
Jiayong Le

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10EEAyhan A. Mutlu, Jiayong Le, Ruben Molina, Mustafa Celik: Parametric analysis to determine accurate interconnect extraction corners for design performance. ISQED 2009: 419-423
9EEXin Li, Jiayong Le, Mustafa Celik, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Defining Statistical Timing Sensitivity for Logic Circuits With Large-Scale Process and Environmental Variations. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 27(6): 1041-1054 (2008)
8EEXin Li, Jiayong Le, Padmini Gopalakrishnan, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Asymptotic Probability Extraction for Nonnormal Performance Distributions. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 26(1): 16-37 (2007)
7EEXin Li, Jiayong Le, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Projection-based statistical analysis of full-chip leakage power with non-log-normal distributions. DAC 2006: 103-108
6EEXin Li, Jiayong Le, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Statistical Performance Modeling and Optimization. Foundations and Trends in Electronic Design Automation 1(4): (2006)
5 Xin Li, Jiayong Le, Lawrence T. Pileggi, Andrzej J. Strojwas: Projection-based performance modeling for inter/intra-die variations. ICCAD 2005: 721-727
4 Xin Li, Jiayong Le, Mustafa Celik, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Defining statistical sensitivity for timing optimization of logic circuits with large-scale process and environmental variations. ICCAD 2005: 844-851
3EEJiayong Le, Xin Li, Lawrence T. Pileggi: STAC: statistical timing analysis with correlation. DAC 2004: 343-348
2EEXin Li, Jiayong Le, Padmini Gopalakrishnan, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Asymptotic probability extraction for non-normal distributions of circuit performance. ICCAD 2004: 2-9
1EEJiayong Le, Lawrence T. Pileggi, Anirudh Devgan: Circuit Simulation of Nanotechnology Devices with Non-monotonic I-V Characteristics. ICCAD 2003: 491-496

Coauthor Index

1Mustafa Celik [4] [9] [10]
2Anirudh Devgan [1]
3Padmini Gopalakrishnan [2] [8]
4Xin Li [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Ruben Molina [10]
6Ayhan A. Mutlu [10]
7Lawrence T. Pileggi (Larry T. Pileggi, Lawrence T. Pillage) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
8Andrzej J. Strojwas [5]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)