
Bruce A. MacDonald

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18EEDavid Brageul, Slobodan Vukanovic, Bruce A. MacDonald: An intuitive interface for a cognitive programming by demonstration system. ICRA 2008: 3570-3575
17EEGeoffrey Biggs, Bruce A. MacDonald: Evaluating a reactive semantics for robotics. IROS 2008: 1854-1859
16EEMatthias Wimmer, Bruce A. MacDonald, Dinuka Jayamuni, Arpit Yadav: Facial Expression Recognition for Human-Robot Interaction - A Prototype. RobVis 2008: 139-152
15EEGeoffrey Biggs, Bruce A. MacDonald: A pragmatic approach to dimensional analysis for mobile robotic programming. Auton. Robots 25(4): 405-419 (2008)
14EEGeoffrey Biggs, Bruce A. MacDonald: Specifying Robot Reactivity in Procedural Languages. IROS 2006: 3735-3740
13 Yuan-hsin Kuo, Bruce A. MacDonald: A Distributed Real-time Software Framework for Robotic Applications. ICRA 2005: 1964-1969
12 Benjamin Moores, Bruce A. MacDonald: A Dynamics Simulation Architecture for Robotic Systems. ICRA 2005: 4532-4537
11EEDavid C. K. Yuen, Bruce A. MacDonald: Theoretical Considerations of Multiple Particle Filters for Simultaneous Localisation and Map-Building. KES 2004: 203-209
10EESylvia C. Wong, Bruce A. MacDonald: Complete Coverage by Mobile Robots Using Slice Decomposition Based on Natural Landmarks. PRICAI 2004: 683-692
9 David C. K. Yuen, Bruce A. MacDonald: An evaluation of the sequential Monte Carlo technique for simultaneous localisation and map-buildin. ICRA 2003: 1564-1569
8 David C. K. Yuen, Bruce A. MacDonald: Natural Landmark Based Localisation System using Panoramic Images. ICRA 2002: 915-920
7EEDavid C. K. Yuen, Bruce A. MacDonald: Robot Localization Using Omnidirectional Color Images. RobVis 2001: 167-175
6EEBruce A. MacDonald, Jacky Baltes, Istvan Hernadi: An Architecture for Understanding Human Instructions, Learning, and Planning. ANNES 1995: 231-234
5EEPierre Baril, Istvan Hernadi, Bruce A. MacDonald: An Instructable Office Clerk. ANNES 1995: 235-238
4 Jacky Baltes, Bruce A. MacDonald: A Distributed Architecture for an Instructable Problem Solver. HICSS (3) 1994: 63-72
3 Ian H. Witten, Bruce A. MacDonald, David Maulsby, Rosanna Heise: Programming by Example: The Human Face of AI. AI Soc. 6(2): 166-180 (1992)
2 Ian H. Witten, Bruce A. MacDonald: The Other Side of the Coin: Teaching Artificial Learning Systems. ICCAL 1989: 603-617
1 Ian H. Witten, Bruce A. MacDonald: Using Concept Learning for Knowledge Acquisition. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 29(2): 171-196 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Jacky Baltes [4] [6]
2Pierre Baril [5]
3Geoffrey Biggs [14] [15] [17]
4David Brageul [18]
5Rosanna Heise [3]
6Istvan Hernadi [5] [6]
7Dinuka Jayamuni [16]
8Yuan-hsin Kuo [13]
9David Maulsby [3]
10Benjamin Moores [12]
11Slobodan Vukanovic [18]
12Matthias Wimmer [16]
13Ian H. Witten [1] [2] [3]
14Sylvia C. Wong [10]
15Arpit Yadav [16]
16David C. K. Yuen [7] [8] [9] [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)