
Sean Ma

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4EEAli Keshavarzi, Gerhard Schrom, Stephen Tang, Sean Ma, Keith A. Bowman, Sunit Tyagi, Kevin Zhang, Tom Linton, Nagib Hakim, Steven G. Duvall, John Brews, Vivek De: Measurements and modeling of intrinsic fluctuations in MOSFET threshold voltage. ISLPED 2005: 26-29
3EEKirsten Hildrum, Sean Ma, Satish Rao: Brief announcement: randomized rumor spreading with fewer phone calls. PODC 2004: 380
2EEKirsten Hildrum, John Kubiatowicz, Sean Ma, Satish Rao: A note on the nearest neighbor in growth-restricted metrics. SODA 2004: 560-561
1EEAli Keshavarzi, Sean Ma, Siva Narendra, B. Bloechel, K. Mistry, T. Ghani, Shekhar Borkar, Vivek De: Effectiveness of reverse body bias for leakage control in scaled dual Vt CMOS ICs. ISLPED 2001: 207-212

Coauthor Index

1B. Bloechel [1]
2Shekhar Y. Borkar (Shekhar Borkar) [1]
3Keith A. Bowman [4]
4John Brews [4]
5Vivek De [1] [4]
6Steven G. Duvall [4]
7T. Ghani [1]
8Nagib Hakim [4]
9Kirsten Hildrum (Kris Hildrum) [2] [3]
10Ali Keshavarzi [1] [4]
11John Kubiatowicz [2]
12Tom Linton [4]
13K. Mistry [1]
14Siva Narendra [1]
15Satish Rao [2] [3]
16Gerhard Schrom [4]
17Stephen Tang [4]
18Sunit Tyagi [4]
19Kevin Zhang [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)