
Jawad Khan

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9EEJawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: An Iterative Algorithm for Battery-Aware Task Scheduling on Portable Computing Platforms CoRR abs/0710.4752: (2007)
8EEBalasubramanian Sethuraman, Prasun Bhattacharya, Jawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: LiPaR: A light-weight parallel router for FPGA-based networks-on-chip. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2005: 452-457
7EEJawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: An Iterative Algorithm for Battery-Aware Task Scheduling on Portable Computing Platforms. DATE 2005: 622-627
6 Jawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: Energy Management in Battery-Powered Sensor Networks with Reconfigurable Computing Nodes. FPL 2005: 543-546
5EEJawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: Battery-Efficient Task Execution on Reconfigurable Computing Platforms with Multiple Processing Units. IPDPS 2005
4 Jawad Khan, Jayanthi Rajagopalan, Renqiu Huang, Ranga Vemuri: A Portable Face Recognition System Using Reconfigurable Hardware. ERSA 2004: 213-217
3 Jawad Khan, Balasubramanian Sethuraman, Ranga Vemuri: A Power-Performance Trade-off Methodology for Portable Reconfigurable Platforms. ERSA 2004: 33-37
2EEJawad Khan, Ranga Vemuri: An Efficient Battery-Aware Task Scheduling Methodology for Portable RC Platforms. FPL 2004: 669-678
1EEJawad Khan, Manish Handa, Ranga Vemuri: iPACE-V1: A Portable Adaptive Computing Engine for Real Time Applications. FPL 2002: 69-78

Coauthor Index

1Prasun Bhattacharya [8]
2Manish Handa [1]
3Renqiu Huang [4]
4Jayanthi Rajagopalan [4]
5Balasubramanian Sethuraman [3] [8]
6Ranga Vemuri [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]

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