
Joan Antoni Sellarès

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27EEMarta Fort, Joan Antoni Sellarès: GPU-based computation of distance functions on road networks with applications. SAC 2009: 1320-1324
26EEYago Diez, Mario A. Lopez, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Noisy Road Network Matching. GIScience 2008: 38-54
25EENarcís Coll, Marité Guerrieri, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Combining improvement and refinement techniques: 2D Delaunay mesh adaptation under domain changes. Applied Mathematics and Computation 201(1-2): 527-546 (2008)
24EESergio Cabello, José Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Carlos Seara, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Jorge Urrutia, Inmaculada Ventura: Covering point sets with two disjoint disks or squares. Comput. Geom. 40(3): 195-206 (2008)
23EEImma Boada, Narcís Coll, Narcis Madern, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Approximations of 2D and 3D generalized Voronoi diagrams. Int. J. Comput. Math. 85(7): 1003-1022 (2008)
22EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, G. Hernández, D. Oliveros, A. Ramírez-Vigueras, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Jorge Urrutia, Inmaculada Ventura: Computing shortest heterochromatic monotone routes. Oper. Res. Lett. 36(6): 684-687 (2008)
21EEYago Diez, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Efficient Colored Point Set Matching Under Noise. ICCSA (1) 2007: 26-40
20EEMarta Fort, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Generalized Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams on Polyhedral Surfaces. ISVD 2007: 74-83
19EEProsenjit Bose, Narcís Coll, Ferran Hurtado, Joan Antoni Sellarès: A General Approximation Algorithm for Planar Maps with Applications. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 17(6): 529-554 (2007)
18EENarcís Coll, Marta Fort, Narcis Madern, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Multi-visibility maps of triangulated terrains. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(10): 1115-1134 (2007)
17EEPankaj K. Agarwal, Sergio Cabello, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Micha Sharir: Computing a Center-Transversal Line. FSTTCS 2006: 93-104
16EENarcís Coll, Marta Fort, Narcis Madern, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Computing Terrain Multi-visibility Maps for a Set of View Segments Using Graphics Hardware. ICCSA (1) 2006: 81-90
15EENarcís Coll, Marité Guerrieri, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Mesh Modification Under Local Domain Changes. IMR 2006: 39-56
14EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Mario Alberto López, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Locating an obnoxious plane. European Journal of Operational Research 173(2): 556-564 (2006)
13EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Mario Alberto López, Joan Antoni Sellarès: On finding a widest empty 1-corner corridor. Inf. Process. Lett. 98(5): 199-205 (2006)
12EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Mario Alberto López, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Optimal projections onto grids and finite resolution images. J. Visual Communication and Image Representation 16(3): 233-249 (2005)
11EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Mario Alberto López, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Computing Largest Empty Slabs. ICCSA (3) 2004: 99-108
10EEImma Boada, Narcís Coll, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Multiresolution Approximations of Generalized Voronoi Diagrams. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 98-106
9EEImma Boada, Narcís Coll, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Dynamically Maintaining a Hierarchical Planar Voronoi Diagram Approximation. ICCSA (3) 2003: 836-846
8EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Mario Alberto López, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Optimal Point Set Projections onto Regular Grids. ISAAC 2003: 270-279
7EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Joan Antoni Sellarès: The Largest Empty Annulus Problem. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 13(4): 317-325 (2003)
6EEKim Miller, Suneeta Ramaswami, Peter Rousseeuw, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Diane L. Souvaine, Ileana Streinu, Anja Struyf: Efficient computation of location depth contours by methods of computational geometry. Statistics and Computing 13(2): 153-162 (2003)
5EEImma Boada, Narcís Coll, Joan Antoni Sellarès: Hierarchical planar voronoi diagram approximations. CCCG 2002: 40-44
4EEJosé Miguel Díaz-Báñez, Ferran Hurtado, Henk Meijer, David Rappaport, Joan Antoni Sellarès: The Largest Empty Annulus Problem. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2002: 46-54
3EEKim Miller, Suneeta Ramaswami, Peter Rousseeuw, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Diane L. Souvaine, Ileana Streinu, Anja Struyf: Fast implementation of depth contours using topological sweep. SODA 2001: 690-699
2EEFrancisco Gómez, Ferran Hurtado, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Godfried T. Toussaint: Perspective projections and removal of degeneracies. CCCG 1998
1EEXavier Pueyo, Frederic Pérez, Joan Antoni Sellarès, Josep Suy: An object-oriented approach for teaching visibility computation algorithms. Computers & Graphics 20(4): 605-610 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Pankaj K. Agarwal [17]
2Imma Boada [5] [9] [10] [23]
3Prosenjit Bose [19]
4Sergio Cabello [17] [24]
5Narcís Coll [5] [9] [10] [15] [16] [18] [19] [23] [25]
6José Miguel Díaz-Báñez [4] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [22] [24]
7Yago Diez [21] [26]
8Marta Fort [16] [18] [20] [27]
9Francisco Gómez [2]
10Marité Guerrieri [15] [25]
11G. Hernández [22]
12Ferran Hurtado [2] [4] [7] [8] [12] [19]
13Mario A. Lopez (Mario Alberto López) [8] [11] [12] [13] [14] [26]
14Narcis Madern [16] [18] [23]
15Henk Meijer [4] [7]
16Kim Miller [3] [6]
17D. Oliveros [22]
18Frederic Pérez [1]
19Xavier Pueyo [1]
20Suneeta Ramaswami [3] [6]
21A. Ramírez-Vigueras [22]
22David Rappaport [4] [7]
23Peter Rousseeuw [3] [6]
24Carlos Seara [24]
25Micha Sharir [17]
26Diane L. Souvaine [3] [6]
27Ileana Streinu [3] [6]
28Anja Struyf [3] [6]
29Josep Suy [1]
30Godfried T. Toussaint [2]
31Jorge Urrutia [22] [24]
32Inmaculada Ventura [22] [24]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)