
Carla Manni

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17EERida T. Farouki, Bert Jüttler, Carla Manni: Pythagorean-hodograph curves and related topics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(4-5): 203-204 (2008)
16EERida T. Farouki, Carlotta Giannelli, Carla Manni, Alessandra Sestini: Identification of spatial PH quintic Hermite interpolants with near-optimal shape measures. Computer Aided Geometric Design 25(4-5): 274-297 (2008)
15EECarla Manni, Paul Sablonnière: Quadratic spline quasi-interpolants on Powell-Sabin partitions. Adv. Comput. Math. 26(1-3): 283-304 (2007)
14EEFrancesca Pelosi, Maria Lucia Sampoli, Rida T. Farouki, Carla Manni: A control polygon scheme for design of planar C2 PH quintic spline curves. Computer Aided Geometric Design 24(1): 28-52 (2007)
13EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: Refining cubic parametric B-splines. Computing 79(2-4): 291-299 (2007)
12EEFrancesca Pelosi, Rida T. Farouki, Carla Manni, Alessandra Sestini: Geometric Hermite interpolation by spatial Pythagorean-hodograph cubics. Adv. Comput. Math. 22(4): 325-352 (2005)
11EEP. Lamberti, Carla Manni: Tensioned Quasi-Interpolation Via Geometric Continuity. Adv. Comput. Math. 20(1-3): 105-127 (2004)
10EECarla Manni, Francesca Pelosi: Quasi-Interpolants with Tension Properties from and in CAGD. Computing 72(1-2): 143-160 (2004)
9EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: Shape-Preserving C3 Interpolation: The Curve Case. Adv. Comput. Math. 18(1): 41-63 (2003)
8EEPaolo Costantini, Tim N. T. Goodman, Carla Manni: Constructing C3 shape preserving interpolating space curves. Adv. Comput. Math. 14(2): 103-127 (2001)
7EERida T. Farouki, Carla Manni, Alessandra Sestini: Real-time CNC interpolators for Bézier conics. Computer Aided Geometric Design 18(7): 639-655 (2001)
6EEPaolo Costantini, Rida T. Farouki, Carla Manni, Alessandra Sestini: Computation of optimal composite re-parameterizations. Computer Aided Geometric Design 18(9): 875-897 (2001)
5EEPaolo Costantini, Boris I. Kvasov, Carla Manni: On discrete hyperbolic tension splines. Adv. Comput. Math. 11(4): 331-354 (1999)
4EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: A local shape-preserving interpolation scheme for scattered data. Computer Aided Geometric Design 16(5): 385-405 (1999)
3EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: A bicubic shape-preserving blending scheme. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(4): 307-331 (1996)
2EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: Monotonicity-preserving interpolation of nongridded data. Computer Aided Geometric Design 13(5): 467-495 (1996)
1EEPaolo Costantini, Carla Manni: A local scheme for bivariate co-monotone interpolation. Computer Aided Geometric Design 8(5): 371-391 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Paolo Costantini [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [8] [9] [13]
2Rida T. Farouki [6] [7] [12] [14] [16] [17]
3Carlotta Giannelli [16]
4Tim N. T. Goodman [8]
5Bert Jüttler [17]
6Boris I. Kvasov [5]
7P. Lamberti [11]
8Francesca Pelosi [10] [12] [14]
9Paul Sablonnière [15]
10Maria Lucia Sampoli [14]
11Alessandra Sestini [6] [7] [12] [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)