ICC 1986:
IEEE International Conference on Communications,
ICC '86,
Integrating the World Through Communications,
June 22-25,
Proceedings. IEEE,
Volume 1
ISDN User Applications
Results of Warc - ORB'85 (World Administrative Radio Conference)
Mobile Radio Systems & Techniques For Digital Connectivity
Centralized and Distributed Algorithms in Computer Networks
Advances in Communications Networks
Quality Assurance and Impact on Costs
Adaptive Filters in Communications
Computer Aided Modelling of Communication Systems
Spread Spectrum
Signal Processing Architectures
ISDN Standards Developments in CCITT:
1986-88 Preview
Signal Processing for Broadband ISDN
New and Future Technologies in Local Telephone Networks
Video Communication Techniques
- Kou-Hu Tzou, Sharaf E. Elnahas:
An Optimal Progressive Transmission & Reconstruction Scheme for Transformed Images.
413-418 BibTeX
- Limin Wang, Morris Goldberg:
Progressive Image Transmission by Multistage Transform Coefficient Quantization.
419-423 BibTeX
- Nikitas A. Alexandridis, Sotirios G. Ziavras, P. D. Tsanakas:
Architectural Adaptations for Hierarchical Image Processing/Transmission.
424-428 BibTeX
- Kenneth Rose, Arie Heiman:
Enhancement of 1D Variable-Length DPCM Images Corrupted by Transmission Errors.
429-435 BibTeX
- J. L. LoCicero, M. Pazarci, T. S. Rzeszewski:
Edge Stitching of a Wide-Aspect Ratio HDTV Image.
436-440 BibTeX
- Alberto Brosio, Leonardo Chiariglione, Giovanni Piattino:
Digital Transmission for Videoconferences Service Distribution over Analog Carriers.
441-445 BibTeX
- Andy D. Kucar, Kamilo Feher:
On 1.544 Mb/s and 2.048 Mb/s modems, for CCITT Supergroup DIV and DAVID applications.
446-451 BibTeX
Digital Radio in the Propagation Environment
Digital Satellite Services and Applications:
Present and Future
- F. Rancy, P. Ramay:
Present and Future of the Telecom 1 System.
487-491 BibTeX
- Yoshiaki Shikata, Masato Eguchi, Kimitoshi Funakawa:
High-Speed Digital Switched-Services Network Encompassing the CS-2 Communications Satellite Systems.
492-496 BibTeX
- Arturo Serrano:
Planning & Systems Development for Latin American Domestic Satellite Networks.
497-501 BibTeX
- M. Hossein Sharifi, B. Pourmand:
Application and Design of Inexpensive Small Earth Terminals for Satellite Communications.
502-506 BibTeX
- Masayoshi Tanaka, Makoto Nakamura, Teruki Okamoto, Hiroyuki Kumazawa:
30/20 GHz and 6/4 GHz Band Transponder Development for Communications Satellite CS-3.
507-512 BibTeX
- Shuzo Kato, Masahiro Morikura, Masahiro Umehira, Kiyoshi Enomoto, Shuji Kubota:
General Purpose TDMA LSI Development for Low Cost Earth Station.
513-518 BibTeX
- Jing-Shiang Cheng, Young K. Kim, Kyung Y. Jo:
End-to-End Availability of Satellite Communication Networks.
519-524 BibTeX
Performance Evaluation Issues for Integrated Protocols
- Stephen Ades, Roy Want, Roger Calnan:
Protocols for Real Time Voice Communications on a Packet Local Network.
525-530 BibTeX
- Aurel A. Lazar, Mark A. Mays, Kenichi Hori:
A Reference Model for Integrated Local Area Networks.
531-536 BibTeX
- Peter O'Reilly, Sayeed Ghani:
Data Performance in Burst Switching When the Voice Silence Periods Have a Hyperexponential Distribution.
537-542 BibTeX
- Ahmed E. Kamal, V. Carl Hamacher:
Analysis of Digital Voice Communication Under Polling.
543-549 BibTeX
- Hamid Ahmadi, Thomas E. Stern:
A Combined Fixed and Demand Assignment Satellite Multiple Access Protocol for Integrated Circuit and Packet Switching.
550-555 BibTeX
- Sudhir Aggarwal, Daniel Barbará, Kalman Z. Meth:
Specifying and Analyzing Protocols with SPANNER.
