
Parviz Kermani

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19EEY. Sun, P. Liu, Parviz Kermani, Thomas F. La Porta: An architecture and key management approach for maintaining privacy in location based group services. CollaborateCom 2005
18EEGiuseppe Bianchi, Parviz Kermani, Sung-Ju Lee: Guest Editorial. MONET 10(3): 263-264 (2005)
17EEJie Gao, Gautam Kar, Parviz Kermani: Approaches to building self healing systems using dependency analysis. NOMS (1) 2004: 119-132
16 Parviz Kermani: Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots, WMASH 2003, San Diego, CA, USA, September 19, 2003 ACM 2003
15 Giuseppe Bianchi, Parviz Kermani, Silvano Pupolin: Guest Editorial: Wireless Mobile Internet. Wireless Networks 9(4): 281-282 (2003)
14EEAvare Stewart, Parviz Kermani, Magda Mourad: MediaMime: after-the-fact authoring annotation system for an e-learning environment. ITiCSE 2002: 243
13EEChitra Dorai, Parviz Kermani, Avare Stewart: ELM-N: e-learning media navigator. ACM Multimedia 2001: 634-635
12EESuresh Chari, Parviz Kermani, Sean Smith, Leandros Tassiulas: Security Issues in M-Commerce: A Usage-Based Taxonomy. E-Commerce Agents 2001: 264-282
11EEPaul Castro, Benjamin Greenstein, Richard R. Muntz, Parviz Kermani, Chatschik Bisdikian, Maria Papadopouli: Locating application data across service discovery domains. MOBICOM 2001: 28-42
10EEMahmoud Sherif, Ibrahim W. Habib, Mahmoud Naghshineh, Parviz Kermani: Adaptive QoS Platform in Multimedia Networks. NETWORKING 2000: 871-882
9EETimucin Ozugur, Mahmoud Naghshineh, Parviz Kermani, C. Michael Olsen, Babak Rezvani, John A. Copeland: Balanced Media Access Methods for Wireless Networks. MOBICOM 1998: 21-32
8 Werner Bux, Parviz Kermani, Wolfgang Kleinöder: Performance of an improved data link control protocol. ICCC 1988: 251-258
7 Robert A. Sultan, Parviz Kermani, George A. Grover, Tsipora P. Barzilai, Alan E. Baratz: Implementing System/36 Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking. IBM Systems Journal 26(4): 429-452 (1987)
6 Inder S. Gopal, Parviz Kermani: Distributed Resource Sharing in Computer Networks. FSTTCS 1986: 319-329
5 Parviz Kermani, Hamid Ahmadi: Error Correction Schemes in a Mixed Voice/Data Environment. ICCC 1986: 555-560
4 Kadaba Bharath-Kumar, Parviz Kermani: Analysis of a Resequencing problem in Communication Networks. INFOCOM 1983: 303-310
3EEInder S. Gopal, Parviz Kermani: Performance of stop-and-wait protocols over high-delay links. Computer Communications 6(3): 115-119 (1983)
2 Parviz Kermani, Leonard Kleinrock: A Tradeoff Study of Switching Systems in Computer Communication Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 29(12): 1052-1060 (1980)
1 Parviz Kermani, Leonard Kleinrock: Virtual Cut-Through: A New Computer Communication Switching Technique. Computer Networks 3: 267-286 (1979)

Coauthor Index

1Hamid Ahmadi [5]
2Alan E. Baratz [7]
3Tsipora P. Barzilai [7]
4Kadaba Bharath-Kumar [4]
5Giuseppe Bianchi [15] [18]
6Chatschik Bisdikian [11]
7Werner Bux [8]
8Paul Castro [11]
9Suresh Chari [12]
10John A. Copeland [9]
11Chitra Dorai [13]
12Jie Gao [17]
13Inder S. Gopal [3] [6]
14Ben Greenstein (Benjamin Greenstein) [11]
15George A. Grover [7]
16Ibrahim W. Habib [10]
17Gautam Kar [17]
18Wolfgang Kleinöder [8]
19Leonard Kleinrock [1] [2]
20Sung-Ju Lee [18]
21P. Liu [19]
22Magda Mourad [14]
23Richard R. Muntz [11]
24Mahmoud Naghshineh [9] [10]
25C. Michael Olsen [9]
26Timucin Ozugur [9]
27Maria Papadopouli [11]
28Thomas F. La Porta (Tom La Porta) [19]
29Silvano Pupolin [15]
30Babak Rezvani [9]
31Mahmoud Sherif [10]
32Sean Smith [12]
33Avare Stewart [13] [14]
34Robert A. Sultan [7]
35Y. Sun [19]
36Leandros Tassiulas [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)