
Giorgio Ghelli

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81EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Carlo Sartiani: Efficient asymmetric inclusion between regular expression types. ICDT 2009: 174-182
80EEGiorgio Ghelli, Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani: Linear time membership in a class of regular expressions with interleaving and counting. CIKM 2008: 389-398
79EEGiorgio Ghelli, Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani: Linear Time Membership for a Class of XML Types with Interleaving and Counting. PLAN-X 2008
78 Giorgio Ghelli, Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani: Efficient Inclusion of Conflict-free XML Types with Interleaving and Counting. SEBD 2008: 390-397
77EEGiorgio Ghelli, Nicola Onose, Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, Jérôme Siméon: XML query optimization in the presence of side effects. SIGMOD Conference 2008: 339-352
76EEGiorgio Ghelli, Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, Jérôme Siméon: Commutativity analysis for XML updates. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 33(4): (2008)
75EEGiorgio Ghelli, Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani: Efficient Inclusion for a Class of XML Types with Interleaving and Counting. DBPL 2007: 231-245
74EEGiorgio Ghelli, Nicola Onose, Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, Jérôme Siméon: A Better Semantics for XQuery with Side-Effects. DBPL 2007: 81-96
73EEGiovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Scalable Query Dissemination in XPeer. EROW 2007
72EEGiorgio Ghelli, Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, Jérôme Siméon: Commutativity Analysis in XML Update Languages. ICDT 2007: 374-388
71EEGiovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Scalable Query Dissemination in XPeer. IDEAS 2007: 199-207
70EELuca Cardelli, Philippa Gardner, Giorgio Ghelli: Manipulating Trees with Hidden Labels. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 172: 177-201 (2007)
69EEAnuj Dawar, Philippa Gardner, Giorgio Ghelli: Expressiveness and complexity of graph logic. Inf. Comput. 205(3): 263-310 (2007)
68EEGiorgio Ghelli, Christopher Re, Jérôme Siméon: XQuery!: An XML Query Language with Side Effects. EDBT Workshops 2006: 178-191
67EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Static analysis for path correctness of XML queries. J. Funct. Program. 16(4-5): 621-661 (2006)
66 Dario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Types for Path Correctness of XML Queries. SEBD 2005: 264-271
65EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli, Andrew D. Gordon: Secrecy and group creation. Inf. Comput. 196(2): 127-155 (2005)
64EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli: Subtyping recursion and parametric polymorphism in kernel fun. Inf. Comput. 198(2): 71-147 (2005)
63EECarlo Sartiani, Paolo Manghi, Giorgio Ghelli, Giovanni Conforti: XPeer: A Self-Organizing XML P2P Database System. EDBT Workshops 2004: 456-465
62EEAnuj Dawar, Philippa Gardner, Giorgio Ghelli: Adjunct Elimination Through Games in Static Ambient Logic. FSTTCS 2004: 211-223
61EEGiovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli: Decidability of Freshness, Undecidability of Revelation. FoSSaCS 2004: 105-120
60EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Types for path correctness of XML queries. ICFP 2004: 126-137
59 Giovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: A Self-organizing XML P2P Database System. SEBD 2004: 394-401
58EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli: TQL: a query language for semistructured data based on the ambient logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 14(3): 285-327 (2004)
57EELuca Cardelli, Philippa Gardner, Giorgio Ghelli: Manipulating Trees with Hidden Labels. FoSSaCS 2003: 216-232
56 Giovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli: Spatial Tree Logics to reason about Semistructured Data. SEBD 2003: 37-48
55 Giorgio Ghelli, Gösta Grahne: Database Programming Languages, 8th International Workshop, DBPL 2001, Frascati, Italy, September 8-10, 2001, Revised Papers Springer 2002
54EELuca Cardelli, Philippa Gardner, Giorgio Ghelli: A Spatial Logic for Querying Graphs. ICALP 2002: 597-610
53 Giovanni Conforti, Orlando Ferrara, Giorgio Ghelli: TQL Algebra and its Implementation. IFIP TCS 2002: 422-434
