
Trent McConaghy

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13EETrent McConaghy, Pieter Palmers, Georges G. E. Gielen, Michiel Steyaert: Automated extraction of expert knowledge in analog topology selection and sizing. ICCAD 2008: 392-395
12EEPeng Gao, Trent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Importance sampled circuit learning ensembles for robust analog IC design. ICCAD 2008: 396-399
11EEPeng Gao, Trent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: ISCLEs: Importance Sampled Circuit Learning Ensembles for Trustworthy Analog Circuit Topology Synthesis. ICES 2008: 11-21
10EETrent McConaghy, Pieter Palmers, Georges G. E. Gielen, Michiel Steyaert: Simultaneous Multi-Topology Multi-Objective Sizing Across Thousands of Analog Circuit Topologies. DAC 2007: 944-947
9EETrent McConaghy, Tom Eeckelaert, Georges G. E. Gielen: CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming CoRR abs/0710.4630: (2007)
8EETrent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Double-strength CAFFEINE: fast template-free symbolic modeling of analog circuits via implicit canonical form functions and explicit introns. DATE 2006: 269-274
7EETrent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Canonical form functions as a simple means for genetic programming to evolve human-interpretable functions. GECCO 2006: 855-862
6EETrent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Automation in mixed-signal design: challenges and solutions in the wake of the nano era. ICCAD 2006: 461-463
5EEGeorges G. E. Gielen, Trent McConaghy, Tom Eeckelaert: Performance space modeling for hierarchical synthesis of analog integrated circuits. DAC 2005: 881-886
4EETom Eeckelaert, Trent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Efficient Multiobjective Synthesis of Analog Circuits using Hierarchical Pareto-Optimal Performance Hypersurfaces. DATE 2005: 1070-1075
3EETrent McConaghy, Tom Eeckelaert, Georges G. E. Gielen: CAFFEINE: Template-Free Symbolic Model Generation of Analog Circuits via Canonical Form Functions and Genetic Programming. DATE 2005: 1082-1087
2EETrent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: Analysis of simulation-driven numerical performance modeling techniques for application to analog circuit optimization. ISCAS (2) 2005: 1298-1301
1EETrent McConaghy, Georges G. E. Gielen: IBMG: interpretable behavioral model generator for nonlinear analog circuits via canonical form functions and genetic programming. ISCAS (5) 2005: 5170-5173

Coauthor Index

1Tom Eeckelaert [3] [4] [5] [9]
2Peng Gao [11] [12]
3Georges G. E. Gielen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
4Pieter Palmers [10] [13]
5Michiel Steyaert [10] [13]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)