
Clifford Liem

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12EEClifford Liem, Yuan Xiang Gu, Harold Johnson: A compiler-based infrastructure for software-protection. PLAS 2008: 33-44
11EEClifford Liem, Francois Breant, Sarveta Jadhav, Ray O'Farrell, Ray Ryan, Oz Levia: Embedded Tools for a Configurable and Customizable DSP Architecture. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 19(6): 27-35 (2002)
10EEClifford Liem, Marco Cornero, Miguel Santana, Pierre G. Paulin, Ahmed Amine Jerraya, Jean-Marc Gentit, Jean Lopez, Xavier Figari, Laurent Bergher: Am Embedded System Case Study: The Firm Ware Development Environment for a Multimedia Audio Processor. DAC 1997: 780-785
9EEClifford Liem, Pierre G. Paulin, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: ReCode: the design and re-design of the instruction codes for embedded instruction-set processors. ED&TC 1997: 612
8EEClifford Liem, François Naçabal, Carlos A. Valderrama, Pierre G. Paulin, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: System-on-a-Chip Cosimulation and Compilation. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 14(2): 16-25 (1997)
7EEClifford Liem, Pierre G. Paulin, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Address Calculation for Retargetable Compilation and Exploration of Instruction-Set Architectures. DAC 1996: 597-600
6EEPierre G. Paulin, Jean Fréhel, Michel Harrand, Elisabeth Berrebi, Clifford Liem, François Naçabal, Jean-Claude Herluison: High-level synthesis and codesign methods: an application to a videophone codec. EURO-DAC 1995: 444-451
5EEClifford Liem, Pierre G. Paulin, Marco Cornero, Ahmed Amine Jerraya: Industrial experience using rule-driven retargetable code generation for multimedia applications. ISSS 1995: 60-68
4EEPierre G. Paulin, Clifford Liem, Trevor C. May, Shailesh Sutarwala: DSP design tool requirements for embedded systems: A telecommunications industrial perspective. VLSI Signal Processing 9(1-2): 23-47 (1995)
3 Pierre G. Paulin, Clifford Liem, Trevor C. May, Shailesh Sutarwala: Flexware: A flexible firmware development environment for embedded systems. Code Generation for Embedded Processors 1994: 67-84
2 Clifford Liem, Trevor C. May, Pierre G. Paulin: Instruction-Set Matching and Selection for DSP and ASIP Code Generation. EDAC-ETC-EUROASIC 1994: 31-37
1EEClifford Liem, Trevor C. May, Pierre G. Paulin: Register assignment through resource classification for ASIP microcode generation. ICCAD 1994: 397-402

Coauthor Index

1Laurent Bergher [10]
2Elisabeth Berrebi [6]
3Francois Breant [11]
4Marco Cornero [5] [10]
5Xavier Figari [10]
6Jean Fréhel [6]
7Jean-Marc Gentit [10]
8Yuan Xiang Gu [12]
9Michel Harrand [6]
10Jean-Claude Herluison [6]
11Sarveta Jadhav [11]
12Ahmed Amine Jerraya [5] [7] [8] [9] [10]
13Harold Johnson [12]
14Oz Levia [11]
15Jean Lopez [10]
16Trevor C. May [1] [2] [3] [4]
17François Naçabal [6] [8]
18Ray O'Farrell [11]
19Pierre G. Paulin [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
20Ray Ryan [11]
21Miguel Santana [10]
22Shailesh Sutarwala [3] [4]
23Carlos A. Valderrama [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)