52 Giovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli, Antonio Albano, Dario Colazzo, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: The Query Language TQL - Demo Presentation. SEBD 2002: 427-431
51EEGiovanni Conforti, Giorgio Ghelli, Antonio Albano, Dario Colazzo, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: The Query Language TQL. WebDB 2002: 13-18
50EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi, Carlo Sartiani: Types for Correctness of Queries over Semistructured Data. WebDB 2002: 19-24
49EEGiorgio Ghelli: Foundations for Extensible Objects with Roles. Inf. Comput. 175(1): 50-75 (2002)
48EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli, Andrew D. Gordon: Types for the Ambient Calculus. Inf. Comput. 177(2): 160-194 (2002)
47 Dario Colazzo, Carlo Sartiani, Antonio Albano, Paolo Manghi, Giorgio Ghelli, Luca Lini, Michele Paoli: A typed text retrieval query language for XML documents. JASIST 53(6): 467-488 (2002)
46EEGiuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Francesco Zappa Nardelli: Typing Mobility in the Seal Calculus. CONCUR 2001: 82-101
45EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli: A Query Language Based on the Ambient Logic. ESOP 2001: 1-22
44 Luca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli: A Query Language Based on the Ambient Logic. SEBD 2001: 95-104
43EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli, Andrew D. Gordon: Secrecy and Group Creation. CONCUR 2000: 365-379
42EELuca Cardelli, Giorgio Ghelli, Andrew D. Gordon: Ambient Groups and Mobility Types. IFIP TCS 2000: 333-347
41EELuca Cardelli, Andy Gordon, Giorgio Ghelli: Secrecy, Group Creation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 40: (2000)
40EEAntonio Albano, Giuseppe Antognoni, Giorgio Ghelli: View Operations on Objects with Roles for a Statically Typed Database Language. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 12(4): 548-567 (2000)
39EELuca Cardelli, Andrew D. Gordon, Giorgio Ghelli: Mobility Types for Mobile Ambients. ICALP 1999: 230-239
38EEDario Colazzo, Giorgio Ghelli: Subtyping Recursive Types in Kernel Fun. LICS 1999: 137-146
37 Paolo Baldan, Giorgio Ghelli, Alessandra Raffaetà: Basic Theory of F-Bounded Quantification. Inf. Comput. 153(1): 173-237 (1999)
36 Giorgio Ghelli, F. Nanni, G. Puglielli, Antonio Albano: Tipi e moduli nel linguaggio Fibonacci. SEBD 1998: 377-397
35EEGiorgio Ghelli, Benjamin C. Pierce: Bounded Existentials and Minimal Typing. Theor. Comput. Sci. 193(1-2): 75-96 (1998)
34 Giorgio Ghelli: Termination of System F-bounded: A Complete Proof. Inf. Comput. 139(1): 39-56 (1997)
33 Giorgio Ghelli, Igor Pucci: The Graphical System of Fibonacci. DEXA Workshop 1996: 237-242
32 Giorgio Ghelli: Complexity of Kernel Fun Subtype Checking. ICFP 1996: 134-145
31EERichard C. H. Connor, Giorgio Ghelli, Paolo Manghi: Persistence, Modules and Type Abstraction. POS 1996: 48-59
30 Giorgio Ghelli, Igor Pucci: Il sistema grafico del Fibonacci. SEBD 1996: 35-50
29EEAntonio Albano, Milena Diotallevi, Giorgio Ghelli: Extensible Objects for Database Evolution: Language Features and Implementation Issues. DBPL 1995: 10
28 Antonio Albano, Giuseppe Antognoni, Gianluca Baratti, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: Il Galileo95. SEBD 1995: 247-272
27 Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping Inf. Comput. 117(1): 115-135 (1995)
26EEGiorgio Ghelli: Divergence of F< Type Checking. Theor. Comput. Sci. 139(1&2): 131-162 (1995)
25EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: Fibonacci: A Programming Language for Object Databases VLDB J. 4(3): 403-444 (1995)
24 Antonio Albano, C. Brasini, Milena Diotallevi, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: A Guided Tour of the Fibonacci System. SEBD 1994: 371-394
23 Pierre-Louis Curien, Giorgio Ghelli: Decidability and Confluence of \beta\eta\hboxtop_\le Reduction in F_\le Inf. Comput. 109(1/2): 57-114 (1994)
22 Antonio Albano, Roberto Bergamini, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: An Introduction to the Database Programming Language Fibonacci. SEBD 1993: 247-266
21 Giuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Semantics for Lambda&-early: A Calculus with Overloading and Early Binding. TLCA 1993: 107-123
20 Giorgio Ghelli: Recursive Types Are not Conservative over F. TLCA 1993: 146-162
