
V. K. Jain

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20EEV. K. Jain: 3-D Heterogeneous SoC for detecting and filtering infected biological cells. SoCC 2008: 305-308
19EE Zaheeruddin, V. K. Jain: An expert system for predicting the effects of speech interference due to noise pollution on humans using fuzzy approach. Expert Syst. Appl. 35(4): 1978-1988 (2008)
18EE Zaheeruddin, V. K. Jain: A fuzzy expert system for noise-induced sleep disturbance. Expert Syst. Appl. 30(4): 761-771 (2006)
17EE Zaheeruddin, V. K. Jain, G. V. Singh: A fuzzy model for noise-induced annoyance. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 36(4): 697-705 (2006)
16EEV. K. Jain, D. Divakaran, B. A. Myers: Performance limits of OWSS: A spectrally efficient WLAN system. Digital Signal Processing 15(4): 347-366 (2005)
15EEA. Agrawal, V. K. Jain, K. Muralidhar: Experimental determination of viscosity of abrasive flow machining media. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 142-156 (2005)
14EEVinod Yadava, V. K. Jain, Prakash M. Dixit: Temperature distribution in the workpiece due to electro-discharge diamond surface grinding using FEM. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 246-267 (2005)
13 A. Raman, M. Jain, T. C. Rajendra, S. Satheesh, S. Sethuraman, V. K. Jain, V. P. Das: Low-cost wireless projector interface device using TI TMS320DM270. ICME 2004: 321-322
12EE Zaheeruddin, V. K. Jain: A Fuzzy Approach for Modelling the Effects of Noise Pollution on Human Performance. JACIII 8(4): 442-450 (2004)
11EEB. M. Maziarz, V. K. Jain: Yield Estimates for the TESH Multicomputer Network. DFT 2002: 20-30
10EEB. M. Maziarz, V. K. Jain: Automatic Reconfiguration and Yield of the TESH Multicomputer Network. IEEE Trans. Computers 51(8): 963-972 (2002)
9EEV. K. Jain: Hybrid wavelet/spread-spectrum system for broadband wireless LANs. ISCAS (4) 2001: 554-557
8EEJ. H. Dholakia, V. K. Jain: Technologies for 3G Wireless Communications. ITCC 2001: 162-166
7EEV. K. Jain: Mapping a High-Speed Wireless Communication Function to the Reconfigurable J-Platform. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2000: 103-108
6EES. Shrivastava, V. K. Jain: Rapid System Prototyping for High Performance Reconfigurable Computing. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1999: 32-27
5EEV. K. Jain, S. Shrivastava, A. D. Snider, D. Damerow, D. Chester: Hardware implementation of a nonlinear processor. ISCAS (6) 1999: 509-514
4EEB. M. Maziarz, V. K. Jain: Rapid Prototyping of Parallel Processing Systems on TESH Network. International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 1998: 19-24
3EEV. K. Jain, S. Horiguchi: VLSI considerations for TESH: a new hierarchical interconnection network for 3-D integration. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(3): 346-353 (1998)
2EEV. K. Jain, L. Lin: High-speed double precision computation of nonlinear functions. IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1995: 107-114
1 V. K. Jain, T. E. McClellan, D. J. Kenneally: Signal Processing for Compensation of Nonlinear Communication Systems. ICC 1986: 650-654

Coauthor Index

1A. Agrawal [15]
2D. Chester [5]
3D. Damerow [5]
4V. P. Das [13]
5J. H. Dholakia [8]
6D. Divakaran [16]
7Prakash M. Dixit [14]
8S. Horiguchi [3]
9M. Jain [13]
10D. J. Kenneally [1]
11L. Lin [2]
12B. M. Maziarz [4] [10] [11]
13T. E. McClellan [1]
14K. Muralidhar [15]
15B. A. Myers [16]
16T. C. Rajendra [13]
17A. Raman [13]
18S. Satheesh [13]
19S. Sethuraman [13]
20S. Shrivastava [5] [6]
21G. V. Singh [17]
22A. D. Snider [5]
23Vinod Yadava [14]
24 Zaheeruddin [12] [17] [18] [19]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)