
Domenik Helms

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11EEWolfgang Nebel, Domenik Helms: On leakage currents: sources and reduction for transistors, gates, memories and digital systems. ISLPED 2008: 349-350
10EEDomenik Helms, Olaf Meyer, Marko Hoyer, Wolfgang Nebel: Voltage- and ABB-island optimization in high level synthesis. ISLPED 2007: 153-158
9EEMarko Hoyer, Domenik Helms, Wolfgang Nebel: Modelling the Impact of High Level Leakage Optimization Techniques on the Delay of RT-Components. PATMOS 2007: 171-180
8EESven Rosinger, Domenik Helms, Wolfgang Nebel: RTL Power Modeling and Estimation of Sleep Transistor Based Power Gating. PATMOS 2007: 278-287
7EEDomenik Helms, Günter Ehmen, Wolfgang Nebel: Analysis and modeling of subthreshold leakage of RT-components under PTV and state variation. ISLPED 2006: 220-225
6EEDomenik Helms, Marko Hoyer, Wolfgang Nebel: Accurate PTV, State, and ABB Aware RTL Blackbox Modeling of Subthreshold, Gate, and PN-Junction Leakage. PATMOS 2006: 56-65
5EEArne Schulz, Andreas Schallenberg, Domenik Helms, Milan Schulte, Axel Reimer, Wolfgang Nebel: A High Level Constant Coefficient Multiplier Power Model for Power Estimation on High Levels of Abstraction. PATMOS 2005: 146-155
4EEDomenik Helms, Eike Schmidt, Wolfgang Nebel: Leakage in CMOS Circuits - An Introduction. PATMOS 2004: 17-35
3EEAnsgar Stammermann, Domenik Helms, Milan Schulte, Arne Schulz, Wolfgang Nebel: Binding, Allocation and Floorplanning in Low Power High-Level Synthesis. ICCAD 2003: 544-550
2EEAnsgar Stammermann, Domenik Helms, Milan Schulte, Arne Schulz, Wolfgang Nebel: Interconnect Driven Low Power High-Level Synthesis. PATMOS 2003: 131-140
1EEDomenik Helms, Eike Schmidt, Arne Schulz, Ansgar Stammermann, Wolfgang Nebel: An Improved Power Macro-Model for Arithmetic Datapath Components. PATMOS 2002: 16-24

Coauthor Index

1Günter Ehmen [7]
2Marko Hoyer [6] [9] [10]
3Olaf Meyer [10]
4Wolfgang Nebel [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
5Axel Reimer [5]
6Sven Rosinger [8]
7Andreas Schallenberg [5]
8Eike Schmidt [1] [4]
9Milan Schulte [2] [3] [5]
10Arne Schulz [1] [2] [3] [5]
11Ansgar Stammermann [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)