19EEAntonio Albano, Roberto Bergamini, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: An Object Data Model with Roles. VLDB 1993: 39-51
18EEGiuseppe Castagna, Giorgio Ghelli, Giuseppe Longo: A Calculus for Overloaded Functions with Subtyping. LISP and Functional Programming 1992: 182-192
17EEGiorgio Ghelli: Run-Time Support for Hierarchic Records in Persistent Languages. POS 1992: 107-123
16EERichard C. H. Connor, Malcolm P. Atkinson, Giorgio Ghelli, Atsushi Ohori: Keynote Discussion Session on Persistent Type Systems. POS 1992: 216-221
15 Pierre-Louis Curien, Giorgio Ghelli: Coherence of Subsumption, Minimum Typing and Type-Checking in F<=. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2(1): 55-91 (1992)
14EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: Objects for a Database Programming Language. DBPL 1991: 236-253
13 Giorgio Ghelli: A Static Type System for Message Passing. OOPSLA 1991: 129-145
12 Pierre-Louis Curien, Giorgio Ghelli: On Confluence for Weakly Normalizing Systems. RTA 1991: 215-225
11 Pierre-Louis Curien, Giorgio Ghelli: Subtyping + Extensionality: Confluence of beta-eta-top reduction in F<=. TACS 1991: 731-749
10EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: A Relationship Mechanism for a Strongly Typed Object-Oriented Database Programming Language. VLDB 1991: 565-575
9 Antonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, M. Eugenia Occhiuto, Renzo Orsini: Object-Oriented Galileo. On Object-Oriented Database System 1991: 87-104
8 Pierre-Louis Curien, Giorgio Ghelli: Coherence of Subsumption. CAAP 1990: 132-146
7EEGiorgio Ghelli: A Class Abstraction for a Hierarchical Type System. ICDT 1990: 56-71
6 Giorgio Ghelli: Modelling Features of Object-Oriented Languages in Second Order Functional Languages with Subtypes. REX Workshop 1990: 311-340
5EEAntonio Albano, Alan Dearle, Giorgio Ghelli, Chris D. Marlin, Ronald Morrison, Renzo Orsini, David W. Stemple: A Framework for Comparing Type Systems for Database Programming Languages. DBPL 1989: 170-178
4EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: Types for Databases: The Galileo Experience. DBPL 1989: 196-206
3EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, M. Eugenia Occhiuto, Renzo Orsini: A Strongly Typed, Interactive Object-Oriented Database Programming Language. OODBS 1986: 94-103
2EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: The Implementation of Galileo's Persistent Values. Data Types and Persistence (Appin) 1985: 253-263
1EEAntonio Albano, Giorgio Ghelli, Renzo Orsini: The Implementation of Galileo's Persistent Values. Data Types and Persistence (Appin), Informal Proceedings 1985: 197-208

Coauthor Index

1Antonio Albano [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [14] [19] [22] [24] [25] [28] [29] [36] [40] [47] [51] [52]
2Giuseppe Antognoni [28] [40]
3Malcolm P. Atkinson [16]
4Paolo Baldan [37]
5Gianluca Baratti [28]
6Roberto Bergamini [19] [22]
7C. Brasini [24]
8Luca Cardelli [39] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [48] [54] [57] [58] [65] [70]
9Giuseppe Castagna [18] [21] [27] [46]
10Dario Colazzo [38] [47] [50] [51] [52] [60] [64] [66] [67] [75] [78] [79] [80] [81]
11Giovanni Conforti [51] [52] [53] [56] [59] [61] [63] [71] [73]
12Richard C. H. Connor [16] [31]
13Pierre-Louis Curien [8] [11] [12] [15] [23]
14Anuj Dawar [62] [69]
15Alan Dearle [5]
16Milena Diotallevi [24] [29]
17Orlando Ferrara [53]
18Philippa Gardner [54] [57] [62] [69] [70]
19Andrew D. Gordon (Andy Gordon) [39] [41] [42] [43] [48] [65]
20Gösta Grahne [55]
21Luca Lini [47]
22Giuseppe Longo [18] [21] [27]
23Paolo Manghi [31] [47] [50] [51] [52] [59] [60] [63] [66] [67] [71] [73]
24Chris D. Marlin [5]
25Ronald Morrison [5]
26F. Nanni [36]
27Francesco Zappa Nardelli [46]
28M. Eugenia Occhiuto [3] [9]
29Atsushi Ohori [16]
30Nicola Onose [74] [77]
31Renzo Orsini [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [9] [10] [14] [19] [22] [24] [25] [28]
32Michele Paoli [47]
33Benjamin C. Pierce [35]
34Igor Pucci [30] [33]
35G. Puglielli [36]
36Alessandra Raffaetà [37]
37Christopher Ré (Christopher Re) [68]
38Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose [72] [74] [76] [77]
39Carlo Sartiani [47] [50] [51] [52] [59] [60] [63] [66] [67] [71] [73] [75] [78] [79] [80] [81]
40Jérôme Siméon [68] [72] [74] [76] [77]
41David W. Stemple [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)