEEE Pervasive Computing: Spotlight - Challenges in Location-Aware Computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(6): (2003)
121EECynthia A. Patterson, Richard R. Muntz, Cherri M. Pancake: IEEE Pervasive Computing: Spotlight - Challenges in Location-Aware Computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(7): (2003)
120EECynthia A. Patterson, Richard R. Muntz, Cherri M. Pancake: IEEE Pervasive Computing: Spotlight - Challenges in Location-Aware Computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(8): (2003)
119EECynthia A. Patterson, Richard R. Muntz, Cherri M. Pancake: IEEE Pervasive Computing: Spotlight - Challenges in Location-Aware Computing. IEEE Distributed Systems Online 4(9): (2003)
118EEMarco Antônio Pinheiro de Cristo, Pável Calado, Maria de Lourdes da Silveira, Ilmério Silva, Richard R. Muntz, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto: Bayesian belief networks for IR. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 34(2-3): 163-179 (2003)
117EEZhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz: Managing Dynamic Changes in Multi-stage Program Generation Systems. GPCE 2002: 316-334
116EESung Park, Ivo Locher, Andreas Savvides, Mani B. Srivastava, Alvin Chen, Richard R. Muntz, Spencer Yuen: Design of a Wearable Sensor Badge for Smart Kindergarten. ISWC 2002: 231-238
115EEYi Xia, Wei Wang, Jiong Yang, Philip S. Yu, Richard R. Muntz: Efficient Filtering of Large DatasetA User-Centric Paradigm. SDM 2002
114EEMurali Mani, Dongwon Lee, Richard R. Muntz: Semantic Data Modeling Using XML Schemas. ER 2001: 149-163
113EEWei Wang, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: TAR: Temporal Association Rules on Evolving Numerical Attributes. ICDE 2001: 283-292
112EEMani B. Srivastava, Richard R. Muntz, Miodrag Potkonjak: Smart kindergarten: sensor-based wireless networks for smart developmental problem-solving enviroments. MOBICOM 2001: 132-138
111EEPaul Castro, Benjamin Greenstein, Richard R. Muntz, Parviz Kermani, Chatschik Bisdikian, Maria Papadopouli: Locating application data across service discovery domains. MOBICOM 2001: 28-42
110EEPaul Castro, Richard R. Muntz: An adaptive approach to indexing pervasive data. MobiDE 2001: 14-19
109EEPaul Castro, Patrick Chiu, Ted Kremenek, Richard R. Muntz: A Probabilistic Room Location Service for Wireless Networked Environments. Ubicomp 2001: 18-34
108 Eddie C. Shek, Richard R. Muntz, Edmond Mesrobian: Extensible Parallel Query Processing for Exploratory Geoscientific Data Mining. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 5(4): 277-304 (2001)
107EELeana Golubchik, Richard R. Muntz, Cheng-Fu Chou, Steven Berson: Design of Fault-Tolerant Large-Scale VOD Servers: With Emphasis on High-Performance and Low-Cost. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 12(4): 363-386 (2001)
106EEJiong Yang, Wei Wang, Richard R. Muntz, Silvia Nittel: Dynamic Adaptive File Management in a Local Area Network. ICDCS 2000: 368-375
105EEDu Li, Limin Zhou, Richard R. Muntz: A New Paradigm of User Intention Preservation in Realtime Collaborative Editing Systems. ICPADS 2000: 401-408
104EEWai-Man R. Wong, Richard R. Muntz: Providing guaranteed quality of service for interactive visualization applications (poster). SIGMETRICS 2000: 104-105
103EEJose Renato Santos, Richard R. Muntz, Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto: Comparing random data allocation and data striping in multimedia servers. SIGMETRICS 2000: 44-55
102EEJiong Yang, Wei Wang, Richard R. Muntz: Collaborative Web caching based on proxy affinities. SIGMETRICS 2000: 78-89
101EEDu Li, Limin Zhou, Richard R. Muntz, Chengzheng Sun: Operation Propagation in Real-Time Group Editors. IEEE MultiMedia 7(4): 55-61 (2000)
100EEElisa Bertino, Richard R. Muntz, Thomas C. Rakow: Guest Editorial: Introduction to the Special Section. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(1): 58-59 (2000)
