
Dongjun Lee

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13EEJihyung Kim, Sangho Nam, Dongjun Lee, Jonghan Kim, Jongae Park, Daesik Hong: Channel Estimation with a New Preamble Structure for a MIMO OFDM-Based WLAN System. IEICE Transactions 91-B(2): 649-652 (2008)
12EEJonathan K. Holm, Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong: Time-Scaling Trajectories of Passive-Dynamic Bipedal Robots. ICRA 2007: 3603-3608
11EEDongjun Lee: Passivity-Based Switching Control for Stabilization of Wheeled Mobile Robots. Robotics: Science and Systems 2007
10 Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong: Passive Bilateral Teleoperation with Constant Time Delays. ICRA 2006: 2902-2907
9 Dongjun Lee, Oscar Martinez-Palafox, Mark W. Spong: Bilateral Teleoperation of a Wheeled Mobile Robot over Delayed Communication Network. ICRA 2006: 3298-3303
8EEOscar Martinez-Palafox, Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong, I. Lopez, C. T. Abdallah: Bilateral Teleoperation of Mobile Robot over Delayed Communication Network: Implementation. IROS 2006: 4193-4198
7EEMyeong-jin Lee, Dongjun Lee: Delay Constrained Spatio-temporal Video Rate Control for Time-Varying Rate Channels. MMNS 2006: 98-109
6EEMyeong-jin Lee, Kook-yeol Yoo, Dongjun Lee: Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation for Stored Video Under Renegotiation Frequency Constraint. PCM 2006: 537-546
5 Dongjun Lee, Mark W. Spong: Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple Cooperative Robots over Delayed Communication Networks: Theory. ICRA 2005: 360-365
4 Dongjun Lee, Oscar Martinez-Palafox, Mark W. Spong: Bilateral Teleoperation of Multiple Cooperative Robots over Delayed Communication Networks: Application. ICRA 2005: 366-371
3EEDongjun Lee, Perry Y. Li: Toward Robust Passivity: A Passive Control Implementation Structure for Mechanical Teleoperators. HAPTICS 2003: 132-139
2 Dongjun Lee, Perry Y. Li: Passive Coordination Control of Nonlinear Bilateral Teleoperated Manipulators. ICRA 2002: 3278-3283
1 Dongjun Lee, Perry Y. Li: Passive Tool Dynamics Rendering for Nonlinear Bilateral Teleoperated Manipulators. ICRA 2002: 3284-3289

Coauthor Index

1C. T. Abdallah [8]
2Jonathan K. Holm [12]
3Daesik Hong [13]
4Jihyung Kim [13]
5Jonghan Kim [13]
6Myeong-jin Lee [6] [7]
7Perry Y. Li [1] [2] [3]
8I. Lopez [8]
9Oscar Martinez-Palafox [4] [8] [9]
10Sangho Nam [13]
11Jongae Park [13]
12Mark W. Spong [4] [5] [8] [9] [10] [12]
13Kook-yeol Yoo [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)