
Yuhong Wang

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11EEWuwei Li, Yuhong Wang, Ao Chen: Grey Relational Evaluation on Vendor Selection Based on E-business. ISECS 2008: 509-513
10EEWuwei Li, Yuhong Wang, Feng Li: Research on the Cause and Efficiency of Regional Scientific and Technical Output: Evidence from Six Provinces in China. ISIP 2008: 690-694
9EEYuhong Wang, Yaoguo Dang, Zhengxin Wang: Model and application of grey comprehensive cluster ex-post evaluation. SMC 2007: 3860-3864
8EEGang-Ryung Uh, Yuhong Wang, David B. Whalley, Sanjay Jinturkar, Yunheung Paek, Vincent Cao, Chris Burns: Compiler transformations for effectively exploiting a zero overhead loop buffer. Softw., Pract. Exper. 35(4): 393-412 (2005)
7EEYuhong Wang, John P. Rose, Bi-Cheng Wang, Dawei Lin: Reconstruction of Ancient Operons From Complete Microbial Genome Sequences. CSB 2003: 486-487
6EEYuan Liu, Yuhong Wang, Kimberly Folander, Guochun Xie, Richard Blevins: An Interactive Tool for Extracting Exons and Snp from Genomic Sequence: Isolation of Hcn1 and Hcn3 Ion Channel Genes. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 1(3): 433-446 (2003)
5EEXiaolin Zhang, Yuhong Wang, Jieyi Wu: A Rate-Based Flow Control Mechanism for Avoiding Congestion. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 17(2): 227-235 (2002)
4EEGang-Ryung Uh, Yuhong Wang, David B. Whalley, Sanjay Jinturkar, Chris Burns, Vincent Cao: Techniques for Effectively Exploiting a Zero Overhead Loop Buffer. CC 2000: 157-172
3 Guochun Xie, Reynold DeMarco, Richard Blevins, Yuhong Wang: Storing biological sequence databases in relational form. Bioinformatics 16(3): 288-289 (2000)
2EEGang-Ryung Uh, Yuhong Wang, David B. Whalley, Sanjay Jinturkar, Chris Burns, Vincent Cao: Effective Exploitation of a Zero Overhead Loop Buffer. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems 1999: 10-19
1 Yuhong Wang, Rolf A. Prade, James Griffith, William E. Timberlake, Jonathan Arnold: ODS_BOOTSTRAP: assessing the statistical reliability of physical maps by bootstrap resampling. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(6): 625-634 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Arnold [1]
2Richard Blevins [3] [6]
3Chris Burns [2] [4] [8]
4Vincent Cao [2] [4] [8]
5Ao Chen [11]
6Yaoguo Dang [9]
7Reynold DeMarco [3]
8Kimberly Folander [6]
9James Griffith [1]
10Sanjay Jinturkar [2] [4] [8]
11Feng Li [10]
12Wuwei Li [10] [11]
13Dawei Lin [7]
14Yuan Liu [6]
15Yunheung Paek [8]
16Rolf A. Prade [1]
17John P. Rose [7]
18William E. Timberlake [1]
19Gang-Ryung Uh [2] [4] [8]
20Bi-Cheng Wang [7]
21Zhengxin Wang [9]
22David B. Whalley [2] [4] [8]
23Jieyi Wu [5]
24Guochun Xie [3] [6]
25Xiaolin Zhang [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)