99EEWei Wang, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: An Approach to Active Spatial Data Mining Based on Statistical Information. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(5): 715-728 (2000)
98 Jiong Yang, Wei Wang, Silvia Nittel, Richard R. Muntz, Vince Busam: Dynamo: design, implementation, and evaluation of cooperative persistent object management in a local area network. Softw., Pract. Exper. 30(4): 419-448 (2000)
97EEDu Li, Richard R. Muntz: A collaboration specification language. DSL 1999: 149-162
96EEDu Li, Richard R. Muntz: Runtime dynamics in collaborative systems. GROUP 1999: 336-345
95EEWei Wang, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: STING+: An Approach to Active Spatial Data Mining. ICDE 1999: 116-125
94EEEddie C. Shek, Richard R. Muntz: Exploiting Data Lineage for Parallel Optimization in Extensible DBMSs. ICDE 1999: 256
93EEKenneth W. Ng, Richard R. Muntz: Parallelizing User-Defined Functions in Distributed Object-Relational DBMS. IDEAS 1999: 442-445
92EESilvia Nittel, Kenneth W. Ng, Richard R. Muntz: Conquest: CONcurrent QUEries over Space and Time. Integrated Spatial Databases 1999: 286-307
91 Richard R. Muntz: Sensors and Memory: Managing Context Data for Situated Applications. Multimedia Information Systems 1999: 2
90EEKenneth W. Ng, Zhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz, Silvia Nittel: Dynamic Query Re-Optimization. SSDBM 1999: 264-273
89EEDu Li, Zhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz: "Got COCA?" - A new perspective in building electronic meeting systems. WACC 1999: 89-98
88EESon Dao, Eddie C. Shek, Asha Vellaikal, Richard R. Muntz, Lixia Zhang, Miodrag Potkonjak, Ouri Wolfson: Semantic Multicast: Intelligently Sharing Collaborative Sessions. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(2es): 3 (1999)
87EEJose Renato Santos, Richard R. Muntz: Performance Analysis of the RIO Multimedia Storage System with Heterogeneous Disk Configurations. ACM Multimedia 1998: 303-308
86EEDu Li, Richard R. Muntz: COCA: Collaborative Objects Coordination Architecture. CSCW 1998: 179-188
85EEFrank Fabbrocino, Jose Renato Santos, Richard R. Muntz: An Implicitly Scalable, Fully Interactive Multimedia Storage Server. DIS-RT 1998: 92-
84 Richard R. Muntz: RIO: A Universal Media Server (Extended Abstract). FODO 1998: 169-172
83 Wei Wang, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: PK-tree: A Spatial Index Structure for High Dimensional Point Data. FODO 1998: 27-36
82EEKenneth W. Ng, Zhenghao Wang, Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek: On Reconfiguring Query Execution Plans in Distributed Object-Relational DBMS. ICPADS 1998: 59-66
81EEJiong Yang, Silvia Nittel, Wei Wang, Richard R. Muntz: DynamO: Dynamic Objects with Persistent Storage. POS/PJW 1998: 199-214
80EEJohn C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz, Donald F. Towsley: Computing Performance Bounds of Fork-Join Parallel Programs Under a Multiprocessing Environment. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 9(3): 295-311 (1998)
79 Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Richard R. Muntz: Design and Implementation of Scalable Continuous Media Servers. Parallel Computing 24(1): 91-122 (1998)
78 Rosa M. L. R. Carmo, Luiz R. de Carvalho, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Morganna C. Diniz, Richard R. Muntz: Performance/Availability Modeling with te TANGRAM-II Modeling Environment. Perform. Eval. 33(1): 45-65 (1998)
77 Rosa M. L. R. Carmo, Luiz R. de Carvalho, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Morganna C. Diniz, Richard R. Muntz: TANGRAM-II: A Performability Modeling Environment Tool. Computer Performance Evaluation 1997: 6-18
76 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, H. Richard Gail, Richard R. Muntz: Gated time-limited polling systems. PMCCN 1997: 253-274
75EEYuechen Chi, Carlos R. Mechoso, Michael Stonebraker, Keith Sklower, Richard Troy, Richard R. Muntz, Edmond Mesrobian: ESMDIS: Earth System Model Data Information System. SSDBM 1997: 116-118
