
David E. Lackey

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6EEVikram Iyengar, Jinjun Xiong, Subbayyan Venkatesan, Vladimir Zolotov, David E. Lackey, Peter A. Habitz, Chandu Visweswariah: Variation-aware performance verification using at-speed structural test and statistical timing. ICCAD 2007: 405-412
5EEVikram Iyengar, Kenneth Pichamuthu, Andrew Ferko, Frank Woytowich, David E. Lackey, Gary Grise, Mark Taylor, Mike Degregorio, Steven F. Oakland: An Integrated Framework for At-Speed and ATE-Driven Delay Test of Contract-Manufactured ASICs. VTS 2007: 173-178
4EEDavid E. Lackey, Paul S. Zuchowski, Jürgen Koehl: Designing mega-ASICs in nanogate technologies. DAC 2003: 770-775
3EEDavid E. Lackey, Paul S. Zuchowski, Thomas R. Bednar, Douglas W. Stout, Scott W. Gould, John M. Cohn: Managing power and performance for System-on-Chip designs using Voltage Islands. ICCAD 2002: 195-202
2EEGeorge W. Doerre, David E. Lackey: The IBM ASIC/SoC methodology - A recipe for first-time success. IBM Journal of Research and Development 46(6): 649-660 (2002)
1 James J. Engel, Thomas S. Guzowski, Anderson Hunt, David E. Lackey, Lansing D. Pickup, Robert A. Proctor, Karla Reynolds, Ann Marie Rincon, David R. Stauffer: Design methodology for IBM ASIC products. IBM Journal of Research and Development 40(4): 387-406 (1996)

Coauthor Index

1Thomas R. Bednar [3]
2John M. Cohn [3]
3Mike Degregorio [5]
4George W. Doerre [2]
5James J. Engel [1]
6Andrew Ferko [5]
7Scott W. Gould [3]
8Gary Grise [5]
9Thomas S. Guzowski [1]
10Peter A. Habitz [6]
11Anderson Hunt [1]
12Vikram Iyengar [5] [6]
13Jürgen Koehl [4]
14Steven F. Oakland [5]
15Kenneth Pichamuthu [5]
16Lansing D. Pickup [1]
17Robert A. Proctor [1]
18Karla Reynolds [1]
19Ann Marie Rincon [1]
20David R. Stauffer [1]
21Douglas W. Stout [3]
22Mark Taylor [5]
23Subbayyan Venkatesan [6]
24Chandu Visweswariah [6]
25Frank Woytowich [5]
26Jinjun Xiong [6]
27Vladimir Zolotov [6]
28Paul S. Zuchowski [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)