
Chunmei Liu

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23EEChunmei Liu, Duoqian Miao, Chunheng Wang: Card Images Binarization Based on Dual-Thresholding Identification. ICIC (2) 2008: 1158-1165
22EEMoses Garuba, Chunmei Liu, Duane Fraites: Intrusion Techniques: Comparative Study of Network Intrusion Detection Systems. ITNG 2008: 592-598
21EEMoses Garuba, Chunmei Liu, Alicia Nicki Washington: A Comparative Analysis of Anti-Malware Software, Patch Management, and Host-Based Firewalls in Preventing Malware Infections on Client Computers. ITNG 2008: 628-632
20EELiming Cai, Xiuzhen Huang, Chunmei Liu, Frances A. Rosamond, Yinglei Song: Parameterized Complexity and Biopolymer Sequence Comparison. Comput. J. 51(3): 270-291 (2008)
19EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Legand L. Burge III: Parameterized lower bound and inapproximability of polylogarithmic string barcoding. J. Comb. Optim. 16(1): 39-49 (2008)
18EEChunmei Liu, Duoqian Miao, Chunheng Wang: Multi-resolution Character Recognition by Adaptive Classification. ICIC (1) 2007: 1182-1191
17EERajni Goel, Moses Garuba, Chunmei Liu, Trang Nguyen: The Security Threat Posed by Steganographic Content on the Internet. ITNG 2007: 794-798
16EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Louis W. Shapiro: RNA Folding Including Pseudoknots: A New Parameterized Algorithm and Improved Upper Bound. WABI 2007: 310-322
15EEChunmei Liu, Chunheng Wang, Ruwei Dai: Low Resolution Character Recognition by Image Quality Evaluation. ICPR (1) 2006: 864-867
14EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song: Exact Algorithms for Finding the Minimum Independent Dominating Set in Graphs. ISAAC 2006: 439-448
13EEChunmei Liu, Bo Yan, Yinglei Song, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Peptide sequence tag-based blind identification of post-translational modifications with point process model. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2006: 307-313
12EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Bo Yan, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Fast De novo Peptide Sequencing and Spectral Alignment via Tree Decomposition. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 255-266
11EEYinglei Song, Chunmei Liu, Russell L. Malmberg, Liming Cai: Phylogenetic Network Inferences Through Efficient Haplotyping. WABI 2006: 68-79
10EEYinglei Song, Chunmei Liu, Xiuzhen Huang, Russell L. Malmberg, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Efficient Parameterized Algorithms for Biopolymer Structure-Sequence Alignment. IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biology Bioinform. 3(4): 423-432 (2006)
9EEYinglei Song, Chunmei Liu, Russell L. Malmberg, Congzhou He, Liming Cai: Memory efficient alignment between RNA sequences and stochastic grammar models of pseudoknots. IJBRA 2(3): 289-304 (2006)
8EEYinglei Song, Chunmei Liu, Russell L. Malmberg, Fangfang Pan, Liming Cai: Tree Decomposition Based Fast Search of RNA Structures Including Pseudoknots in Genomes. CSB 2005: 223-234
7EEChunmei Liu, Chunheng Wang, Ruwei Dai: Text Detection in Images Based on Unsupervised Classification of Edge-based Features. ICDAR 2005: 610-614
6EEChunmei Liu, Chunheng Wang, Ruwei Dai: Text Detection in Images Based on Color Texture Features. ICIC (1) 2005: 40-48
5EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Russell L. Malmberg, Liming Cai: Profiling and Searching for RNA Pseudoknot Structures in Genomes. International Conference on Computational Science (2) 2005: 968-975
4EEYinglei Song, Chunmei Liu, Xiuzhen Huang, Russell L. Malmberg, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Efficient Parameterized Algorithm for Biopolymer Structure-Sequence Alignment. WABI 2005: 376-388
3EEChunmei Liu, Eytan Modiano: On the performance of additive increase multiplicative decrease (AIMD) protocols in hybrid space-terrestrial networks. Computer Networks 47(5): 661-67 (2005)
2EEYinglei Song, Jizhen Zhao, Chunmei Liu, Kan Liu, Russell L. Malmberg, Liming Cai: RNA Structural Homology Search with a Succinct Stochastic Grammar Model. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(4): 454-464 (2005)
1EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Russell L. Malmberg, Liming Cai: Profiling and Searching for RNA Pseudoknot Structures in Genomes. T. Comp. Sys. Biology 2: 37-47 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Legand L. Burge III [19]
2Liming Cai [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [20]
3Ruwei Dai [6] [7] [15]
4Duane Fraites [22]
5Moses Garuba [17] [21] [22]
6Rajni Goel [17]
7Congzhou He [9]
8Xiuzhen Huang [4] [10] [20]
9Kan Liu [2]
10Russell L. Malmberg [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11]
11Duoqian Miao [18] [23]
12Eytan Modiano [3]
13Trang Nguyen [17]
14Fangfang Pan [8]
15Frances A. Rosamond [20]
16Louis W. Shapiro [16]
17Yinglei Song [1] [2] [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [16] [19] [20]
18Chunheng Wang [6] [7] [15] [18] [23]
19Alicia Nicki Washington [21]
20Ying Xu [4] [10] [12] [13]
21Bo Yan [12] [13]
22Jizhen Zhao [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)