
Bo Yan

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15EEBo Yan, Hamid Gharavi: Efficient error concealment for the whole-frame loss based on H.264/AVC. ICIP 2008: 3064-3067
14EEKezhe Tang, Shiping Chen, David Levy, John Zic, Bo Yan: A Performance Evaluation of Web Services Security. EDOC 2006: 67-74
13EEXiaolin Li, Wenlong Huang, Bo Yan: Vega Information Grid: A Suite of Toolkit for Building Information Sharing Scenario. GCC Workshops 2006: 536-542
12EEShiping Chen, Bo Yan, John Zic, Ren Liu, Alex Ng: Evaluation and Modeling of Web Services Performance. ICWS 2006: 437-444
11EEChunmei Liu, Bo Yan, Yinglei Song, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Peptide sequence tag-based blind identification of post-translational modifications with point process model. ISMB (Supplement of Bioinformatics) 2006: 307-313
10EEBo Yan, Hamid Gharavi: Multi-Path Multi-Channel Routing Protocol. NCA 2006: 27-31
9EEChunmei Liu, Yinglei Song, Bo Yan, Ying Xu, Liming Cai: Fast De novo Peptide Sequencing and Spectral Alignment via Tree Decomposition. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 255-266
8EEBo Yan, Tong Zhou, Peng Wang, Zhijie Liu, Vincent A. Emanuele II, Victor Olman, Ying Xu: A Point-Process Model for Rapid Identification of Post-Translational Modifications. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2006: 327-338
7EEBo Yan, Hamid Gharavi: Power Control in Multihop CSMA. WOWMOM 2006: 432-434
6EEPeng Wang, Bo Yan, Jun-tao Guo, Chindo Hicks, Ying Xu: Structural genomics analysis of alternative splicing and its application in modeling structures of alternatively spliced variants. CSB Workshops 2005: 217-
5EEBo Yan, Chongle Pan, Victor Olman, Robert L. Hettich, Ying Xu: A graph-theoretic approach for the separation of b and y ions in tandem mass spectra. Bioinformatics 21(5): 563-574 (2005)
4EEBo Yan, Youxing Qu, Fenglou Mao, Victor Olman, Ying Xu: PRIME: A Mass Spectrum Data Mining Tool for De Nova Sequencing and PTMs Identification. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 20(4): 483-490 (2005)
3EEBo Yan, Chongle Pan, Victor Olman, Robert L. Hettich, Ying Xu: Separation of Ion Types in Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data Interpretation - A Graph-Theoretic Approach. CSB 2004: 236-244
2 Bo Yan, Kam-Wing Ng: A burst-error concealment algorithm with selective spatial interpolation for visual communications over noisy channels. ICME 2004: 1371-1374
1EEBo Yan, Kam-Wing Ng: Mode-based error-resilient techniques for the robust communication of MPEG-4 video. IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Techn. 14(6): 874-879 (2004)

Coauthor Index

1Liming Cai [9] [11]
2Shiping Chen [12] [14]
3Vincent A. Emanuele II [8]
4Hamid Gharavi [7] [10] [15]
5Jun-tao Guo [6]
6Robert L. Hettich [3] [5]
7Chindo Hicks [6]
8Wenlong Huang [13]
9David Levy [14]
10Xiaolin Li [13]
11Chunmei Liu [9] [11]
12Ren Liu [12]
13Zhijie Liu [8]
14Fenglou Mao [4]
15Alex Ng [12]
16Kam-Wing Ng [1] [2]
17Victor Olman [3] [4] [5] [8]
18Chongle Pan [3] [5]
19Youxing Qu [4]
20Yinglei Song [9] [11]
21Kezhe Tang [14]
22Peng Wang [6] [8]
23Ying Xu [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [11]
24Tong Zhou [8]
25John Zic (John J. Zic) [12] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)