Volume 70,
Number 233,
- T. Tiihonen:
Shape calculus and finite element method in smooth domains.
1-15 BibTeX
- Jinchao Xu, Aihui Zhou:
A two-grid discretization scheme for eigenvalue problems.
17-25 BibTeX
- Albert Cohen, Wolfgang Dahmen, Ronald A. DeVore:
Adaptive wavelet methods for elliptic operator equations: Convergence rates.
27-75 BibTeX
- Paul Houston, Endre Süli:
Adaptive Lagrange--Galerkin methods for unsteady convection-diffusion problems.
77-106 BibTeX
- Sergey Korotov, Michal Krízek, Pekka Neittaanmäki:
Weakened acute type condition for tetrahedral triangulations and the discrete maximum principle.
107-119 BibTeX
- A. M. Davie, J. G. Gaines:
Convergence of numerical schemes for the solution of parabolic stochastic partial differential equations.
121-134 BibTeX
- Arturo Kohatsu-Higa:
Weak approximations. A Malliavin calculus approach.
135-172 BibTeX
- Asen L. Dontchev, William W. Hager:
The Euler approximation in state constrained optimal control.
173-203 BibTeX
- Aeyoung Park Jang, Seymour Haber:
Numerical indefinite integration of functions with singularities.
205-221 BibTeX
- Stefan A. Sauter, Christian Lage:
Transformation of hypersingular integrals and black-box cubature.
223-250 BibTeX
- Giuseppe Mastroianni, G. Monegato:
Error estimates in the numerical evaluation of some BEM singular integrals.
251-267 BibTeX
- Sangwoo Heo, Yuan Xu:
Constructing fully symmetric cubature formulae for the sphere.
269-279 BibTeX
- J. C. Santos-León:
Error bounds for interpolatory quadrature rules on the unit circle.
281-296 BibTeX
- Anargyros Papageorgiou:
Fast convergence of quasi-Monte Carlo for a class of isotropic integrals.
297-306 BibTeX
- Martin D. Buhmann:
A new class of radial basis functions with compact support.
307-318 BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre Dedieu, Mike Shub:
On simple double zeros and badly conditioned zeros of analytic functions of n variables.
319-327 BibTeX
- Jérôme Dégot:
A condition number theorem for underdetermined polynomial systems.
329-335 BibTeX
- Jia-Juan Liang, Kai-Tai Fang, Fred J. Hickernell, Runze Li:
Testing multivariate uniformity and its applications.
337-355 BibTeX
- Peter Gaal, Solomon W. Golomb:
Exhaustive determination of (1023, 511, 255)-cyclic difference sets.
357-366 BibTeX
- Emmanuel Peyre, Yuri Tschinkel:
Tamagawa numbers of diagonal cubic surfaces, numerical evidence.
367-387 BibTeX
- Daniel J. Bernstein:
Enumerating solutions to p(a) + q(b) = r(c) + s(d).
389-394 BibTeX
- Christian Batut:
Classification of quintic eutactic forms.
395-417 BibTeX
- Christophe Doche:
On the spectrum of the Zhang-Zagier height.
419-430 BibTeX
- Hedi Daboussi, Joël Rivat:
Explicit upper bounds for exponential sums over primes.
431-447 BibTeX
Volume 70,
Number 234,
- James H. Bramble, Xuejun Zhang:
Uniform convergence of the multigrid {V}-cycle for an anisotropic problem.
453-470 BibTeX
- Pat Ryan:
Eigenvalue and eigenfunction error estimates for finite element formulations of linear hydroelasticity.
471-487 BibTeX
- Trygve K. Nilssen, Xue-Cheng Tai, Ragnar Winther:
A robust nonconforming H2-element.
489-505 BibTeX
- P. Monk, Leszek F. Demkowicz:
Discrete compactness and the approximation of Maxwell's equations in R3.
507-523 BibTeX
- Javier de Frutos, Rafael Muñoz-Sola:
On error estimates for Galerkin spectral discretizations of parabolic problems with nonsmooth initial data.
525-531 BibTeX
- Theodoros Katsaounis, Charalambos Makridakis:
Finite volume relaxation schemes for multidimensional conservation laws.
533-553 BibTeX
- Laurent Gosse, Athanasios E. Tzavaras:
Convergence of relaxation schemes to the equations of elastodynamics.
555-577 BibTeX
- Jian-Guo Liu, E. Weinan:
Simple finite element method in vorticity formulation for incompressible flows.
579-593 BibTeX
- Jian-Guo Liu, Zhouping Xin:
Convergence of the point vortex method for 2-D vortex sheet.
595-606 BibTeX
- Pascal Laubin:
Optimal order collocation for the mixed boundary value problem on polygons.
