David H. Pitt, David E. Rydeheard, Peter Dybjer, Andrew M. Pitts, Axel Poigné (Eds.):
Category Theory and Computer Science, Manchester, UK, September 5-8, 1989, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 389 Springer 1989, ISBN 3-540-51662-X BibTeX
editor = {David H. Pitt and
David E. Rydeheard and
Peter Dybjer and
Andrew M. Pitts and
Axel Poign{\'e}},
title = {Category Theory and Computer Science, Manchester, UK, September
5-8, 1989, Proceedings},
booktitle = {Category Theory and Computer Science},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {389},
year = {1989},
isbn = {3-540-51662-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Giuseppe Longo:
Coherence and Valid Isomorphism in Closed Categories - Applications of Proof Theory to Category Theory In a Computer Scientist Perspective.
1-4 BibTeX
- Ugo Montanari, Daniel Yankelevich:
An Algebraic View of Interleaving and Distributed Operational Semantics for CCS.
5-20 BibTeX
- Ross Casley, Roger F. Crew, José Meseguer, Vaughan R. Pratt:
Temporal Structures.
21-51 BibTeX
- Eugene W. Stark:
Compostional Relational Semantics for Indeterminate Dataflow Networks.
52-74 BibTeX
- Luca Cardelli, John C. Mitchell:
Operations in Records.
75-81 BibTeX
- John Hughes:
Projections for Polymorphic Strictness Analysis.
82-100 BibTeX
- Eugenio Moggi:
A Category-theoretic Account of Program Modules.
101-117 BibTeX
- G. C. Wraith:
A Note on Categorical Datatypes.
118-127 BibTeX
- Kent Petersson, Dan Synek:
A Set Constructor for Inductive Sets in Martin-Löf's Type Theory.
128-140 BibTeX
- Thomas Streicher:
Independence Results for Calculi of Dependent Types.
141-154 BibTeX
- Paul Taylor:
Quantitative Domains, Groupoids and Linear Logic.
155-181 BibTeX
- R. A. G. Seely:
Graded Multicategories of Polynomial-time Realizers.
182-197 BibTeX
- Bart Jacobs:
On the Semantics of Second Order Lambda Calculus: From Bruce-Meyer-Mitchell Models to Hyperdoctrine Models and Vice-Versa.
198-212 BibTeX
- Thomas Ehrhard:
213-223 BibTeX
- Andrzej Filinski:
Declarative Continuations: an Investigation of Duality in Programming Language Semantics.
224-249 BibTeX
- Robert Harper, Donald Sannella, Andrzej Tarlecki:
Logic Representation in LF.
250-272 BibTeX
- Franz Baader:
Unification Properties of Commutative Theories: A Categorical Treatment.
273-299 BibTeX
- A. John Power:
An Abstract Formulation for Rewrite Systems.
300-312 BibTeX
- Narciso Martí-Oliet, José Meseguer:
From Petri Nets to Linear Logic.
313-340 BibTeX
- Valeria de Paiva:
A Dialectica-like Model of Linear Logic.
341-356 BibTeX
- Peter Aczel, Nax Paul Mendler:
A Final Coalgebra Theorem.
357-365 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:04:23 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)