Performance 1983:
College Park,
Ashok K. Agrawala, Satish K. Tripathi (Eds.):
Performance '83, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation, College Park, Maryland, USA, May 25-27, 1983.
North-Holland 1983, ISBN 0-444-86673-6 BibTeX
editor = {Ashok K. Agrawala and
Satish K. Tripathi},
title = {Performance '83, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium
on Computer Performance Modelling, Measurement and Evaluation,
College Park, Maryland, USA, May 25-27, 1983},
booktitle = {Performance},
publisher = {North-Holland},
year = {1983},
isbn = {0-444-86673-6},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Jean Warland:
A Discrete-time Queueing Network.
1-5 BibTeX
- Debasis Mitra, John A. Morrison:
Asymptotic Expansions of Moments of the Waiting Time in Closed and Open Processor-sharing Systems with Multiple Job Classes.
7-24 BibTeX
- Martin Reiser:
Queueing and Delay Analysis of a Buffer Pool with Resume Level.
25-32 BibTeX
- Harry G. Perros:
A Two-node Queue Network with a Maximum Number of Allowable Jobs.
33-44 BibTeX
- Patricia A. Jacobson, Edward D. Lazowska:
A Reduction Technique for Evaluating Queueing Networks with Serialization Delays.
45-59 BibTeX
- Alexander Thomasian:
Queueing Network Models to Estimate Serialization Delays in Computer Systems.
61-81 BibTeX
- Victor F. Nicola, F. J. Kylstra:
A Model of Checkpointing and Recovery with a Specified Number of Transactions between Checkpoints.
83-99 BibTeX
- Yuan Liu, Amrit L. Goel:
On the Read Time of a Reorganized Index File Based on Moments.
101-116 BibTeX
- Stephen S. Lavenberg, Richard R. Muntz, Behrokh Samadi:
Performance Analysis of a Rollback Method for Distributed Simulation.
117-132 BibTeX
- Günter Haring:
On Stochastic Models of Interactive Workloads.
133-152 BibTeX
- Mary K. Vernon, Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Gerald Estrin:
Performance Evaluation of Asynchronous Concurrent Systems: The UCLA Graph Model of Behavior.
153-171 BibTeX
- Takashi Masuda, Tong-Haing Fin:
A Method for the Detection of Program Locality.
173-186 BibTeX
- Peter Paul Spies, W. J. Geilenkeuser:
Queueing Systems Serving Task Families.
187-201 BibTeX
- Robert Geist, Kishor S. Trivedi:
The Integration of User Perception in the Heterogeneous M/M/2 Queue.
203-216 BibTeX
- Guy Fayolle, Peter J. B. King, Isi Mitrani:
On the Execution of Programs by Many Processors.
217-228 BibTeX
- C. Mani Krishna, Kang G. Shin:
Performance Measures for Multiprocessor Controllers.
229-250 BibTeX
- Arthur P. Goldberg, Gerald J. Popek, Stephen S. Lavenberg:
A Validated Distributed System Performance Model.
251-268 BibTeX
- Jeffrey A. Brumfield, Peter J. Denning:
Operational State Sequence Analysis.
269-283 BibTeX
- Lawrence W. Dowdy, Alfredo de J. Perez-Davila, Lindsey E. Stephens:
Performance Bounds Based upon Throughput Curve Properties.
285-293 BibTeX
- Mart L. Molle, Dimitri Konstantas:
A Simulation Study of Retransmission Strategies for the Asynchronous Virtual Time CSMA Protocol.
295-308 BibTeX
- Osman Balci, Robert G. Sargent:
Validation fo Multivariate Response Trace-driven Simulation Models.
309-323 BibTeX
- John L. Carroll, Leland L. Beck, Yung-Te Lai:
Performance Evaluation of the Largest-first/First-fit Dynamic Storage Allocation Technique.
325-340 BibTeX
- Jim P. Hong, Gil Kim:
Class Dependent Queueing Disciplines with Product Form Solutions.
341-349 BibTeX
- Simonetta Balsamo, Giuseppe Iazeolla:
Some Equivalence Properties for Queueing Networks with and without Blocking.
351-360 BibTeX
- Thomas G. Robertazzi, Aurel A. Lazar:
On the Modeling and Optimal Flow Control of the Jacksonian Network.
361-376 BibTeX
- Wojciech Szpankowski:
Performance Evaluation of a Reservation Protocol for Multiaccess Systems.
377-394 BibTeX
- K. K. Ramakrishnan, Ashok K. Agrawala:
A Resource Allocation Policy Using Time Thresholding.
395-413 BibTeX
- François Baccelli, Philippe Robert:
Analysis of Update Response Times in a Distributed Data Base Maintained by the Conservative Time Stamps Ordering Algorithm.
415-436 BibTeX
- Paul J. Kuehn:
Analysis of Busy Periods and Response Times in Queueing Networks by the Method of First Passage Times.
437-455 BibTeX
- François Baccelli, Kishor S. Trivedi:
Analysis of M/G/2 - Standby Redundant System.
457-476 BibTeX
- Guy Fayolle, R. Iasnogorodski, Isi Mitrani:
The Distribution of Sojourn Times in a Queueing Network with Overtaking: Reduction to a Boundary Problem.
477-486 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:33:14 2009
by Michael Ley (