607-636 BibTeX
- Zhongxiao Jia, G. W. Stewart:
An analysis of the Rayleigh--Ritz method for approximating eigenspaces.
637-647 BibTeX
- A. Melman:
Extreme eigenvalues of real symmetric Toeplitz matrices.
649-669 BibTeX
- Borislav Bojanov, Dimitar K. Dimitrov:
Gaussian extended cubature formulae for polyharmonic functions.
671-683 BibTeX
- Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Wozniakowski:
On the complexity of stochastic integration.
685-698 BibTeX
- Tim Gutzmer, Jens Markus Melenk:
Approximation orders for natural splines in arbitrary dimensions.
699-703 BibTeX
- Marek Beska, Karol Dziedziul:
Saturation theorems for interpolation and the Bernstein-Schnabl operator.
705-717 BibTeX
- Michael J. Johnson:
The L2-approximation order of surface spline interpolation.
719-737 BibTeX
- Karsten Urban:
Wavelet bases in H(div) and H(curl).
739-766 BibTeX
- Tiejun Li, Fengshan Bai:
Minimizing multi-homogeneous Bézout numbers by a local search method.
767-787 BibTeX
- R. Shail:
A class of infinite sums and integrals.
789-799 BibTeX
- Igor Shparlinski:
On the uniformity of distribution of the RSA pairs.
801-808 BibTeX
- Edlyn Teske:
On random walks for Pollard's rho method.
809-825 BibTeX
- Antoine Joux, Reynald Lercier:
"Chinese & Match", an alternative to Atkin's "Match and Sort" method used in the SEA algorithm.
827-836 BibTeX
- Schehrazad Selmane:
Quadratic extensions of totally real quintic fields.
837-843 BibTeX
- Schehrazad Selmane:
Tenth degree number fields with quintic fields having one real place.
845-851 BibTeX
- Chris Charnes, Ulrich Dempwolff:
The eight dimensional ovoids over GF(5).
853-861 BibTeX
- Zhenxiang Zhang:
Finding strong pseudoprimes to several bases.
863-872 BibTeX
- Jon Grantham:
Frobenius pseudoprimes.
873-891 BibTeX
- Florian Luca:
On a conjecture of Erdos and Stewart.
893-896 BibTeX
Volume 70,
Number 235,
- Wolfgang Hoffmann, Alfred H. Schatz, Lars B. Wahlbin, Gabriel Wittum:
Asymptotically exact a posteriori estimators for the pointwise gradient error on each element in irregular meshes. Part 1: A smooth problem and globally quasi-uniform meshes.
897-909 BibTeX
- Franco Brezzi, L. Donatella Marini:
Error estimates for the three-field formulation with bubble stabilization.
911-934 BibTeX
- Andrea Toselli, Olof Widlund, Barbara I. Wohlmuth:
An iterative substructuring method for Maxwell's equations in two dimensions.
935-949 BibTeX
- Thomas Y. Hou, Pingwen Zhang:
A new stabilizing technique for boundary integral methods for water waves.
951-976 BibTeX
- J. Thomas Beale:
A convergent boundary integral method for three-dimensional water waves.
977-1029 BibTeX
- Mahadevan Ganesh, Olaf Steinbach:
Boundary element methods for potential problems with nonlinear boundary conditions.
1031-1042 BibTeX
- Haitao Fan:
Existence of discrete shock profiles of a class of monotonicity preserving schemes for conservation laws.
1043-1069 BibTeX
- Leon Q. Brin:
Numerical testing of the stability of viscous shock waves.
1071-1088 BibTeX
- Bert Jüttler:
Hermite interpolation by Pythagorean hodograph curves of degree seven.
1089-1111 BibTeX
- Hrushikesh Narhar Mhaskar, Francis J. Narcowich, Joseph D. Ward:
Spherical Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities and positive quadrature.
1113-1130 BibTeX
- Alexander G. Ramm, Alexandra B. Smirnova:
On stable numerical differentiation.
1131-1153 BibTeX
- Yu-Hong Dai, Ya-Xiang Yuan:
A three-parameter family of nonlinear conjugate gradient methods.
1155-1167 BibTeX
- Dario Bini, Gianna M. Del Corso, Giovanni Manzini, Luciano Margara:
Inversion of circulant matrices over Zm.
1169-1182 BibTeX
- Amparo Gil, Javier Segura, Nico M. Temme:
On nonoscillating integrals for computing inhomogeneous Airy functions.
1183-1194 BibTeX
- Yoshinori Miyazaki, Yasushi Kikuchi, DongSheng Cai, Yasuhiko Ikebe:
Error analysis for the computation of zeros of regular Coulomb wave function and its first derivative.
1195-1204 BibTeX
- Javier Segura:
Bounds on differences of adjacent zeros of Bessel functions and iterative relations between consecutive zeros.
