2009 |
57 | EE | Kirk Haller,
Audrey Lee-St. John,
Meera Sitharam,
Ileana Streinu,
Neil White:
Body-and-cad geometric constraint systems.
SAC 2009: 1127-1131 |
2008 |
56 | EE | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Analyzing rigidity with pebble games.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 226-227 |
55 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Combinatorial genericity and minimal rigidity.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2008: 365-374 |
54 | EE | Greg Aloupis,
Erik D. Demaine,
Stefan Langerman,
Pat Morin,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint:
Edge-unfolding nested polyhedral bands.
Comput. Geom. 39(1): 30-42 (2008) |
53 | EE | David Avis,
Naoki Katoh,
Makoto Ohsaki,
Ileana Streinu,
Shin-ichi Tanigawa:
Enumerating Constrained Non-crossing Minimally Rigid Frameworks.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 40(1): 31-46 (2008) |
52 | EE | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu:
Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs.
Discrete Mathematics 308(8): 1425-1437 (2008) |
2007 |
51 | | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
The Slider-Pinning Problem.
CCCG 2007: 113-116 |
50 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Sparsity-certifying Graph Decompositions
CoRR abs/0704.0002: (2007) |
49 | EE | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu:
Pebble Game Algorithms and Sparse Graphs
CoRR abs/math/0702129: (2007) |
48 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Sparse Hypergraphs and Pebble Game Algorithms
CoRR abs/math/0703921: (2007) |
47 | EE | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Graded Sparse Graphs and Matroids.
J. UCS 13(11): 1671-1679 (2007) |
2006 |
46 | EE | David Avis,
Naoki Katoh,
Makoto Ohsaki,
Ileana Streinu,
Shin-ichi Tanigawa:
Enumerating Non-crossing Minimally Rigid Frameworks.
COCOON 2006: 205-215 |
45 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Erratum to "Pseudo-Triangulations, Rigidity and Motion Planning".
Discrete & Computational Geometry 35(2): 358-358 (2006) |
44 | EE | Stefan Felsner,
Ferran Hurtado,
Marc Noy,
Ileana Streinu:
Hamiltonicity and colorings of arrangement graphs.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(17): 2470-2483 (2006) |
2005 |
43 | EE | Audrey Lee,
Ileana Streinu,
Louis Theran:
Finding and Maintaining Rigid Components.
CCCG 2005: 219-222 |
42 | EE | Jack Snoeyink,
Ileana Streinu:
Computing Rigid Components of Pseudo-triangulation Mechanisms in Linear Time.
CCCG 2005: 223-226 |
41 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Parallel-Redrawing Mechanisms, Pseudo-Triangulations and Kinetic Planar Graphs.
Graph Drawing 2005: 421-433 |
40 | EE | Ruth Haas,
David Orden,
Günter Rote,
Francisco Santos,
Brigitte Servatius,
Herman Servatius,
Diane L. Souvaine,
Ileana Streinu,
Walter Whiteley:
Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations.
Comput. Geom. 31(1-2): 31-61 (2005) |
39 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Non-stretchable pseudo-visibility graphs.
Comput. Geom. 31(3): 195-206 (2005) |
38 | EE | Jürgen Bokowski,
Simon King,
Susanne Mock,
Ileana Streinu:
The Topological Representation of Oriented Matroids.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 33(4): 645-668 (2005) |
37 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Acute Triangulations of Polygons.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 34(4): 587-635 (2005) |
2004 |
36 | EE | Greg Aloupis,
Erik D. Demaine,
Stefan Langerman,
Pat Morin,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint:
Unfolding polyhedral bands.
CCCG 2004: 60-63 |
35 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Walter Whiteley:
Single-Vertex Origami and Spherical Expansive Motions.
JCDCG 2004: 161-173 |
34 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Comput. Geom. 29(1): 1- (2004) |
33 | EE | Ciprian Borcea,
Ileana Streinu:
The Number of Embeddings of Minimally Rigid Graphs.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 31(2): 287-303 (2004) |
2003 |
32 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Sue Whitesides:
Rectangle Visibility Graphs: Characterization, Construction, and Compaction.
STACS 2003: 26-37 |
31 | EE | Ruth Haas,
David Orden,
Günter Rote,
Francisco Santos,
Brigitte Servatius,
Herman Servatius,
Diane L. Souvaine,
Ileana Streinu,
Walter Whiteley:
Planar minimally rigid graphs and pseudo-triangulations.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2003: 154-163 |
30 | EE | Oswin Aichholzer,
Günter Rote,
Bettina Speckmann,
Ileana Streinu:
The Zigzag Path of a Pseudo-Triangulation.
WADS 2003: 377-388 |
29 | EE | Kim Miller,
Suneeta Ramaswami,
Peter Rousseeuw,
Joan Antoni Sellarès,
Diane L. Souvaine,
Ileana Streinu,
Anja Struyf:
Efficient computation of location depth contours by methods of computational geometry.
Statistics and Computing 13(2): 153-162 (2003) |
2002 |
28 | EE | Eynat Rafalin,
Diane L. Souvaine,
Ileana Streinu:
Topological Sweep in Degenerate Cases.
