
Seungjin Lee

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5EEDonghyun Kim, Kwanho Kim, Joo-Young Kim, Seungjin Lee, Hoi-Jun Yoo: Vision platform for mobile intelligent robot based on 81.6 GOPS object recognition processor. DAC 2008: 96-101
4EEKyunghwa Kim, Moonhee Tark, Hyunja Lee, Junho Shim, Junsoo Lee, Seungjin Lee: PROMOD: A Modeling Tool for Product Ontology. DEECS 2006: 278-287
3 Joono Cheong, Seungjin Lee, Jung Kim: Motion Duplication Control for Distributed Dynamic Systems by Natural Damping. ICRA 2006: 387-392
2EEJunho Shim, Seungjin Lee, Chisu Wu: A Unified Approach for Software Policy Modeling: Incorporating Implementation into a Modeling Methodology. ER 2003: 118-130
1EESeungjin Lee, Junho Shim, Chisu Wu: A Metal Model Approach using UML for Task Assignment Policy in Software Process. APSEC 2002: 376-

Coauthor Index

1Joono Cheong [3]
2Donghyun Kim [5]
3Joo-Young Kim [5]
4Jung Kim [3]
5Kwanho Kim [5]
6Kyunghwa Kim [4]
7Hyunja Lee [4]
8Junsoo Lee [4]
9Junho Shim [1] [2] [4]
10Moonhee Tark [4]
11Chisu Wu [1] [2]
12Hoi-Jun Yoo [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)