556-562 BibTeX
- Kaoru Kurosawa, Shigeo Tsujii:
An Efficient Method to Find Invalid Loops in a Communication Protocol and Its Application to HDLC.
563-567 BibTeX
Packet Network Operations
- P. N. Hyde:
Deployment of Switch Packet Network Management.
568-572 BibTeX
- W. K. Pehlert, K. E. Carmichael, Mehmet Ulema:
Maintenance of the ACCUNET (R) Packet Service Network.
573-578 BibTeX
- T. C. Buttle, A. C. Chow, P. A. Garrett:
Datapac Network Management.
579-583 BibTeX
- J. L. Rosado:
Deployment of the Southern Bell PulseLink sm Network.
584-587 BibTeX
- Naoya Watanabe, Ken-ichi Yukimatsu, Toshiaki Doi, Masachika Ishizura, Etsugo Yoneda, Makoto Kawashima, Kazuhiro Hayashi:
Network Testing for Digital Data Networks.
588-592 BibTeX
- J. F. Portejoie, S. Le Moan:
G 821 CCITT Recommendation Consequences on the Design of Digital Line Sections and Operations Systems.
593-597 BibTeX
- Jean-Bernard Thieffry, Jean-Michel Hocquet:
Contemporary Operator Position with Automated Ticketing and Enhanced Man-Machine Interface.
598-602 BibTeX
Computer Network Theory and Multiple-Access
- Giovanni V. Guardalben, Mart L. Molle:
On the Coexistence of Different CSMA Protocols on the Same Network.
603-609 BibTeX
- Tak-Shing Peter Yum, Kwok-wah Hung:
The Multi-Tone Multi-Access Protocol with Collision Detection for Multihop Packet Radio Networks with Multiple Directional Antennas Stations.
610-614 BibTeX
- Hiromi Okada, Satoshi Ohno:
Analysis of an Integrated Token-Passing and CSMA/CD Ring Network in LAN Environment.
615-619 BibTeX
- Shojiro Muro, Yuji Oie, Hiroyuki Kawano, Toshiharu Hasegawa:
Tree Algorithms for Random Access Channels in Local Area Networks.
620-624 BibTeX
- Chin T. Wu, Dhadesugoor R. Vaman:
Design & Performance Evaluation of a Dual-Channel Based Local Area Network (DC-LAN) System.
625-631 BibTeX
- Laurence B. Milstein, Donald L. Schilling, George Eichmann, Raymond L. Pickholtz, J. Sellman, S. Davidovici, Andrew F. Pavelchek, A. Schneider:
Analysis of Two Protocols for Meteor-Burst Communications.
632-636 BibTeX
- Salvatore D. Morgera, Hari Krishna:
A New Error Control Scheme for Hybrid ARO Systems.
637-645 BibTeX
- Jin-Fu Chang:
Efficient Collision Resolution Protocols Through Channel Minislotization.
646-649 BibTeX
Digital Signal Processing in Communications
- V. K. Jain, T. E. McClellan, D. J. Kenneally:
Signal Processing for Compensation of Nonlinear Communication Systems.
650-654 BibTeX
- Donald W. Tufts:
Robust, Adaptive, Equalization.
655-656 BibTeX
- John G. Proakis, A. Khazen-Terezia:
A Decision-Feedback Tree-Search Algorithm for Digital Communication Through Channels with Intersymbol Interference.
657-661 BibTeX
- Giuliano Benelli, Vito Cappellini, Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci:
Evaluation of Constant-Envelope Signals Degradation Due to Band-Limited Filtering.
662-666 BibTeX
- Chrysostomos L. Nikias, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
Identification of Nonminimum Phase Communication Channels Via Parametric Modeling of Third Moments.
667-670 BibTeX
- A. Grami, Subbarayan Pasupathy:
Optimal Two-Stage Detection for Partial Response Signaling.
671-675 BibTeX
- Costas S. Xydeas, Murray J. J. Holt:
Coding Scheme for Scanned Images of Handwriting and Graphics.
676-680 BibTeX
- A. H. El-Sawy, M. Marzouk Ibrahim:
Robust Detection of Signals with Unknown Frequency and Phase.
681-685 BibTeX
ISDN '85 Symposium Revisited
Quality Assurance Management Around the World
Advances in Microwave Single Sideband Systems
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:16:25 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)