Volume 20,
Number 1,
January 1994
- Mikhail J. Atallah, Frank K. H. A. Dehne, Russ Miller, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Jyh-Jong Tsay:
Multisearch Techniques: Parallel Data Structures on Mesh-Connected Computers.
1-13 BibTeX
- C. S. Raghavendra, M. A. Sridhar:
Routing Permutations on Hypercube Machines with Half-Duplex Links.
14-19 BibTeX
- Louiqa Raschid, Timos K. Sellis, Alex Delis:
A Simulation-Based Study on the Concurrent Execution of Rules in a Database Environment.
20-42 BibTeX
- Eliezer Dekel, Jie Hu:
A Parallel Algorithm for Finding Minimum Cutsets in Reducible Graphs.
43-55 BibTeX
- Susanne E. Hambrusch, Xin He, Russ Miller:
Parallel Algorithms for Gray-Scale Digitized Picture Component Labeling on a Mesh-Connected Computer.
56-68 BibTeX
- Jing-Fu Jenq, Sartaj Sahni:
Reconfigurable Mesh Algorithms for the Hough Transform.
69-77 BibTeX
- Alok N. Choudhary, Rajeev Thakur:
Connected Component Labeling on Coarse Grain Parallel Computers: An Experimental Study.
78-83 BibTeX
- Selim G. Akl, Henk Meijer, Ivan Stojmenovic:
An Optimal Systolic Algorithm for Generating Permutations in Lexicographic Order.
84-91 BibTeX
- Angelo Monfroglio:
Neural Logic Constraint Solving.
99-106 BibTeX
- Dan C. Marinescu, John R. Rice:
On High Level Characterization of Parallelism.
107-113 BibTeX
- Ching-Tien Ho, M. T. Raghunath, S. Lennart Johnsson:
An Efficient Algorithms for Gray-to-Binary Permutation on Hypercubes.
114-120 BibTeX
Volume 20,
Number 2,
February 1994
- Hussein M. Alnuweiri, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Efficient Parallel Computation on the Reduced Mesh of Tress Organization.
121-135 BibTeX
- Gyungho Lee, Clyde P. Kruskal, David J. Kuck:
On the Effectiveness of Combining in Resolving "Hot Spot" Contention.
136-144 BibTeX
- Michael A. Palis, Sanguthevar Rajasekaran, David S. L. Wei:
Packet Routing and PRAM Emulation on Star Graphs and Leveled Networks.
145-157 BibTeX
- Stephen A. Mabbs, Kevin E. Forward:
Performance Analysis of MR-1, a Clustered Shared-Memory Multiprocessor.
158-175 BibTeX
- Patrick Weemeeuw, Bart Demoen:
A Fine-Grained Parallel Memory Compaction Algorithm.
176-186 BibTeX
- Joseph Y.-T. Leung, Sunil M. Shende:
On Multidimensional Packet Routing for Meshes with Buses.
187-197 BibTeX
- Xiaoshu Qian, Qing Yang:
An Analytical Model for Load Balancing on Symmetric Multiprocessor Systems.
198-211 BibTeX
- Sampath Rangarajan, Donald S. Fussell, Miroslaw Malek:
Pipelined Diagnosis of Wafer-Scale Linear Arrays.
212-223 BibTeX
- Giulio Iannello, Nicola Mazzocca:
Communication Workload Analysis for Symmetric Concurrent Systems.
224-235 BibTeX
- Nobuo Funabiki, Yoshiyasu Takefuji:
A Parallel Algorithms for Traffic Control Problems in Three-Stage Connecting Networks.
236-240 BibTeX
- Alan S. Wagner:
Embedding the Complete Tree in the Hypercube.
241-247 BibTeX
- Weixiong Zhang, Richard E. Korf:
Parallel Heap Operations on an EREW PRAM.
248-255 BibTeX
- Alireza Kavianpour, S. Shoari, Nader Bagherzadeh:
A New Approach for Circle Detection on Multiprocessors.
256-260 BibTeX
Volume 20,
Number 3,
March 1994
- S. Lennart Johnsson, Ching-Tien Ho:
Binary Cube Emulation of Butterfly Networks Encoded by Grad Code.
261-279 BibTeX
- Zhaojun Bai:
A Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Generalized Singular Value Decomposition.
280-288 BibTeX
- David Nassimi:
Nearly Logarithmic-Time Parallel Algorithms for the Class of ±2b ASCEND Computations on a SIMD Hypercube.
289-302 BibTeX
- Oscar H. Ibarra, Myung Hee Kim:
Fast Parallel Algorithms for Solving Triangular Systems of Linear Equations on the Hypercube.
303-316 BibTeX
- Ishfaq Ahmad, Arif Ghafoor, Geoffrey Fox:
Hierarchical Scheduling of Dynamic Parallel Computaion on Hypercube Multicomputers.
317-329 BibTeX
- Xiaohua Jia, Kentaro Shimizu, Mamoru Maekawa:
A Paraellel and Nonblocking Updating Mechanism for Replicated Directory Files in Distributed Systems.
330-340 BibTeX
- Martin C. Herbordt, James C. Corbett, Charles C. Weems, John Spalding:
Practical Algorithms for Online Routing on Fixed and Reconfigurable Meshes.
341-356 BibTeX
- Graham F. Carey, Joe Schmidt, Vineet Singh, Dennis Yelton:
A Prototype Scalable, Object-Oriented Finite Element Solver on Multicomputers.
357-379 BibTeX
- Patrick J. Zwietering, Emile H. L. Aarts, Jaap Wessels:
The Minimal Number of Layers of a Perceptron That Sorts.
380-387 BibTeX
- Shietung Peng, Win-Tsung Lo:
A Simple Optimal Parallel Algorithm for a Core of a Tree.
388-392 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:10:49 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)