
Graham C. Low

Graham Cedric Low, Graham Low

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36EEPaul Bogg, Ghassan Beydoun, Graham Low: When to Use a Multi-Agent System?. PRIMA 2008: 98-108
35EEQuynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham Low: MOBMAS: A methodology for ontology-based multi-agent systems development. Information & Software Technology 50(7-8): 697-722 (2008)
34EEGraham C. Low, Ghassan Beydoun, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez: Towards Method Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems: A Validation of a Generic MAS Metamodel. PRIMA 2007: 255-267
33EEQuynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Ghassan Beydoun, Graham Low, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez: Preliminary Validation of MOBMAS (Ontology-Centric Agent Oriented Methodology): Design of a Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing MAS. AOIS 2006: 73-89
32EEGhassan Beydoun, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low: Developing and Evaluating a Generic Metamodel for MAS Work Products. EUMAS 2006
31 Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham C. Low, Ghassan Beydoun: A methodological framework for ontology centric oriented software engineering. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 21(2): (2006)
30 Lesley Pek Wee Land, Graham Low, Rohith Enjeti: Effects of Reducing Reviewer Preparation and Meeting Durations on Software Review Performance: Two Laboratory Experiments. ITSSA 1(2): 151-158 (2006)
29 Paolo Bresciani, Paolo Giorgini, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low, Michael Winikoff: Agent-Oriented Information Systems II, 6th International Bi-Conference Workshop, AOIS 2004, Riga, Latvia, June 8, 2004 and New York, NY, USA, July 20, 2004,Revised Selected Papers Springer 2005
28EEGhassan Beydoun, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham C. Low, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Foundations of Ontology-Based MAS Methodologies. AOIS 2005: 111-123
27EEBrian Henderson-Sellers, John K. Debenham, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Massimo Cossentino, Graham Low: Identification of Reusable Method Fragments from the PASSI Agent-Oriented Methodology. AOIS 2005: 95-110
26EEGhassan Beydoun, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham Low, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Preliminary Basis for an Ontology-Based Methodological Approach for Multi-agent Systems. ER (Workshops) 2005: 131-140
25 Ghassan Beydoun, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Graham Low, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Towards Method Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems: A preliminary validation of a Generic MAS Metamodel. SEKE 2005: 51-56
24EEGhassan Beydoun, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham Low: Developing and Evaluating a Generic Metamodel for MAS Work Products. SELMAS 2005: 126-142
23EEGhassan Beydoun, Cesar Gonzalez-Perez, Graham Low, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Synthesis of a generic MAS metamodel. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
22EEQuynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham Low, Mary-Anne Williams: A Preliminary Comparative Feature Analysis of Multi-agent Systems Development Methodologies. AOIS 2004: 157-168
21 Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham Low, Mary-Anne Williams: A preliminary comparative feature analysis of multi-agent systems development methodologies. CAiSE Workshops (2) 2004: 386-398
20EECesar Gonzalez-Perez, Brian Henderson-Sellers, John K. Debenham, Graham C. Low, Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran: Incorporating Elements From Camle in the Open Repository. Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 55-64
19EEKam Hay Fung, Graham Cedric Low, Pradeep Kumar Ray: Embracing Dynamic Evolution in Distributed Systems. IEEE Software 21(2): 49-55 (2004)
18EEKam Hay Fung, Graham Cedric Low: Design Notation for Dynamic Evolution in Component Based Distributed Systems. EDOC 2003: 302-307
17EEQuynh-Nhu Numi Tran, Graham Low, Mary-Anne Williams: A Feature Analysis Framework for Evaluating Multi-agent System Development Methodologies. ISMIS 2003: 613-617
16EEArne Koennecker, D. Ross Jeffery, Graham C. Low: Implementing an Experience Factory Based on Existing Organizational Knowledge. Australian Software Engineering Conference 2000: 53-62
15EEPronab Ganguly, Pradeep Ray, Graham Low: Software Agent Based Approach Towards Tele-Electrocardiography. CBMS 2000: 275-280
14 Graham C. Low, G. Rasmussen: Partition and Allocation of Objects in Distributed Application Development. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology 32(2): 75-106 (2000)
13 D. Ross Jeffery, Graham C. Low: Function Points and their Use. Australian Computer Journal 29(4): 148-156 (1997)
12 T. Case, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham C. Low: A Generic Object-Oriented Design Methodology Incorporating Database Considerations. Ann. Software Eng. 2: 5-24 (1996)
11 Graham C. Low, G. Rasmussen, Brian Henderson-Sellers: Incorporation of Distributed Computing Concerns Into Object-Oriented Methodologies. JOOP 9(3): 12-20 (1996)
10 G. Rasmussen, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham C. Low: Extending the MOSES Methodology to Distributed Systems. JOOP 9(4): 39-46, 100 (1996)
9 G. Rasmussen, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham C. Low: An Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Notation for Distributed Systems. JOOP 9(6): 14-27, 37 (1996)
8EEGraham C. Low, D. Ross Jeffery, Ray Offen, Judy Bamberger: Is Software Engineering Really Engineering? APSEC 1995: 518
7EEGraham Low: Is Software Engineering Really Engineering? APSEC 1995: 519
6 T. Case, Brian Henderson-Sellers, Graham C. Low: Extending the MOSES Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Methodology to Include Database Applications. JOOP 8(7): 28-34, 56 (1995)
5 Michael Lawrence, Graham C. Low: Individual user satisfication within user-led development: a longitudinal study. Business Process Re-Engineering 1994: 357-366
4 Richard Verschoor, Graham C. Low: Software Reusability in Australia. Australian Computer Journal 26(4): 134-142 (1994)
3EED. Ross Jeffery, Graham C. Low, M. Barnes: A Comparison of Function Point Counting Techniques. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(5): 529-532 (1993)
2EEGraham C. Low, D. Ross Jeffery: Function Points in the Estimation and Evaluation of the Software Process. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(1): 64-71 (1990)
1EERodger Jamieson, Graham Low: Security and control issues in local area network design. Computers & Security 8(4): 283-290 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Judy Bamberger [8]
2M. Barnes [3]
3Ghassan Beydoun [23] [24] [25] [26] [28] [31] [32] [33] [34] [36]
4Paul Bogg [36]
5Paolo Bresciani [29]
6T. Case [6] [12]
7Massimo Cossentino [27]
8John K. Debenham [20] [27]
9Rohith Enjeti [30]
10Kam Hay Fung [18] [19]
11Pronab Ganguly [15]
12Paolo Giorgini [29]
13Cesar Gonzalez-Perez [20] [23] [24] [25] [32] [33] [34]
14Brian Henderson-Sellers [6] [9] [10] [11] [12] [20] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [32] [34]
15Rodger Jamieson [1]
16D. Ross Jeffery [2] [3] [8] [13] [16]
17Arne Koennecker [16]
18Lesley Pek Wee Land [30]
19Michael Lawrence [5]
20Ray Offen (Raymond J. Offen) [8]
21G. Rasmussen [9] [10] [11] [14]
22Pradeep Ray [15]
23Pradeep Kumar Ray [19]
24Quynh-Nhu Numi Tran [17] [20] [21] [22] [26] [27] [28] [31] [33] [35]
25Richard Verschoor [4]
26Mary-Anne Williams [17] [21] [22]
27Michael Winikoff [29]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)