74EESilvia Nittel, Richard R. Muntz, Edmond Mesrobian: geoPOM: A Heterogeneous Geoscientific Persistent Object System. SSDBM 1997: 252-263
73EEWei Wang, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: STING: A Statistical Information Grid Approach to Spatial Data Mining. VLDB 1997: 186-195
72 Richard R. Muntz, Jose Renato Santos, Steven Berson: RIO: A Real-Time Multimedia Object Server. SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 25(2): 29-35 (1997)
71EESilvia Nittel, Jiong Yang, Richard R. Muntz: Mapping a Common Geoscientific Object Model to Heterogeneous Spatial Data Repositories. ACM-GIS 1996: 50-57
70 Steven Berson, Richard R. Muntz, Wai-Man R. Wong: Randomized Data Allocation for Real-Time Disk I/O. COMPCON 1996: 286-290
69 Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Richard R. Muntz: Fuzzy Ranking of Approximate Answers. FQAS 1996: 41-56
68EEYuguang Wu, Richard R. Muntz: A New Cache Directory Scheme. ISPAN 1996: 466-472
67 Eddie C. Shek, Richard R. Muntz, Edmond Mesrobian, Kenneth W. Ng: Scalable Exploratory Data Mining of Distributed Geoscientific Data. KDD 1996: 32-37
66 Edmond Mesrobian, Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek, Silvia Nittel, Mark La Rouche, Marc Kriguer: OASIS: An Open Architecture Scientific Information System. RIDE-NDS 1996: 107-116
65 Eddie C. Shek, Edmond Mesrobian, Richard R. Muntz: On Heterogeneous Distributed Scientific Query Processing. RIDE-NDS 1996: 98-106
64EEBerthier A. Ribeiro-Neto, Richard R. Muntz: A Belief Network Model for IR. SIGIR 1996: 253-260
63 Richard R. Muntz, Joseph Pasquale: System-Level Design Issues for Storage I/O. ACM Comput. Surv. 28(4es): 210 (1996)
62EEEdmond Mesrobian, Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek, Silvia Nittel, Mark La Rouche, Marc Kriguer, Carlos R. Mechoso, John D. Farrara, Paul E. Stolorz, Hisashi Nakamura: Mining Geophysical Data for Knowledge. IEEE Expert 11(5): 34-44 (1996)
61EEWilliam C. Cheng, Richard R. Muntz: Bounding Errors Introduced by Clustering of Customers in Closed Product-Form Queueing Networks. J. ACM 43(4): 641-669 (1996)
60 Leana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Adaptive Piggybacking: A Novel Technique for Data Sharing in Video-on-Demand Storage Servers. Multimedia Syst. 4(3): 140-155 (1996)
59 Leana Golubchik, Richard R. Muntz, Richard W. Watson: Analysis of Striping Techniques in Robotic Storage Libraries. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 1995: 225-238
58 Paul E. Stolorz, Hisashi Nakamura, Edmond Mesrobian, Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek, Jose Renato Santos, J. Yi, Kenneth W. Ng, S.-Y. Chien, Carlos R. Mechoso, John D. Farrara: Fast Spatio-Temporal Data Mining of Large Geophysical Datasets. KDD 1995: 300-305
57 Richard R. Muntz, John C. S. Lui: An Eclectic Survey of Bounding Methods for Markov Chain Models. MASCOTS 1995: 184-188
56 Leana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Reducing I/O Demand in Video-On-Demand Storage Servers. SIGMETRICS 1995: 25-36
55EESteven Berson, Leana Golubchik, Richard R. Muntz: Fault Tolerant Design of Multimedia Servers. SIGMOD Conference 1995: 364-375
54EELeana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: I/O Stream Sharing for Continous Media Systems. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 18(4): 17-26 (1995)
53 John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz, Donald F. Towsley: Bounding the Mean Response Time of the Minimum Expected Delay Routing Policy: An Algorithmic Approach. IEEE Trans. Computers 44(12): 1371-1382 (1995)
52EEYuguang Wu, Richard R. Muntz: Stack Evaluation of Arbitrary Set-Associative Multiprocessor Caches. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 6(9): 930-942 (1995)
51EEEdmundo de Souza e Silva, H. Richard Gail, Richard R. Muntz: Polling systems with server timeouts and their application to token passing networks. IEEE/ACM Trans. Netw. 3(5): 560-575 (1995)
