
Kwanho Kim

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13EEDonghyun Kim, Kwanho Kim, Joo-Young Kim, Seungjin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo: Vision platform for mobile intelligent robot based on 81.6 GOPS object recognition processor. DAC 2008: 96-101
12EEByeong-Gyu Nam, Jeabin Lee, Kwanho Kim, Seung-Jin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo: A low-power handheld GPU using logarithmic arithmetic and triple DVFS power domains. Graphics Hardware 2007: 73-80
11EEDonghyun Kim, Kwanho Kim, Joo-Young Kim, Seung-Jin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo: Solutions for Real Chip Implementation Issues of NoC and Their Application to Memory-Centric NoC. NOCS 2007: 30-39
10EEJonghun Park, Cheolkyu Jee, Kwanho Kim, Seung-Kyun Han, Duksoon Im, Wan Lee, Noyoon Kim: An Integrated Approach to Process-Driven Business Performance Monitoring and Analysis for Real-Time Enterprises. BIRTE 2006: 133-142
9EESe-Joong Lee, Kwanho Kim, Hyejung Kim, Namjun Cho, Hoi-Jun Yoo: A network-on-chip with 3Gbps/wire serialized on-chip interconnect using adaptive control schemes. DATE 2006: 79-80
8EEKwanho Kim, Se-Joong Lee, Kangmin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo: An arbitration look-ahead scheme for reducing end-to-end latency in networks on chip. ISCAS (3) 2005: 2357-2360
7EEMin-wuk Lee, Byeong-Gyu Nam, Ju-Ho Sohn, Namjun Cho, Hyejung Kim, Kwanho Kim, Hoi-Jun Yoo: A fixed-point 3D graphics library with energy-efficient cache architecture for mobile multimedia systems. ISCAS (5) 2005: 4602-4605
6EEKihwan Choi, Kwanho Kim, Massoud Pedram: Energy-Aware MPEG-4 FGS Streaming. J. Low Power Electronics 1(1): 44-51 (2005)
5EEKihwan Choi, Kwanho Kim, Massoud Pedram: Energy-aware MPEG-4 FGS streaming. DAC 2003: 912-915
4EEYongsoo Joo, Yongseok Choi, Hojun Shim, Hyung Gyu Lee, Kwanho Kim, Naehyuck Chang: Energy exploration and reduction of SDRAM memory systems. DAC 2002: 892-897
3EENaehyuck Chang, Kwanho Kim, Hyung Gyu Lee: Cycle-accurate energy measurement and characterization with a case study of the ARM7TDMI [microprocessors]. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 10(2): 146-154 (2002)
2EENaehyuck Chang, Kwanho Kim, Jinsung Cho: Bus encoding for low-power high-performance memory systems. DAC 2000: 800-805
1EENaehyuck Chang, Kwanho Kim, Hyung Gyu Lee: Cycle-accurate energy consumption measurement and analysis: case study of ARM7TDMI. ISLPED 2000: 185-190

Coauthor Index

1Naehyuck Chang [1] [2] [3] [4]
2Jinsung Cho [2]
3Namjun Cho [7] [9]
4Kihwan Choi [5] [6]
5Yongseok Choi [4]
6Seung-Kyun Han [10]
7Duksoon Im [10]
8Cheolkyu Jee [10]
9Yongsoo Joo [4]
10Donghyun Kim [11] [13]
11Hyejung Kim [7] [9]
12Joo-Young Kim [11] [13]
13Noyoon Kim [10]
14Hyung Gyu Lee [1] [3] [4]
15Jeabin Lee [12]
16Kangmin Lee [8]
17Min-wuk Lee [7]
18Se-Joong Lee [8] [9]
19Seung-Jin Lee [11] [12]
20Seungjin Lee [13]
21Wan Lee [10]
22Byeong-Gyu Nam [7] [12]
23Jonghun Park [10]
24Massoud Pedram [5] [6]
25Hojun Shim [4]
26Ju-Ho Sohn [7]
27Hoi-Jun Yoo [7] [8] [9] [11] [12] [13]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)