
Simone Martini

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33EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: On Constructor Rewrite Systems and the Lambda-Calculus CoRR abs/0904.4120: (2009)
32 Michael Kaminski, Simone Martini: Computer Science Logic, 22nd International Workshop, CSL 2008, 17th Annual Conference of the EACSL, Bertinoro, Italy, September 16-19, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
31EEFabio Pasqualetti, Simone Martini, Antonio Bicchi: Steering a Leader-Follower Team Via Linear Consensus. HSCC 2008: 642-645
30EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: The weak lambda calculus as a reasonable machine. Theor. Comput. Sci. 398(1-3): 32-50 (2008)
29EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: An Invariant Cost Model for the Lambda Calculus. CiE 2006: 105-114
28EEPaolo Coppola, Simone Martini: Optimizing optimal reduction: A type inference algorithm for elementary affine logic. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 7(2): 219-260 (2006)
27EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: An Invariant Cost Model for the Lambda Calculus CoRR abs/cs/0511045: (2005)
26EEAndrea Asperti, Paolo Coppola, Simone Martini: (Optimal) duplication is not elementary recursive. Inf. Comput. 193(1): 21-56 (2004)
25EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini: Phase semantics and decidability of elementary affine logic. Theor. Comput. Sci. 318(3): 409-433 (2004)
24EEUgo Dal Lago, Simone Martini, Luca Roversi: Higher-Order Linear Ramified Recurrence. TYPES 2003: 178-193
23EEPaolo Coppola, Simone Martini: Optimizing Optimal Reduction: A Type Inference Algorithm for Elementary Affine Logic CoRR cs.LO/0305011: (2003)
22 Stefano Guerrini, Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: Coherence for sharing proof-nets. Theor. Comput. Sci. 294(3): 379-409 (2003)
21EEPaolo Coppola, Simone Martini: Typing Lambda Terms in Elementary Logic with Linear Constraints. TLCA 2001: 76-90
20EEStefano Guerrini, Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: Proof nets, garbage, and computations. Theor. Comput. Sci. 253(2): 185-237 (2001)
19EEAndrea Asperti, Paolo Coppola, Simone Martini: (Optimal) Duplication is not Elementary Recursive. POPL 2000: 96-107
18EEStefano Guerrini, Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: An Analysis of (Linear) Exponentials Based on Extended Sequents. Logic Journal of the IGPL 6(5): 735-753 (1998)
17 Stefano Guerrini, Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: Proof Nets, Garbage, and Computations. TLCA 1997: 181-195
16EESimone Martini, Andrea Masini: Experiments in Linear Natural Deduction. Theor. Comput. Sci. 176(1-2): 159-173 (1997)
15 Stefano Guerrini, Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: Coherence for Sharing Proof Nets. RTA 1996: 215-229
14 Luca Cardelli, Simone Martini, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov: An Extension of System F with Subtyping Inf. Comput. 109(1/2): 4-56 (1994)
13 Simone Martini, Andrea Masini: A Modal View of Linear Logic. J. Symb. Log. 59(3): 888-899 (1994)
12 Egon Börger, Gerhard Jäger, Hans Kleine Büning, Simone Martini, Michael M. Richter: Computer Science Logic, 6th Workshop, CSL '92, San Miniato, Italy, September 28 - October 2, 1992, Selected Papers Springer 1993
11 A. Bucci, Paola Inverardi, Simone Martini: An `Executable' Impredicative Semantics for the Ada Configuration. Formal Asp. Comput. 5(2): 91-120 (1993)
10EEU. Bianchi, Pierpaolo Degano, Stefano Mannucci, Simone Martini, Bruno Mojana, Corrado Priami, E. Salvatori: Generating the analytic component parts of syntax-directed editors with efficient-error recovery. Journal of Systems and Software 23(1): 65-79 (1993)
9 Andrea Asperti, Simone Martini: Categorical Models of Polymorphism Inf. Comput. 99(1): 1-79 (1992)
8 Simone Martini: Categorical Models for Non-Extensional lambda-Calculi and Combinatory Logic. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 2(3): 327-357 (1992)
7 Luca Cardelli, Simone Martini, John C. Mitchell, Andre Scedrov: An Extension of System F with Subtyping. TACS 1991: 750-770
6 Andrea Asperti, Simone Martini: Projections Instead of Variables: A Category Theoretic Interpretation of Logic Programs. ICLP 1989: 337-352
5 Paola Inverardi, Simone Martini, Carlo Montangero: Is Type Checking Practical for System Configuration? TAPSOFT, Vol.2 1989: 257-271
4 Paolo Mancarella, Simone Martini, Dino Pedreschi: Complete Logic Programs with Domain-Closure Axiom. J. Log. Program. 5(3): 263-276 (1988)
3 Simone Martini: An Interval Model for Second-Order Lambda Calculus. Category Theory and Computer Science 1987: 219-237
2 Giuseppe Longo, Simone Martini: Computability in Higher Types, P omega and the Completeness of Type Assignment. Theor. Comput. Sci. 46(3): 197-217 (1986)
1 Giuseppe Longo, Simone Martini: Computability in Higher Types and the Universal Domain P_omega. STACS 1984: 186-197

Coauthor Index

1Andrea Asperti [6] [9] [19] [26]
2U. Bianchi [10]
3Antonio Bicchi [31]
4Egon Börger [12]
5A. Bucci [11]
6Hans Kleine Büning [12]
7Luca Cardelli [7] [14]
8Paolo Coppola [19] [21] [23] [26] [28]
9Pierpaolo Degano [10]
10Stefano Guerrini [15] [17] [18] [20] [22]
11Paola Inverardi [5] [11]
12Gerhard Jäger [12]
13Michael Kaminski [32]
14Ugo Dal Lago [24] [25] [27] [29] [30] [33]
15Giuseppe Longo [1] [2]
16Paolo Mancarella [4]
17Stefano Mannucci [10]
18Andrea Masini [13] [15] [16] [17] [18] [20] [22]
19John C. Mitchell [7] [14]
20Bruno Mojana [10]
21Carlo Montangero [5]
22Fabio Pasqualetti [31]
23Dino Pedreschi [4]
24Corrado Priami [10]
25Michael M. Richter [12]
26Luca Roversi [24]
27E. Salvatori [10]
28Andre Scedrov [7] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)