ALENEX 2002: 155-165 |
27 | EE | Greg Aloupis,
Erik D. Demaine,
Henk Meijer,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint:
On flat-state connectivity of chains with fixed acute angles.
CCCG 2002: 27-30 |
26 | EE | Ileana Streinu,
Elif Tosun:
Camera Position Reconstruction and Tight Direction Networks.
Graph Drawing 2002: 372-373 |
25 | EE | Greg Aloupis,
Erik D. Demaine,
Vida Dujmovic,
Jeff Erickson,
Stefan Langerman,
Henk Meijer,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Mark H. Overmars,
Michael A. Soss,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint:
Flat-State Connectivity of Linkages under Dihedral Motions.
ISAAC 2002: 369-380 |
24 | EE | Ciprian Borcea,
Ileana Streinu:
On the number of embeddings of minimally rigid graphs.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 2002: 25-32 |
23 | | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
A note on reconfiguring tree linkages: trees can lock.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 117(1-3): 293-297 (2002) |
2001 |
22 | | Ileana Streinu:
Combinatorial Roadmaps in Configuration Spaces of Simple Planar Polygons.
Algorithmic and Quantitative Aspects of Real Algebraic Geometry in Mathematics and Computer Science 2001: 181-206 |
21 | EE | Kim Miller,
Suneeta Ramaswami,
Peter Rousseeuw,
Joan Antoni Sellarès,
Diane L. Souvaine,
Ileana Streinu,
Anja Struyf:
Fast implementation of depth contours using topological sweep.
SODA 2001: 690-699 |
20 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Mark H. Overmars,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in Three Dimensions.
Discrete & Computational Geometry 26(3): 269-281 (2001) |
19 | EE | Jürgen Bokowski,
Susanne Mock,
Ileana Streinu:
On the Folkman-Lawrence Topological Representation Theorem for Oriented Matroids of Rank 3.
Eur. J. Comb. 22(5): 601-615 (2001) |
2000 |
18 | | Ileana Streinu:
A Combinatorial Approach to Planar Non-colliding Robot Arm Motion Planning.
FOCS 2000: 443-453 |
17 | EE | Stefan Felsner,
Ferran Hurtado,
Marc Noy,
Ileana Streinu:
Hamiltonicity and colorings of arrangement graphs.
SODA 2000: 155-164 |
1999 |
16 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Non-stretchable pseudo-visibility graphs.
CCCG 1999 |
15 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Mark H. Overmars,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D.
SODA 1999: 866-867 |
14 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Stretchability of Star-Like Pseudo-Visibility Graphs.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1999: 274-280 |
13 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Mark H. Overmars,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D
CoRR cs.CG/9910009: (1999) |
12 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
On Reconfiguring Tree Linkages: Trees can Lock
CoRR cs.CG/9910024: (1999) |
11 | EE | Joseph O'Rourke,
Beenish Chaudry,
Sorina Chircu,
Elizabeth F. Churchill,
Sasha Fedorova,
Judy A. Franklin,
Biliana Kaneva,
Halley Miller,
Anton Okmianski,
Irena Pashchenko,
Ileana Streinu,
Geetika Tewari,
Dominique Thiébaut,
Elif Tosun:
PushPush is NP-hard in 3D
CoRR cs.CG/9911013: (1999) |
1998 |
10 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
On reconfiguring tree linkages: Trees can lock.
CCCG 1998 |
9 | EE | Therese C. Biedl,
Erik D. Demaine,
Martin L. Demaine,
Sylvain Lazard,
Anna Lubiw,
Joseph O'Rourke,
Mark H. Overmars,
Steve Robbins,
Ileana Streinu,
Godfried T. Toussaint,
Sue Whitesides:
Locked and Unlocked Polygonal Chains in 3D
CoRR cs.CG/9811019: (1998) |
8 | | William L. Steiger,
Ileana Streinu:
Illumination by floodlights.
Comput. Geom. 10(1): 57-70 (1998) |
7 | | Joseph O'Rourke,
Ileana Streinu:
The vertex-edge visibility graph of a polygon.
Comput. Geom. 10(2): 105-120 (1998) |
1997 |
6 | EE | Joseph O'Rourke,
Ileana Streinu:
Vertex-Edge Pseudo-Visibility Graphs: Characterization and Recognition.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 119-128 |
5 | EE | Ileana Streinu:
Clusters of Stars.
Symposium on Computational Geometry 1997: 439-441 |
1995 |
4 | EE | William L. Steiger,
Ileana Streinu:
A Pseudo-Algorithmic Separation of Lines from Pseudo-Lines.
Inf. Process. Lett. 53(5): 295-299 (1995) |
1994 |
3 | | William L. Steiger,
Ileana Streinu:
A Pseudo-Algorithmic Separation of Lines from Pseudo-Lines.
CCCG 1994: 7-11 |
2 | | William L. Steiger,
Ileana Streinu:
Positive and Negative Results on the Floodlight Problem.
CCCG 1994: 87-92 |
1977 |
1 | | Ileana Streinu:
LL(k) Languages are Closed Under Union with Finite Languages.
ICALP 1977: 504-508 |