
Marcello Sarini

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17 Federico Cabitza, Marcello Sarini: On the "pathway" towards ICT-Support for a better and sustainable Healthcare. ECEH 2007: 89-100
16EEAndrea Bonomi, Marcello Sarini, Giuseppe Vizzari: Combining Interface Agents and Situated Agents for Deploying Adaptive Web Applications. EEMMAS 2007: 103-114
15EEFederico Cabitza, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: Providing awareness through situated process maps: the hospital care case. GROUP 2007: 41-50
14EEStefania Bandini, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone, Giuseppe Vizzari: WWW in the Small. World Wide Web 10(4): 471-501 (2007)
13EEFederico Cabitza, Marco P. Locatelli, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: CASMAS: Supporting Collaboration in Pervasive Environments. PerCom 2006: 286-295
12EEAndrea Bonomi, Giuseppe Vizzari, Marcello Sarini: A Heterogeneous Multi-Agent System for Adaptive Web Applications. WOA 2006
11EEFederico Cabitza, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone, Michele Telaro: When once is not enough: the role of redundancy in a hospital ward setting. GROUP 2005: 158-167
10EEFederico Cabitza, Marco P. Locatelli, Marcello Sarini: CASMAS: An Agent-Based Support for Modulated Participation in Cooperative Applications. WOA 2005: 111-119
9 Marcello Sarini, Enrico Blanzieri, Paolo Giorgini, Claudio Moser: From actions to affordances: supporting the work of biologists through laboratory notebooks. COOP 2004: 131-146
8 Marzia Adorni, Francesca Arcelli Fontana, Claudia Raibulet, Marcello Sarini, Francesco Tisato: Designing an Architecture for Multichannel Adaptive Information Systems. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2004: 652-658
7 Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: From Actors to Applications: Interpreting User Centered Design of Coordination Supports. SEKE 2003: 95-102
6EEGloria Mark, Víctor M. González, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: Supporting articulation with the reconciler. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 814-815
5 Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: Recursive Articulation Work in Ariadne: The Alignment of Meanings. COOP 2002: 191-206
4 Gloria Mark, Víctor M. González, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone: Reconciling Different Perspectives: An Experiment on Technology Support for Articulation. COOP 2002: 23-37
3 Daniela Micucci, Marcello Sarini, Carla Simone, Francesco Tisato, Andrea Trentini: Conceptual and concrete architectures in the design of CSCW applications. WOA 2002: 64-71
2 Carla Simone, Marcello Sarini: Adaptability of classification schemes in cooperation: What does it mean? ECSCW 2001: 19-38
1 Elena Not, Daniela Petrelli, Marcello Sarini, Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava, Massimo Zancanaro: Hypernavigation in the physical space: adapting presentations to the user and to the situational context (Technical Note). The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4: 33-46 (1998)

Coauthor Index

1Marzia Adorni [8]
2Stefania Bandini [14]
3Enrico Blanzieri [9]
4Andrea Bonomi [12] [16]
5Federico Cabitza [10] [11] [13] [15] [17]
6Francesca Arcelli Fontana [8]
7Paolo Giorgini [9]
8Víctor M. González [4] [6]
9Marco P. Locatelli [10] [13]
10Gloria Mark [4] [6]
11Daniela Micucci [3]
12Claudio Moser [9]
13Elena Not [1]
14Daniela Petrelli [1]
15Claudia Raibulet [8]
16Carla Simone [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [11] [13] [14] [15]
17Oliviero Stock [1]
18Carlo Strapparava [1]
19Michele Telaro [11]
20Francesco Tisato [3] [8]
21Andrea Trentini [3]
22Giuseppe Vizzari [12] [14] [16]
23Massimo Zancanaro [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)