
Alicia Martínez Rebollar

Alicia Martínez

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11EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez Rebollar, Oscar Pastor, John Mylopoulos, Paolo Giorgini: A Service-oriented Approach for the i* Framework. iStar 2008: 21-24
10EEAlicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, John Mylopoulos, Paolo Giorgini: From Early to Late Requirements: A Goal-Based Approach. AOIS 2006: 123-142
9EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez Rebollar, Oscar Pastor, John Mylopoulos: An Empirical Evaluation of the i* Framework in a Model-Based Software Generation Environment. CAiSE 2006: 513-527
8EEHugo Estrada, Oscar Pastor, Alicia Martínez, Jose Torres-Jimenez: Using a Goal-Refinement Tree to Obtain and Refine Organizational Requirements. ICCSA (4) 2004: 506-513
7EEAlicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, Hugo Estrada: Isolating and Specifying the Relevant Information of an Organizational Model: A Process Oriented Towards Information System Generation. ICCSA (4) 2004: 783-790
6EEAlicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, Hugo Estrada: A pattern language to join early and late requirements. WER 2004: 51-64
5EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor: Goal-Based Business Modeling Oriented towards Late Requirements Generation. ER 2003: 277-290
4EEAlicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, Hugo Estrada: Closing the Gap between Organizational Modeling and Information System Modeling. WER 2003: 93-108
3EEAlicia Martínez, Hugo Estrada, Juan Sánchez, Oscar Pastor: From Early Requirements to User Interface Prototyping: A Methodological Approach. ASE 2002: 257-260
2EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, Juan Sánchez: Generación de Especificaciones de Requisitos de Software a partor de Modelos de Negocios: Un Enfoque. WER 2002: 177-193
1EEHugo Estrada, Alicia Martínez, Oscar Pastor, Javier Ortiz, Octavio A. Ríos: Generación Automática de un Esquema Conceptual OO a Partir de un Modelo Conceptual de Flujo de Traba. WER 2001: 223-245

Coauthor Index

1Hugo Estrada [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [11]
2Paolo Giorgini [10] [11]
3John Mylopoulos [9] [10] [11]
4Javier Ortiz [1]
5Oscar Pastor [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
6Octavio A. Ríos [1]
7Juan Sánchez [2] [3]
8Jose Torres-Jimenez [8]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)