50 Steven Berson, Richard R. Muntz, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Xiangyu Ju: Staggered Striping: A Flexible Technique to Display Continuous Media. Multimedia Tools Appl. 1(2): 127-148 (1995)
49EESteven Berson, Shahram Ghandeharizadeh, Richard R. Muntz, Xiangyu Ju: Staggered Striping in Multimedia Information Systems. SIGMOD Conference 1994: 79-90
48EELeana Golubchik, Richard R. Muntz: Fault Tolerance Issues in Data Declustering for Parallel Database Systems. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 17(3): 14-28 (1994)
47EEGiuliana Franceschinis, Richard R. Muntz: Computing Bounds for the Performance Indices of Quasi-Lumpable Stochastic Well-Formed Nets. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 20(7): 516-525 (1994)
46EEJohn C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Computing Bounds on Steady State Availability of Repairable Computer Systems. J. ACM 41(4): 676-707 (1994)
45 Giuliana Franceschinis, Richard R. Muntz: Bounds for Quasi-Lumpable Markow Chains. Perform. Eval. 20(1-3): 223-243 (1994)
44 Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek, Carlo Zaniolo: Using LDL++ for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Atmospheric Science Databases. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Book), ILPS 1993: 101-119
43 Richard R. Muntz, Eddie C. Shek, Carlo Zaniolo: Using LDL++ for Spatio-Temporal Reasoning in Atmospheric Science Databases. Workshop on Programming with Logic Databases (Informal Proceedings), ILPS 1993: 74-86
42 T. Y. Cliff Leung, Richard R. Muntz: Stream Processing: Temporal Query Processing and Optimization. Temporal Databases 1993: 329-355
41 T. Y. Cliff Leung, Richard R. Muntz: Generalized Data Stream Indexing and Temporal Query Processing. RIDE-TQP 1992: 124-131
40 Leana Golubchik, John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Chained Declustering: Load Balancing and Robustness to Skew and Failures. RIDE-TQP 1992: 88-95
39 John C. S. Lui, Richard R. Muntz: Algorithmic Approach to Bounding the Mean Response Time of a Minimum Expected Delay Routing System. SIGMETRICS 1992: 140-151
38 Yuguang Wu, Gerald J. Popek, Richard R. Muntz: Efficient Evaluation of Arbitrary Set-Associative Caches on Multiprocessors. SPDP 1992: 507-514
37EET. Y. Cliff Leung, Richard R. Muntz: Temporal Query Processing and Optimization in Multiprocessor Database Machines. VLDB 1992: 383-394
36 Alex Kapelnikov, Richard R. Muntz, Milos D. Ercegovac: A Methodology for Performance Analysis of Parallel Compuations with Looping Constructs. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 14(2): 105-120 (1992)
35 William C. Cheng, Richard R. Muntz: Optimal Routing for Closed Queueing Networks. Perform. Eval. 13(1): 3-15 (1991)
34EET. Y. Cliff Leung, Richard R. Muntz: Query Processing for Temporal Databases. ICDE 1990: 200-208
33 William C. Cheng, Richard R. Muntz: Optimal Routing for Closed Queueing Networks. Performance 1990: 3-17
32EERichard R. Muntz, John C. S. Lui: Performance Analysis of Disk Arrays under Failure. VLDB 1990: 162-173
31 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Richard R. Muntz: A Note on the Computational Cost of the Linearizer Algorithm for Queueing Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 39(6): 840-842 (1990)
30EEDouglas Stott Parker Jr., Richard R. Muntz, H. Lewis Chau: The Tangram Stream Query Processing System. ICDE 1989: 556-563
29 Thomas W. Page Jr., Steven Berson, William C. Cheng, Richard R. Muntz: An Object-Oriented Modeling Environment. OOPSLA 1989: 287-296
28 Brian Livezey, Richard R. Muntz: ASPEN: A Stream Processing Environment. PARLE (2) 1989: 374-388
27 Richard R. Muntz, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Ambuj Goyal: Bounding Availability of Repairable Computer Systems. SIGMETRICS 1989: 29-38
