
Behrokh Samadi

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9EEPengyue J. Lin, Behrokh Samadi, Alan Cipolone, Daniel R. Jeske, Sean Cox, Carlos Rendón, Douglas Holt, Rui Xiao: Development of a Synthetic Data Set Generator for Building and Testing Information Discovery Systems. ITNG 2006: 707-712
8EEDaniel R. Jeske, Behrokh Samadi, Pengyue J. Lin, Lan Ye, Sean Cox, Rui Xiao, Ted Younglove, Minh Ly, Douglas Holt, Ryan Rich: Generation of synthetic data sets for evaluating the accuracy of knowledge discovery systems. KDD 2005: 756-762
7EEBharat T. Doshi, Dominik Eggenschwiler, Aswath Rao, Behrokh Samadi, Yung-Terng Wang, James Wolfson: VoIP network architectures and QoS strategy. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(3): 41-59 (2003)
6EEDaniel R. Jeske, Behrokh Samadi, Kazem Sohraby, Yung-Terng Wang, Qinqing Zhang: QoS with an Edge-Based Call Admission Control in IP Networks. NETWORKING 2002: 178-189
5 B. C. Ekroot, Robert J. T. Morris, Larry D. Rubin, Behrokh Samadi, Wing Shing Wong: Operations Assistant and Its Application to Material Storage Management. ICSI 1990: 510-516
4EEBehrokh Samadi: TUNEX: A Knowledge-Based System for Performance Tuning of the UNIX Operating System. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(7): 861-874 (1989)
3 Behrokh Samadi: Analyzing File System Fragmentation on Unix Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1987: 458-463
2 Stephen S. Lavenberg, Richard R. Muntz, Behrokh Samadi: Performance Analysis of a Rollback Method for Distributed Simulation. Performance 1983: 117-132
1 Behrokh Samadi: B-Trees in a System with Multiple Users. Inf. Process. Lett. 5(4): 107-112 (1976)

Coauthor Index

1Alan Cipolone [9]
2Sean Cox [8] [9]
3Bharat T. Doshi [7]
4Dominik Eggenschwiler [7]
5B. C. Ekroot [5]
6Douglas Holt [8] [9]
7Daniel R. Jeske [6] [8] [9]
8Stephen S. Lavenberg [2]
9Pengyue J. Lin [8] [9]
10Minh Ly [8]
11Robert J. T. Morris [5]
12Richard R. Muntz [2]
13Aswath Rao [7]
14Carlos Rendón [9]
15Ryan Rich [8]
16Larry D. Rubin [5]
17Kazem Sohraby [6]
18Yung-Terng Wang [6] [7]
19James Wolfson [7]
20Wing Shing Wong [5]
21Rui Xiao [8] [9]
22Lan Ye [8]
23Ted Younglove [8]
24Qinqing Zhang [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)