Roberto Cipolla, Ralph R. Martin (Eds.):
Proceedings of the 9th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces, University of Cambridge, September 4-7, 2000.
Springer 2000, ISBN 1-85233-358-8 BibTeX
editor = {Roberto Cipolla and
Ralph R. Martin},
title = {Proceedings of the 9th IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces,
University of Cambridge, September 4-7, 2000},
booktitle = {IMA Conference on the Mathematics of Surfaces},
publisher = {Springer},
year = {2000},
isbn = {1-85233-358-8},
bibsource = {DBLP,}
- Michael S. Floater:
Meshless Parameterization and B-Spline Surface Approximation.
1-18 BibTeX
- Péter Csákány, Andrew M. Wallace:
Computation of Local Differential Parameters on Irregular Meshes.
19-33 BibTeX
- Robert Schaback:
Remarks on Meshless Local Construction of Surfaces.
34-58 BibTeX
- Jörg Peters, Georg Umlauf:
Gaussian and Mean Curvature of Subdivision Surfaces.
59-69 BibTeX
- Pál Benkö, Tamás Várady:
Best Fit Translational and Rotational Surfaces for Reverse Engineering Shapes.
70-81 BibTeX
- Myung-Soo Kim, Gershon Elber:
Problem Reduction to Parameter Space.
82-98 BibTeX
- Xavier Tricoche, Gerik Scheuermann, Hans Hagen:
Higher Order Singularities in Piecewise Linear Vector Fields.
99-113 BibTeX
- Ian R. Porteous, Mike J. Puddephat:
Landmarks of a Surface.
114-125 BibTeX
- Taejung Kim, Sanjay E. Sarma:
Time-Optimal Paths Covering a Surface.
126-143 BibTeX
- Anthony N. Lasenby, Joan Lasenby:
Surface Evolution and Representation using Geometric Algebra.
144-168 BibTeX
- Hassan Ugail, Mike Robinson, Malcolm I. G. Bloor, Michael J. Wilson:
Interactive Design of Complex Mechanical Parts using a Parametric Representation.
169-179 BibTeX
- Jan J. Koenderink, Andrea J. van Doorn, Astrid M. L. Kappers:
Surfaces in the Mind's Eye.
180-193 BibTeX
- Eraldo Ribeiro, Edwin R. Hancock:
Shape-from-Texture from Eigenvectors of Spectral Distortion.
194-213 BibTeX
- Kwan-Yee Kenneth Wong, Paulo R. S. Mendonça, Roberto Cipolla:
Camera Calibration from Symmetry.
214-226 BibTeX
- Olivier D. Faugeras, José Gomes:
Dynamic Shapes of Arbitrary Dimension: The Vector Distance Functions.
227-262 BibTeX
- Bert Jüttler:
Least-Squares Fitting of Algebraic Spline Curves via Normal Vector Estimation.
263-280 BibTeX
- R. Boudjemaa, Malcolm I. G. Bloor, Michael J. Wilson:
Use of Reverse Automatic Differentiation in Ship Hull Optimisation.
281-305 BibTeX
- Peter J. Giblin:
Symmetry Sets and Medial Axes in Two and Three Dimensions.
306-321 BibTeX
- H. E. Bez:
Symmetry: A Research Direction in Curve and Surface Modelling; Some Results and Applications.
322-337 BibTeX
- Salvatore Miranda, Claudio Pensa, Fabrizio Sessa:
Functions and Methods to Analyze and Construct Developable Hull Surfaces.
338-347 BibTeX
- Rida T. Farouki, Hwan Pyo Moon:
Bipolar and Multipolar Coordinates.
348-371 BibTeX
- Kenji Ueda:
Polar Curves and Surfaces.
372-388 BibTeX
- Nicholas M. Patrikalakis, Takis Sakkalis, Guoling Shen:
Boundary Representation Models: Validity and Rectification.
389-409 BibTeX
- Irina Voiculescu, Jakob Berchtold, Adrian Bowyer, Ralph R. Martin, Qijiang Zhang:
Interval and Affine Arithmetic for Surface Location of Power- and Bernstein-Form Polynomials.
410-423 BibTeX
- Joab R. Winkler, David L. Ragozin:
A Class of Bernstein Polynomials that Satisfy Descartes' Rule of Signs Exactly.
424-437 BibTeX
- Helmut Pottmann, Martin Peternell:
On Approximation in Spaces of Geometric Objects.
438-458 BibTeX
- C. J. Evans, Malcolm I. G. Bloor, Michael J. Wilson:
Representing the Time-Dependent Geometry of the Heart for Fluid Dynamical Analysis.
459-469 BibTeX
- R. M. Tookey, W. Sargeant:
Application of Point-Based Smoothing to the Design of Flying Surfaces.
470-485 BibTeX
- Michael J. Pratt:
Modelling of Material Property Variation for Layered Manufacturing.
486-500 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:23:40 2009
by Michael Ley (