26 Richard R. Muntz, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Ambuj Goyal: Bounding Availability of Repairable Computer Systems. IEEE Trans. Computers 38(12): 1714-1723 (1989)
25 Alex Kapelnikov, Richard R. Muntz, Milos D. Ercegovac: A Modeling Methodology for the Analysis of Concurrent Systems and Computations. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 6(3): 568-597 (1989)
24 Chung-Dak Shum, Richard R. Muntz: Implicit Representation for Extensional Answers. Expert Database Conf. 1988: 497-522
23 Douglas Stott Parker Jr., Richard R. Muntz: A Theory of Directed Logic Programs and Streams. ICLP/SLP 1988: 620-650
22EEChung-Dak Shum, Richard R. Muntz: An Information-Theoretic Study on Aggregate Responses. VLDB 1988: 479-490
21 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Richard R. Muntz: Simple Relationships Among Moments of Queue Lengths in Product Form Queueing Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(9): 1125-1129 (1988)
20 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Richard R. Muntz: Approximate Solutions for a Class of Non-Product Form Queueing Network Models. Perform. Eval. 7(3): 221-242 (1987)
19 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Stephen S. Lavenberg, Richard R. Muntz: A Clustering Approximation Technique for Queueing Network Models with a Large Number of Chains. IEEE Trans. Computers 35(5): 419-430 (1986)
18 Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Stephen S. Lavenberg, Richard R. Muntz: A Perspective on Iterative Methods for the Approximate Analysis of Closed Queueing Networks. Computer Performance and Reliability 1983: 225-244
17 Stephen S. Lavenberg, Richard R. Muntz, Behrokh Samadi: Performance Analysis of a Rollback Method for Distributed Simulation. Performance 1983: 117-132
16 Farouk Kamoun, Leonard Kleinrock, Richard R. Muntz: Queueing Analysis of the Ordering Issue in a Distributed Database Concurrency Control Mechanism. ICDCS 1981: 13-23
15EEDaniel A. Menascé, Gerald J. Popek, Richard R. Muntz: A Locking Protocol for Resource Coordination in Distributed Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 5(2): 103-138 (1980)
14 Richard R. Muntz: Gross Architecture of the Distributed Database System VDN. IFIP TC-2 Working Conference on Data Base Architecture 1979: 20-31
13 Richard R. Muntz: Surveyor's Forum: A Predictable Problem. ACM Comput. Surv. 11(1): 72 (1979)
12 Daniel A. Menascé, Richard R. Muntz: Locking and Deadlock Detection in Distributed Data Bases. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 5(3): 195-202 (1979)
11 Daniel A. Menascé, Richard R. Muntz: Locking and Deadlock Detection in Distributed Databases. Berkeley Workshop 1978: 215-232
10EEDaniel A. Menascé, Gerald J. Popek, Richard R. Muntz: A Locking Protocol for Resource Coordination in Distributed Databases (Abstract). SIGMOD Conference 1978: 2
9 Richard R. Muntz: Queueing Networks: A Critique of the State of the Art and Directions for the Future. ACM Comput. Surv. 10(3): 353-359 (1978)
8 Erol Gelenbe, Richard R. Muntz: Probabilistic Models of Computer Systems - Part I (Exact Results) Acta Inf. 7: 35-60 (1976)
7EEForest Baskett, K. Mani Chandy, Richard R. Muntz, Fernando G. Palacios: Open, Closed, and Mixed Networks of Queues with Different Classes of Customers. J. ACM 22(2): 248-260 (1975)
6 Richard R. Muntz: Analytic Models for Computer System Performance Analysis (invited). ARCS 1974: 246-265
5 Richard R. Muntz, Holger Opderbeck: Stack Replacement Algorithms for Two-Level Directly Addressable Paged Memories. SIAM J. Comput. 3(1): 11-22 (1974)
4EELeonard Kleinrock, Richard R. Muntz: Processor Sharing Queueing Models of Mixed Scheduling Disciplines for Time Shared System. J. ACM 19(3): 464-482 (1972)
3 Leonard Kleinrock, Richard R. Muntz, Jiunn Hsu: Tight Bounds on the Average Response Time-Shared Computer Systems. IFIP Congress (1) 1971: 124-133
2EEEdward G. Coffman Jr., Richard R. Muntz, H. Trotter: Waiting Time Distributions for Processor-Sharing Systems. J. ACM 17(1): 123-130 (1970)
