5. EWSPT 1996:
Carlo Montangero (Ed.):
Software Process Technology, 5th European Workshop, EWSPT '96, Nancy, France, October 9-11, 1996, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1149 Springer 1996, ISBN 3-540-61771-X BibTeX
editor = {Carlo Montangero},
title = {Software Process Technology, 5th European Workshop, EWSPT '96,
Nancy, France, October 9-11, 1996, Proceedings},
booktitle = {EWSPT},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {1149},
year = {1996},
isbn = {3-540-61771-X},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Volker Gruhn:
Architecture Session.
42 BibTeX
- Jacky Estublier, Samir Dami:
Process Engine Interoperability: An Experiment.
43-60 BibTeX
- Israel Ben-Shaul, George T. Heineman:
A 3-level Atomicity Model for Decentralized Process-Centered Software Engineering Environments.
61-64 BibTeX
- Denis Avrilionis, Noureddine Belkhatir, Pierre-Yves Cunin:
Improving Software Process Modelling and Enactment Techniques.
65-74 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Emmerich, Anthony Finkelstein:
Do Process-Centered Environments Deserve Process-Centered Tools?
75-81 BibTeX
- R. Mark Greenwood, Brian Warboys:
ProcessWeb - Process Support for the World Wide Web.
82-85 BibTeX
- C. Basile, S. Calanna, Elisabetta Di Nitto, Alfonso Fuggetta, M. Gemo:
Mechanisms and Policies for Federated PSEEs: Basic Concepts and Open Issues.
86-91 BibTeX
- Reidar Conradi:
Metrics Session.
144 BibTeX
- Khalid Sherdil, Nazim H. Madhavji:
Human-Oriented Improvement in the Software Process.
145-166 BibTeX
- Frank van Latum, Markku Oivo, Barbara Hoisl, Günther Ruhe:
No Improvement Without Feedback: Experiences from Goal-Oriented Measurement at Schlumberger.
167-182 BibTeX
- Tineke de Bunje, Gregor Engels, Luuk Groenewegen, Michael Heus, Aart A. J. Matsinger:
Towards Measurable Process Models.
183-187 BibTeX
- Dewayne E. Perry, Adam A. Porter, Lawrence G. Votta, Michael W. Wade:
Evaluating Workflow and Process Automation in Wide-Area Software Development.
188-193 BibTeX
Descriptive Approaches
Organizational Modelling and Management
Industrial Experience Session
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:11:42 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)