2009 | ||
59 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: Randomness and Determination, from Physics and Computing towards Biology. SOFSEM 2009: 49-61 |
58 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: From exact sciences to life phenomena: Following Schrödinger and Turing on Programs, Life and Causality. Inf. Comput. 207(5): 545-558 (2009) |
2008 | ||
57 | EE | Maurizio Palesi, Giuseppe Longo, Salvatore Signorino, Rickard Holsmark, Shashi Kumar, Vincenzo Catania: Design of Bandwidth Aware and Congestion Avoiding Efficient Routing Algorithms for Networks-on-Chip Platforms. NOCS 2008: 97-106 |
56 | EE | M. Brescia, S. Cavuoti, G. D'Angelo, R. D'Abrusco, N. Deniskina, M. Garofalo, O. Laurino, Giuseppe Longo, A. Nocella, B. Skordovski: The VO-Neural project: recent developments and some applications CoRR abs/0806.1006: (2008) |
55 | EE | N. Deniskina, M. Brescia, S. Cavuoti, G. D'Angelo, O. Laurino, Giuseppe Longo: GRID-Launcher v.1.0 CoRR abs/0806.1144: (2008) |
54 | EE | M. Brescia, S. Cavuoti, G. D'Angelo, R. D'Abrusco, Ciro Donalek, N. Deniskina, O. Laurino, Giuseppe Longo: Astrophysics in S.Co.P.E CoRR abs/0807.0967: (2008) |
53 | EE | Mathieu Hoyrup, Arda Kolçak, Giuseppe Longo: Computability and the morphological complexity of some dynamics on continuous domains. Theor. Comput. Sci. 398(1-3): 170-182 (2008) |
2007 | ||
52 | Giuseppe Longo: Symmetries in Foundations. ICTCS 2007: 11 | |
51 | EE | Francis Bailly, Giuseppe Longo: Randomness and determinism in the interplay between the continuum and the discrete. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 17(2): 289-305 (2007) |
2006 | ||
50 | EE | Roberto Amato, Angelo Ciaramella, N. Deniskina, Carmine Del Mondo, Diego di Bernardo, Ciro Donalek, Giuseppe Longo, Giuseppe Mangano, Gennaro Miele, Giancarlo Raiconi, Antonino Staiano, Roberto Tagliaferri: A multi-step approach to time series analysis and gene expression clustering. Bioinformatics 22(5): 589-596 (2006) |
2005 | ||
49 | EE | Antonino Staiano, Angelo Ciaramella, Lara De Vinco, Giuseppe Longo, Giancarlo Raiconi, Roberto Tagliaferri, Roberto Amato, Carmine Del Mondo, Giuseppe Mangano, Gennaro Miele: Visualization, Clustering and Classification of Multidimensional Astronomical Data. CAMP 2005: 141-146 |
48 | EE | Roberto Amato, Angelo Ciaramella, N. Deniskina, Carmine Del Mondo, Diego di Bernardo, Ciro Donalek, Giuseppe Longo, Giuseppe Mangano, Gennaro Miele, Giancarlo Raiconi, Antonino Staiano, Roberto Tagliaferri: NEC for Gene Expression Analysis. WILF 2005: 246-251 |
47 | EE | Angelo Ciaramella, Giuseppe Longo, Antonino Staiano, Roberto Tagliaferri: NEC: A Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering Based on Fisher and Negentropy Information. WIRN/NAIS 2005: 49-56 |
2004 | ||
46 | EE | Antonino Staiano, Lara De Vinco, Angelo Ciaramella, Giancarlo Raiconi, Roberto Tagliaferri, Roberto Amato, Giuseppe Longo, Ciro Donalek, Gennaro Miele, Diego di Bernardo: Probabilistic Principal Surfaces for Yeast Gene Microarray Data Mining. ICDM 2004: 202-208 |
2003 | ||
45 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: Computer modelling and natural phenomena. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 1-5 |
44 | EE | Roberto Tagliaferri, Giuseppe Longo, Stefano Andreon, Salvatore Capozziella, Ciro Donalek, Gerardo Giordano: Neural Networks for Photometric Redshifts Evaluation. WIRN 2003: 226-234 |
43 | EE | Giuseppe Longo, P. Scott: New programs and open problems in the foundation of mathematics. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 9(2): 129-130 (2003) |
42 | Luca Aceto, Giuseppe Longo, Björn Victor: Foreword To Special Issue: The Difference Between Concurrent And Sequential Computation. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 13(4): 481-484 (2003) | |
41 | EE | Roberto Tagliaferri, Giuseppe Longo, Bruno D'Argenio, Alberto Incoronato: Introduction: Neural networks for analysis of complex scientific data: astronomy and geosciences. Neural Networks 16(3-4): 295 (2003) |
40 | EE | Roberto Tagliaferri, Giuseppe Longo, Leopoldo Milano, Fausto Acernese, Fabrizio Barone, Angelo Ciaramella, Rosario De Rosa, Ciro Donalek, Antonio Eleuteri, Giancarlo Raiconi, Salvatore Sessa, Antonino Staiano, Alfredo Volpicelli: Neural neZtworks in astronomy. Neural Networks 16(3-4): 297-319 (2003) |
2000 | ||
39 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: On the Proofs of Some Formally Unprovable Propositions and Prototype Proofs in Type Theory. TYPES 2000: 160-180 |
38 | Giuseppe Longo, Kathleen Milsted, Sergei Soloviev: Coherence and transitivity of subtyping as entailment. J. Log. Comput. 10(4): 493-526 (2000) | |
37 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: Prototype Proofs in Type Theory. Math. Log. Q. 46(2): 257-266 (2000) |
1999 | ||
36 | Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Giuseppe Longo, Jonathan P. Seldin: Preface. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 9(4): 321 (1999) | |
1995 | ||
35 | Giuseppe Longo, Kathleen Milsted, Sergei Soloviev: A Logic of Subtyping (Extended Abstract) LICS 1995: 292-299 | |
34 | Giuseppe Longo: Parametric and Type-Dependent Polymorphism. Fundam. Inform. 22(1/2): 69-92 (1995) | |
