
Peijun Ma

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5EETiantian Wang, Xiaohong Su, Peijun Ma: Program Normalization for Removing Code Variations. CSSE (2) 2008: 306-309
4EETiantian Wang, Xiaohong Su, Yuying Wang, Peijun Ma: Semantic similarity-based grading of student programs. Information & Software Technology 49(2): 99-107 (2007)
3EEMing-e Jing, Yue Hao, Jin-feng Zhang, Peijun Ma: Efficient parametric yield optimization of VLSI circuit by uniform design sampling method. Microelectronics Reliability 45(1): 155-162 (2005)
2EETianxu Zhao, Xuchao Duan, Yue Hao, Peijun Ma: Reliability Estimation Model of ICs Interconnect Based on Uniform Distribution of Defects on a Chip. DFT 2003: 11-17
1EETianxu Zhao, Yue Hao, Peijun Ma, Taifeng Chen: Relation between Reliability and Yield of IC's Based on Discrete Defect Distribution Model. DFT 2001: 48-

Coauthor Index

1Taifeng Chen [1]
2Xuchao Duan [2]
3Yue Hao [1] [2] [3]
4Ming-e Jing [3]
5Xiaohong Su [4] [5]
6Tiantian Wang [4] [5]
7Yuying Wang [4]
8Jin-feng Zhang [3]
9Tianxu Zhao [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)