1205-1220 BibTeX
- G. C. Kokkorakis, J. A. Roumeliotis:
Power series expansions for Mathieu functions with small arguments.
1221-1235 BibTeX
- Greg Stein:
Using the theory of cyclotomy to factor cyclotomic polynomials over finite fields.
1237-1251 BibTeX
- Theodoulos Garefalakis, Daniel Panario:
The index calculus method using non-smooth polynomials.
1253-1264 BibTeX
- Brian D. Boe:
Geometry of the Jantzen region in Lusztig's conjecture.
1265-1280 BibTeX
- Jerzy Browkin:
Continued fractions in local fields, II.
1281-1292 BibTeX
- Claus Fieker:
Computing class fields via the Artin map.
1293-1303 BibTeX
- Sam Northshield:
On iterates of Möbius transformations on fields.
1305-1310 BibTeX
- Alfred J. van der Poorten, Herman J. J. te Riele, Hugh C. Williams:
Computer verification of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla Conjecture for all primes less than 100 000 000 000.
1311-1328 BibTeX
- Stefan Battiato, Walter Borho:
Breeding amicable numbers in abundance. II.
1329-1333 BibTeX
Volume 70,
Number 236,
- Carsten Carstensen, Stefan A. Funken:
A posteriori error control in low-order finite element discretisations of incompressible stationary flow problems.
1353-1381 BibTeX
- Elsa Liberman:
A posteriori error estimator for a mixed finite element method for Reissner-Mindlin plate.
1383-1396 BibTeX
- Claudio Canuto, Roland Masson:
Stabilized wavelet approximations of the Stokes problem.
1397-1416 BibTeX
- Laurence Halpern:
A spectral method for the Stokes problem in three-dimensional unbounded domains.
1417-1436 BibTeX
- Houde Han, Weizhu Bao:
Error estimates for the finite element approximation of linear elastic equations in an unbounded domain.
1437-1459 BibTeX
- Gabriel N. Gatica, Salim Meddahi:
A dual-dual mixed formulation for nonlinear exterior transmission problems.
1461-1480 BibTeX
- Stéphane Descombes:
Convergence of a splitting method of high order for reaction-diffusion systems.
1481-1501 BibTeX
- J.-P. Kauthen:
The numerical solution of integral-algebraic equations of index 1 by polynomial spline collocation methods.
1503-1514 BibTeX
- Heike Faßbender:
The parameterized SR algorithm for symplectic (butterfly) matrices.
1515-1541 BibTeX
- L. Bos, M. A. Taylor, B. A. Wingate:
Tensor product Gauss-Lobatto points are Fekete points for the cube.
1543-1547 BibTeX
- Ronald Cools, James N. Lyness:
Three- and four-dimensional K-optimal lattice rules of moderate trigonometric degree.
1549-1567 BibTeX
- Harald Niederreiter, Igor Shparlinski:
On the distribution of inversive congruential pseudorandom numbers in parts of the period.
1569-1574 BibTeX
- John Friedlander, Igor Shparlinski:
On the distribution of the power generator.
1575-1589 BibTeX
- John Friedlander, Carl Pomerance, Igor Shparlinski:
Period of the power generator and small values of Carmichael's function.
1591-1605 BibTeX
- Sami Omar:
Localization of the first zero of the Dedekind zeta function.
1607-1616 BibTeX
- F. Thaine:
Jacobi sums and new families of irreducible polynomials of Gaussian periods.
1617-1640 BibTeX
- Sebastian Pauli, Xavier-François Roblot:
On the computation of all extensions of a p-adic field of a given degree.
1641-1659 BibTeX
- Samir Siksek:
Sieving for rational points on hyperelliptic curves.
1661-1674 BibTeX
- E. Victor Flynn, Franck Leprévost, Edward F. Schaefer, William A. Stein, Michael Stoll, Joseph L. Wetherell:
Empirical evidence for the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjectures for modular Jacobians of genus 2 curves.
1675-1697 BibTeX
- David P. Roberts:
Density of cubic field discriminants.
1699-1705 BibTeX
- Takashi Fukuda, Keiichi Komatsu:
On Iwasawa lambda3-invariants of cyclic cubic fields of prime conductor.
1707-1712 BibTeX
- David A. Clark, Norman C. Jarvis:
Dense admissible sequences.
1713-1718 BibTeX
- David H. Bailey, David John Broadhurst:
Parallel integer relation detection: Techniques and applications.
1719-1736 BibTeX
- Pamela A. Cutter:
Finding prime pairs with particular gaps.
1737-1744 BibTeX
- Jörg Richstein:
Verifying the Goldbach conjecture up to 4 * 1014.
1745-1749 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:13:51 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)