
Heung-Soo Kim

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12EEGi Soo Na, Sang Wan Kim, Jai Sock Choi, Heung-Soo Kim: Recursive Evaluation of the Generalized Reed-Muller Coefficients. ISMVL 2003: 117-
11EESung Il Han, Young Hee Choi, Hyeon Kyeong Seong, Heung-Soo Kim: A Study on the Design of Flash Analog to Quaternary Converter Using DLC Comparator. ISMVL 2003: 221-226
10EEJong-Hak Hwang, Kyung-Jae Moon, Seung-Yong Park, Heung-Soo Kim: A New Construction of the Irreducible Polynomial for parallel multiplier over GF(2m). ISMVL 2003: 24-
9EEChol-U Lee, Gi-Young Byun, Bu-Sik Shin, Jae-Hwan Sim, Heung-Soo Kim: The Generation Circulation Method to Generalized Reed-Muller Coefficients over GF(3). ISMVL 2003: 46-49
8EESung Il Han, Seung-Yong Park, Hyeon Kyeong Seong, Heung-Soo Kim: A Current-Mode Folding/Interpolating CMOS Analog to Quaternary Converter Using Binary to Quaternary Encoding Block. ISMVL 2002: 276-281
7 Heung-Soo Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim: A two-step circle detection algorithm from the intersecting chords. Pattern Recognition Letters 22(6/7): 787-798 (2001)
6 Myung-Jin Jung, Heung-Soo Kim, Sinn Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim: Omni-Directional Mobile Base OK-II. ICRA 2000: 3449-3454
5EEHyeon Kyeong Seong, Jai Seok Choi, Boo Sik Shin, Heung-Soo Kim: Implementation of Multiple-Valued Multiplier on GF(3m) Using Current Mode CMOS. ISMVL 2000: 221-226
4EEGi-Noung Byun, Chol-U Lee, Seung-Yong Park, Heung-Soo Kim: A Study on the Ternary Parallel Circuit Design with DCG Properties Based on the Matrix Equation. ISMVL 2000: 311-316
3EEJong O. Kim, Parag K. Lala, Young Gun Kim, Heung-Soo Kim: Fault Analysis of the Multiple Valued Logic Using Spectral Method. ISMVL 2000: 59-
2 Myung-Jin Jung, Hyun-Sik Shim, Heung-Soo Kim, Jong-Hwan Kim: The Miniature Omni-Directional Mobile Robot OmniKity-I (OK-I). ICRA 1999: 2686-2691
1EEHyun-Sik Shim, Heung-Soo Kim, Myung-Jin Jung, In-Hwan Choi, Jong-Hwan Kim, Jin-Oh Kim: Designing distributed control architecture for cooperative multi-agent system and its real-time application to soccer robot. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 21(2): 149-165 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Gi-Noung Byun [4]
2Gi-Young Byun [9]
3In-Hwan Choi [1]
4Jai Seok Choi [5]
5Jai Sock Choi [12]
6Young Hee Choi [11]
7Sung Il Han [8] [11]
8Jong-Hak Hwang [10]
9Myung-Jin Jung [1] [2] [6]
10Jin-Oh Kim [1]
11Jong O. Kim [3]
12Jong-Hwan Kim [1] [2] [6] [7]
13Sang Wan Kim [12]
14Sinn Kim [6]
15Young Gun Kim [3]
16Parag K. Lala [3]
17Chol-U Lee [4] [9]
18Kyung-Jae Moon [10]
19Gi Soo Na [12]
20Seung-Yong Park [4] [8] [10]
21Hyeon Kyeong Seong [5] [8] [11]
22Hyun-Sik Shim [1] [2]
23Boo Sik Shin [5]
24Bu-Sik Shin [9]
25Jae-Hwan Sim [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)