
Colin Fyfe

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130 Colin Fyfe, Dongsup Kim, Soo-Young Lee, Hujun Yin: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2008, 9th International Conference, Daejeon, South Korea, November 2-5, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
129EEEunsong Jang, Colin Fyfe, Hanseok Ko: Bregman Divergences and the Self Organising Map. IDEAL 2008: 452-458
128EEHokun Kim, Colin Fyfe, Hanseok Ko: Feature Locations in Images. IDEAL 2008: 459-463
127EEColin Fyfe, Tseng Wen-Ching, Wu Chia-Ti, Chien Shih-Yu, Pei Ling Lai: A topology preserving mapping for face recognition. IJCNN 2008: 1964-1968
126EEColin Fyfe: Topographic Maps for Clustering and Data Visualization. Computational Intelligence: A Compendium 2008: 111-153
125EENicolás García-Pedrajas, Colin Fyfe: Evolving Output Codes for Multiclass Problems. IEEE Trans. Evolutionary Computation 12(1): 93-106 (2008)
124EEWesam Barbakh, Colin Fyfe: Online Clustering Algorithms. Int. J. Neural Syst. 18(3): 185-194 (2008)
123EEColin Fyfe, Wesam Barbakh, Wei Chuang Ooi, Hanseok Ko: Topological Mappings of Video and Audio Data. Int. J. Neural Syst. 18(6): 481-489 (2008)
122EENicolás García-Pedrajas, Colin Fyfe: Construction of classifier ensembles by means of artificial immune systems. J. Heuristics 14(3): 285-310 (2008)
121EEWesam Barbakh, Colin Fyfe: Local vs global interactions in clustering algorithms: Advances over K-means. KES Journal 12(2): 83-99 (2008)
120EEColin Fyfe, Gayle Leen, Lakhmi C. Jain, Steve Thatcher: A stochastic process formulation of learning in cooperative agents. Multiagent and Grid Systems 4(4): 401-414 (2008)
119EEJinsong Leng, Colin Fyfe, Lakhmi C. Jain: Simulation and reinforcement learning with soccer agents. Multiagent and Grid Systems 4(4): 415-436 (2008)
118EEYing Wu, Colin Fyfe, Pei Ling Lai: Two forms of immediate reward reinforcement learning for exploratory data analysis. Neural Networks 21(6): 847-855 (2008)
117EEColin Fyfe, Pei Ling Lai: Immediate Reward Reinforcement Learning for Projective Kernel Methods. ESANN 2007: 307-312
116EEYing Wu, Colin Fyfe, Pei Ling Lai: Stochastic Weights Reinforcement Learning for Exploratory Data Analysis. ICANN (1) 2007: 668-676
115EEColin Fyfe, Wei Chuang Ooi, Hanseok Ko: Visualising and Clustering Video Data. IDEAL 2007: 335-344
114EEWesam Barbakh, Colin Fyfe: Clustering with Reinforcement Learning. IDEAL 2007: 507-516
113EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Reinforcement Learning for Topographic Mappings. IJCNN 2007: 1354-1359
112EEColin Fyfe, Pei Ling Lai: Reinforcement Learning Reward Functions for Unsupervised Learning. ISNN (1) 2007: 397-402
111EEJinsong Leng, Colin Fyfe, Lakhmi C. Jain: Reinforcement Learning of Competitive Skills with Soccer Agents. KES (1) 2007: 572-579
110EEJinsong Leng, Lakhmi C. Jain, Colin Fyfe: Convergence Analysis on Approximate Reinforcement Learning. KSEM 2007: 85-91
109EEColin Fyfe: Two topographic maps for data visualisation. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 14(2): 207-224 (2007)
108EENicolás García-Pedrajas, Cesar García-Osorio, Colin Fyfe: Nonlinear Boosting Projections for Ensemble Construction. Journal of Machine Learning Research 8: 1-33 (2007)
107EENicolás García-Pedrajas, Colin Fyfe: Immune network based ensembles. Neurocomputing 70(7-9): 1155-1166 (2007)
106 Emilio Corchado, Hujun Yin, Vicente J. Botti, Colin Fyfe: Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning - IDEAL 2006, 7th International Conference, Burgos, Spain, September 20-23, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
105EEBenoit Chaperot, Colin Fyfe: Improving Artificial Intelligence In a Motocross Game. CIG 2006: 181-186
104EEColin Fyfe, Gayle Leen: Stochastic Processes for Canonical Correlation Analysis. ESANN 2006: 245-250
103EEMarian Pena, Colin Fyfe: Outlier identification with the Harmonic Topographic Mapping. ESANN 2006: 289-294
