
Vinod Yadava

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3EEPatil Makarand Ramu, Vinod Yadava: Determination of thermal stress distribution in metallic layer during selective laser sintering using finite element method. IJMTM 13(2/3/4): 280-296 (2008)
2EEVinod Yadava, V. K. Jain, Prakash M. Dixit: Temperature distribution in the workpiece due to electro-discharge diamond surface grinding using FEM. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 246-267 (2005)
1EER. S. Mulik, Vinod Yadava: Thermal stresses during electro-chemical spark machining. IJMTM 7(2/3/4): 287-307 (2005)

Coauthor Index

1Prakash M. Dixit [2]
2V. K. Jain [2]
3R. S. Mulik [1]
4Patil Makarand Ramu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)