1EERichard R. Muntz, Edward G. Coffman Jr.: Preemptive Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessor Systems. J. ACM 17(2): 324-338 (1970)

Coauthor Index

1Forest Baskett [7]
2Steven Berson [29] [49] [50] [55] [70] [72] [107]
3Elisa Bertino [100]
4Chatschik Bisdikian [111]
5Vince Busam [98]
6Pável Calado [118] [127]
7Rosa M. L. R. Carmo [77] [78]
8Luiz R. de Carvalho [77] [78]
9Giuliano Casale [141] [143]
10Paul Castro [109] [110] [111]
11K. Mani Chandy [7]
12H. Lewis Chau [30]
13Alvin Chen [116] [124] [140]
14William C. Cheng [29] [33] [35] [61]
15Yuechen Chi [75]
16Yun Chi [125] [128] [129] [130] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [138]
17S.-Y. Chien [58]
18Patrick Chiu [109]
19Cheng-Fu Chou [107]
20Tatiana A. S. Coelho [127]
21Edward G. Coffman Jr. [1] [2]
22Marco Cristo (Marco Antônio Pinheiro de Cristo) [118]
23Son Dao [88]
24Morganna C. Diniz [77] [78]
25Flávio P. Duarte [139]
26Milos D. Ercegovac [25] [36]
27Frank Fabbrocino [85]
28John D. Farrara [58] [62]
29Fernando J. S. Filho [139]
30Giuliana Franceschinis [45] [47]
31H. Richard Gail [51] [76]
32Erol Gelenbe [8]
33Shahram Ghandeharizadeh [49] [50] [79]
34Leana Golubchik [40] [48] [54] [55] [56] [59] [60] [107]
35Ambuj Goyal [26] [27]
36Ben Greenstein (Benjamin Greenstein) [111]
37Jiunn Hsu [3]
38Guilherme D. G. Jaime [139]
39Xiangyu Ju [49] [50]
40Farouk Kamoun [16]
41Alex Kapelnikov [25] [36]
42Parviz Kermani [111]
43Leonard Kleinrock [3] [4] [16]
44Joost N. Kok [135]
45Ted Kremenek [109]
46Marc Kriguer [62] [66]
47Cheng-Jia Lai [131] [137] [142]
48Stephen S. Lavenberg [17] [18] [19]
49Rosa Maria Meri Leão (Rosa M. M. Leão) [139]
50Dongwon Lee [114]
51T. Y. Cliff Leung [34] [37] [41] [42]
52Du Li [86] [89] [96] [97] [101] [105]
53Brian Livezey [28]
54Ivo Locher [116]
55John C. S. Lui [32] [39] [40] [46] [53] [54] [56] [57] [60] [80]
56Kai Chung Lui [124]
57Murali Mani [114]
58Carlos R. Mechoso [58] [62] [75]
59Daniel A. Menascé [10] [11] [12] [15]
60Edmond Mesrobian [58] [62] [65] [66] [67] [74] [75] [108]
61Hisashi Nakamura [58] [62]
62Kenneth W. Ng [58] [67] [82] [90] [92] [93]
63Siegfried Nijssen [135]
64Silvia Nittel [62] [66] [71] [74] [81] [90] [92] [98] [106]
65Holger Opderbeck [5]
66Thomas W. Page Jr. [29]
67Fernando G. Palacios [7]
68Cherri M. Pancake [119] [120] [121] [122] [123]
69Maria Papadopouli [111]
70Sung Park [116]
71Douglas Stott Parker Jr. [23] [30]
72Joseph Pasquale [63]
73Cynthia A. Patterson [119] [120] [121] [122] [123]
74Gerald J. Popek [10] [15] [38]
75Miodrag Potkonjak [88] [112]
76Thomas C. Rakow [100]
77Berthier A. Ribeiro-Neto [64] [69] [103] [118] [127]
78Antonio Augusto de Aragão Rocha [139]
79Mark La Rouche [62] [66]
80Behrokh Samadi [17]
81Jose Renato Santos [58] [72] [85] [87] [103]
82Andreas Savvides [116]
83Giuseppe Serazzi [141] [143]
84Eddie C. Shek [43] [44] [58] [62] [65] [66] [67] [82] [88] [94] [108]
85Chung-Dak Shum [22] [24]
86Ana Paula Couto da Silva [139]
87Edmundo de Souza e Silva [18] [19] [20] [21] [26] [27] [31] [51] [76] [77] [78] [139]
88Ilmério Silva [118]
89Maria de Lourdes da Silveira [118]
90Keith Sklower [75]
91Lamarque Vieira Souza [127]
92Mani B. Srivastava [112] [116]
93Paul E. Stolorz [58] [62]
94Michael Stonebraker [75]
95Chengzheng Sun [101]
96Donald F. Towsley [53] [80]
97H. Trotter [2]
98Richard Troy [75]
99Asha Vellaikal [88]
100Haixun Wang [130] [136] [138]
101Wei Wang [73] [81] [83] [95] [98] [99] [102] [106] [113] [115]
102Zhenghao Wang [82] [89] [90] [117] [126]
103Richard W. Watson [59]
104Ouri Wolfson [88]
105Wai-Man R. Wong [70] [104]
106Yuguang Wu [38] [52] [68]
107Yi Xia [115] [129] [133] [134]
108Jiong Yang [71] [73] [81] [83] [95] [98] [99] [102] [106] [113] [115]
109Yirong Yang [125] [128] [129] [132] [133] [134]
110J. Yi [58]
111Philip S. Yu [115] [130] [136] [138]
112Spencer Yuen [116]
113Carlo Zaniolo [43] [44]
114Lixia Zhang [88]
115Limin Zhou [101] [105]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)