102EEGayle Leen, Colin Fyfe: A Gaussian process latent variable model formulation of canonical correlation analysis. ESANN 2006: 413-418
101EENicolás García-Pedrajas, Colin Fyfe: Immune Network based Ensembles. ESANN 2006: 437-442
100EEPei Ling Lai, Gayle Leen, Colin Fyfe: The Sphere-Concatenate Method for Gaussian Process Canonical Correlation Analysis. ICANN (2) 2006: 302-310
99EEColin Fyfe, Gayle Leen: Two Methods for Sparsifying Probabilistic Canonical Correlation Analysis. ICONIP (1) 2006: 361-370
98EEMarian Pena, Colin Fyfe: The Topographic Neural Gas. IDEAL 2006: 241-248
97EEWesam Barbakh, Malcolm Crowe, Colin Fyfe: A Family of Novel Clustering Algorithms. IDEAL 2006: 283-290
96EEPei Ling Lai, Gayle Leen, Colin Fyfe: A Comparison of Stochastic Processes and Artificial Neural Networks for Canonical Correlation Analysis. IJCNN 2006: 1073-1077
95EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: A Latent Variable Implementation of Canonical Correlation Analysis for Data Visualisation. IJCNN 2006: 1143-1149
94EEColin Fyfe, Tzai-Der Wang, Shang Jen Chuang: Comparing Gaussian Processes and Artificial Neural Networks for Forecasting. JCIS 2006
93EEJinsong Leng, Colin Fyfe, Lakhmi C. Jain: Teamwork and Simulation in Hybrid Cognitive Architecture. KES (2) 2006: 472-478
92EESteve Thatcher, Colin Fyfe: Twinned Topographic Maps for Decision Making in the Cockpit. KES (2) 2006: 508-514
91EETzai-Der Wang, Colin Fyfe: Simulation of Cooperation for Price Competition in Oligopolies. SEAL 2006: 718-725
90EEColin Fyfe, Lakhmi C. Jain: Teams of intelligent agents which learn using artificial immune systems. J. Network and Computer Applications 29(2-3): 147-159 (2006)
89EEColin Fyfe: Incrementally Learned Subjectivist Probabilities in Games. CIG 2005
88EEGayle Leen, Colin Fyfe: Training an AI Player to play Pong Using the GTM. CIG 2005
87EEOleksiy Dekhtyarenko, Valery Tereshko, Colin Fyfe: Phase transition in sparse associative neural networks. ESANN 2005: 387-392
86EEColin Fyfe: The Topographic Product of Experts. ICANN (1) 2005: 397-402
85EEColin Fyfe: Local vs Global Models in Pong. ICANN (2) 2005: 975-980
84EECesar García-Osorio, Colin Fyfe: The combined use of self-organizing maps and andrews' curves. Int. J. Neural Syst. 15(3): 197-206 (2005)
83EECesar García-Osorio, Colin Fyfe: Visualization of High-dimensional Data via Orthogonal Curves. J. UCS 11(11): 1806-1819 (2005)
82EECesar García-Osorio, Colin Fyfe: Regaining sparsity in kernel principal components. Neurocomputing 67: 398-402 (2005)
81EECesar García-Osorio, Jesús Maudes, Colin Fyfe: Using Andrews Curves for Clustering and Sub-clustering Self-Organizing Maps. ESANN 2004: 477-482
80EETzai-Der Wang, Colin Fyfe: Traffic Jams: An Evolutionary Investigation. IAT 2004: 381-384
79EEGayle Leen, Colin Fyfe: Agent Wars with Artificial Immune Systems. ICEC 2004: 420-428
78EEDonald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Strategy Selection in Games Using Co-evolution Between Artificial Immune Systems. ICEC 2004: 445-450
77EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe, Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena, Ana María Lara Palma: Development of a Global and Integral Model of Business Management Using an Unsupervised Model. IDEAL 2004: 499-504
76EEJos Koetsier, Emilio Corchado, Donald MacDonald, Juan M. Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Kernel Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 650-653
75EEColin Fyfe: Dual Stream Artificial Neural Networks. KES 2004: 16-17
74EESteve Thatcher, Lakhmi C. Jain, Colin Fyfe: An Intelligent Aircraft Landing Support System. KES 2004: 74-79
73EEDonald MacDonald, Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Analysing Spectroscopic Data Using Hierarchical Cooperative Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning. MICAI 2004: 282-291
