
Ranjan Mukherjee

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13EEThamer Albahkali, Ranjan Mukherjee, Tuhin Das: An impulse-momentum approach to swing-up control of the pendubot. IROS 2008: 3750-3755
12EETuhin Das, Ranjan Mukherjee: Optimally switched linear systems. Automatica 44(5): 1437-1441 (2008)
11EERanjan Mukherjee, Ujjaini Sarkar: Development of a micrometeorological model for the estimation of methane flux from paddy fields: Validation with standard direct measurements. Environmental Modelling and Software 23(10-11): 1229-1239 (2008)
10 Nandagopal S. Methil, Yantao Shen, Danyu Zhu, Craig A. Pomeroy, Ranjan Mukherjee, Ning Xi, Matt W. Mutka: Development of Supermedia Interface for Telediagnostics of Breast Pathology. ICRA 2006: 3911-3916
9EENandagopal S. Methil, Ranjan Mukherjee: Pushing and Steering Wheelchairs using a Holonomic Mobile Robot with a Single Arm. IROS 2006: 5781-5785
8EERanjan Mukherjee: Ilene J. Busch-Vishniac, Electromechanical Sensors and Actuators, Springer, New York, ISBN: 0-387-98495-X, 341pp. Automatica 41(9): 1663-1665 (2005)
7EETuhin Das, Ranjan Mukherjee: Exponential stabilization of the rolling sphere. Automatica 40(11): 1877-1889 (2004)
6EEJun Xiao, Jizhong Xiao, Ning Xi, R. Lal Tummala, Ranjan Mukherjee: Fuzzy controller for wall-climbing microrobots. IEEE T. Fuzzy Systems 12(4): 466-480 (2004)
5 Mark Minor, Ranjan Mukherjee: A Dexterous Manipulator for Minimally Invasive Surgery. ICRA 1999: 2057-2064
4 Ranjan Mukherjee, Bryan R. Emond, John L. Junkins: Optimal Trajectory Planning for Mobile Robots using Jacobian Elliptic Functions. I. J. Robotic Res. 16(6): 826-839 (1997)
3 Ranjan Mukherjee: Design of Holonomic Loops for Repeatability in Redundant Manipulators. ICRA 1995: 2785-2790
2 Ranjan Mukherjee, Mary Zurowski: Pseudo-Holonomic Behavior of Planar Space Robots. ICRA 1994: 2405-2410
1 Ranjan Mukherjee, David P. Anderson: Nonholonomic Motion Planning Using Stoke's Theorem. ICRA (3) 1993: 802-809

Coauthor Index

1Thamer Albahkali [13]
2David P. Anderson [1]
3Tuhin Das [7] [12] [13]
4Bryan R. Emond [4]
5John L. Junkins [4]
6Nandagopal S. Methil [9] [10]
7Mark Minor [5]
8Matt W. Mutka [10]
9Craig A. Pomeroy [10]
10Ujjaini Sarkar [11]
11Yantao Shen [10]
12R. Lal Tummala [6]
13Ning Xi [6] [10]
14Jizhong Xiao [6]
15Jun Xiao [6]
16Danyu Zhu [10]
17Mary Zurowski [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)