33 | Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping Inf. Comput. 117(1): 115-135 (1995) | |
1993 | ||
32 | Giuseppe Longo, Kathleen Milsted, Sergei Soloviev: The Genericity Theorem and the Notion of Parametricity in the Polymorphic lambda-calculus (Extended Abstract) LICS 1993: 6-14 | |
31 | Giuseppe Longo: Types as Parameters. TAPSOFT 1993: 658-670 | |
30 | Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Semantics for Lambda&-early: A Calculus with Overloading and Early Binding. TLCA 1993: 107-123 | |
29 | Giuseppe Longo, Kathleen Milsted, Sergei Soloviev: The Genericity Theorem and Parametricity in the Polymorphic lambda-Calculus. Theor. Comput. Sci. 121(1&2): 323-349 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
28 | EE | Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping. LISP and Functional Programming 1992: 182-192 |
27 | Kim B. Bruce, Roberto Di Cosmo, Giuseppe Longo: Provable Isomorphisms of Types. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2(2): 231-247 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
26 | EE | Giuseppe Longo: The new role of mathematical logic: A tool for computer scienc. Inf. Sci. 57-58: 23-29 (1991) |
25 | Luca Cardelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Semantic Basis for Quest. J. Funct. Program. 1(4): 417-458 (1991) | |
24 | Giuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi: Constructive Natural Deduction and its `Omega-Set' Interpretation. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1(2): 215-254 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
23 | Giuseppe Longo: Information and the Mind-Body Problem. IPMU 1990: 298-306 | |
22 | Giuseppe Longo, Andrea Sgarro: A Pragmatic Way Out of the Maze of Uncertainty Measures. IPMU 1990: 370-376 | |
21 | EE | Luca Cardelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Semantic Basis for Quest. LISP and Functional Programming 1990: 30-43 |
20 | Kim B. Bruce, Giuseppe Longo: A Modest Model of Records, Inheritance and Bounded Quantification Inf. Comput. 87(1/2): 196-239 (1990) | |
19 | Giuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi: A Category-Theoretic Characterization of Functional Completeness. Theor. Comput. Sci. 70(2): 193-211 (1990) | |
1989 | ||
18 | Giuseppe Longo: Coherence and Valid Isomorphism in Closed Categories - Applications of Proof Theory to Category Theory In a Computer Scientist Perspective. Category Theory and Computer Science 1989: 1-4 | |
1988 | ||
17 | Kim B. Bruce, Giuseppe Longo: A Modest Model of Records, Inheritance and Bounded Quantification LICS 1988: 38-50 | |
1986 | ||
16 | Andrea Asperti, Giuseppe Longo: Relating Type-Structures: Partial Variations on a Theme of Friedman and Statman. CAAP 1986: 266-287 | |
15 | Roberto M. Amadio, Kim B. Bruce, Giuseppe Longo: The Finitary Projection Model for Second Order Lambda Calculus and Solutions to Higher Order Domain Equations LICS 1986: 122-130 | |
14 | Giuseppe Longo, Simone Martini: Computability in Higher Types, P omega and the Completeness of Type Assignment. Theor. Comput. Sci. 46(3): 197-217 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
13 | Kim B. Bruce, Giuseppe Longo: Provable Isomorphisms and Domain Equations in Models of Typed Languages (Preliminary Version) STOC 1985: 263-272 | |
1984 | ||
12 | Giuseppe Longo: Continuous Structures and Analytic Methods in Computer Science. CAAP 1984: 1-22 | |
11 | Giuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi: Gödel Numberings, Principal Morphisms, Combinatory Algebras: A Category-theoretic Characterization of Functional Completeness. MFCS 1984: 397-406 | |
10 | Giuseppe Longo: Limits, Higher Type Computability and Type-Free Languages. MFCS 1984: 96-114 | |
9 | Giuseppe Longo, Simone Martini: Computability in Higher Types and the Universal Domain P_omega. STACS 1984: 186-197 | |
8 | Giuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi: Cartesian Closed Categories of Enumerations for Effective Type Structures (Part I & II). Semantics of Data Types 1984: 235-255 | |
7 | Paola Giannini, Giuseppe Longo: Effectively Given Domains and Lambda-Calculus Models Information and Control 62(1): 36-63 (1984) | |
6 | Giuseppe Longo, Eugenio Moggi: The Hereditary Partial Effective Functionals and Recursion Theory in Higher Types. J. Symb. Log. 49(4): 1319-1332 (1984) | |
5 | Kim B. Bruce, Giuseppe Longo: On Combinatory Algebras and their Expansions. Theor. Comput. Sci. 31: 31-40 (1984) | |
1983 | ||
4 | Mario Coppo, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Giuseppe Longo: Applicative Information Systems. CAAP 1983: 35-64 | |
1982 | ||
3 | Giuseppe Longo, Guglielmo Galasso: An application of informational divergence to Huffman codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(1): 36-42 (1982) | |
1981 | ||
2 | Lee D. Davisson, Giuseppe Longo, Andrea Sgarro: The error exponent for the noiseless encoding of finite ergodic Markov sources. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(4): 431-437 (1981) | |
1976 | ||
1 | Giuseppe Longo, Marisa Venturini Zilli: A Theory of Computation with an Identity Discriminator. ICALP 1976: 147-167 |