72EEDonald MacDonald, Jos Koetsier, Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: A Kernel Method for Classification. MICAI 2004: 823-832
71EEIain Hossack, Douglas Robertson, Peter Tucker, Andrew Hursthouse, Colin Fyfe: A Gis And Web-Based Decision Support Tool For The Management Of Urban Soils. Cybernetics and Systems 35(4): 499-509 (2004)
70EEEmilio Corchado, Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Maximum and Minimum Likelihood Hebbian Learning for Exploratory Projection Pursuit. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8(3): 203-225 (2004)
69EEColin Fyfe: Dynamic Strategy Creation and Selection Using Artificial Immune Systems. Int. J. Intell. Games & Simulation 3(1): 1-6 (2004)
68 Emilio Corchado, Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Internet agents who structure concept formation using kernel self-organising maps. Int. J. Web Eng. Technol. 1(4): 427-436 (2004)
67EEZhenkun Gou, Colin Fyfe: A canonical correlation neural network for multicollinearity and functional data. Neural Networks 17(2): 285-293 (2004)
66EEJos Koetsier, Ying Han, Colin Fyfe: Twinned principal curves. Neural Networks 17(3): 399-409 (2004)
65EEYing Han, Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Forecasting using twinned principal curves and twinned self-organising maps. Neurocomputing 57: 37-47 (2004)
64EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Relevance and Kernel Self-Organising Maps. ICANN 2003: 280-290
63EEJuan M. Corchado, Emilio Corchado, Jim Aiken, Colin Fyfe, Florentino Fernández Riverola, Manuel Gonzalez: Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning Based Retrieval Method for CBR Systems. ICCBR 2003: 107-121
62EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Initialising Self-Organising Maps. IDEAL 2003: 161-168
61EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Progressive Concept Formation in Self-Organising Maps. IWANN (1) 2003: 326-333
60EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Connectionist Techniques For The Identification And Suppression Of Interfering Underlying Factors. IJPRAI 17(8): 1447-1466 (2003)
59EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: An Extension of epsilon-Insensitive Hebbian Learning to Form a Non-Interfering Basis. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(3): 281-296 (2003)
58EEEmilio Corchado, Ying Han, Colin Fyfe: Structuring global responses of local filters using lateral connections. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 15(4): 473-487 (2003)
57EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Identification of Visual Features Using a Neural Version of Exploratory Projection Pursuit. AICS 2002: 150-157
56 Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Clustering in data space and feature space. ESANN 2002: 137-142
55 Colin Fyfe, Emilio Corchado: Maximum likelihood Hebbian rules. ESANN 2002: 143-148
54 Ying Han, Colin Fyfe: Forecasting using twinned principal curves. ESANN 2002: 471-476
53 Jos Koetsier, Donald MacDonald, Darryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Exploratory Correlation Analysis. ESANN 2002: 483-488
52EEDarryl Charles, Jos Koetsier, Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Multi-stream Exploratory Projection Pursuit for the Formation of Complex Cells Similar to Visual Cortical Neurons. ICANN 2002: 210-215
51EEDonald MacDonald, Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe, Erzsébet Merényi: Maximum and Minimum Likelihood Hebbian Learning for Exploratory Projection Pursuit. ICANN 2002: 649-654
50EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Optimal Projections of High Dimensional Data. ICDM 2002: 589-596
49EEYing Han, Colin Fyfe: Complexity Pursuit for Financial Prediction. IDEAL 2002: 397-402
48EEColin Fyfe, Emilio Corchado: A New Neural Implementation of Exploratory Projection Pursuit. IDEAL 2002: 512-517
47EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Extraction of Visual Information Using Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning. SBRN 2002: 227-233
46EEColin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: A comparison of Kernel methods for instantiating case based reasoning systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(3): 165-178 (2002)
45 Ying Han, Colin Fyfe: Finding Underlying Factors in Timeseries. Cybernetics and Systems 33(4): 297-323 (2002)
44EEEmilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Extraction of Independent Causes Using Lateral Connections. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 2(2): 115-130 (2002)
43EEColin Fyfe, Bogdan Gabrys: Guest editorial introduction. Knowl.-Based Syst. 15(1-2): 1-2 (2002)
42EEDarryl Charles, Colin Fyfe, Donald MacDonald, Jos Koetsier: Unsupervised neural networks for the identification of minimum overcomplete basis in visual data. Neurocomputing 47(1-4): 119-143 (2002)
41EEColin Fyfe, Donald MacDonald: epsilon-insensitive Hebbian learning. Neurocomputing 47(1-4): 35-57 (2002)
40EEDarryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Unsupervised models for processing visual data. ESANN 2001: 301-308
39EEL. Tan, Colin Fyfe: Sparse Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis. ESANN 2001: 335-340
38EEEmilio Corchado, Darryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Rectified Gaussian distributions and the formation of local filters from video data. ESANN 2001: 397-402
37 Colin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: Automating the construction of CBR systems using kernel methods. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(4): 571-586 (2001)
36 Pei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: A Family of Canonical Correlation Networks. Neural Processing Letters 14(2): 93-105 (2001)
35EEPei Ling Lai, Shang Jen Chuang, Colin Fyfe: Power Load Forecasting Using Neural Canonical Correlates. ICPR 2000: 2455-2458
34EEColin Fyfe, Pei Ling Lai: Canonical Correlation Analysis Neural Networks. ICPR 2000: 2977-2980
33EEYing Han, Colin Fyfe: A Gneral Class of Neural Networks for Principal Component Analysis and Factor Analysis. IDEAL 2000: 158-163
32EEZhenkun Gou, Colin Fyfe: Generalised Canonical Correlation Analysis. IDEAL 2000: 164-173
31EEDuncan McKay, Colin Fyfe: A Probabilistic Agent Approach to the Traffic Jam Problem. IDEAL 2000: 332-337
30EEDarryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Kernel Factor Analysis with Varimax Rotation. IJCNN (3) 2000: 381-386
29EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Kernel and Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis. IJCNN (4) 2000: 614
28EEDuncan McKay, Colin Fyfe: Probability prediction using support vector machines. KES 2000: 189-192
27EEDonald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe, Darryl Charles: Kernel exploratory projection pursuit. KES 2000: 193-196
26EEZhen Kun Gon, JunKang Feng, Colin Fyfe: A comparison of sparse kernel principal component analysis methods. KES 2000: 309-312
25EEDonald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: The kernel self-organising map. KES 2000: 317-320
24 Stephen McGlinchey, Darryl Charles, Pei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Unsupervised Extraction of Structural Information from High Dimensional Visual Data. Appl. Intell. 12(1-2): 63-74 (2000)
23EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Kernel and Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis. Int. J. Neural Syst. 10(5): 365-377 (2000)
22 Pei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Simultaneous Identification of Face and Orientation. Neural Processing Letters 12(1): 33-40 (2000)
21 Daniel Livingstone, Colin Fyfe: Modelling the Evolution of Linguistic Diversity. ECAL 1999: 704-708
20EEDonald MacDonald, Stephen McGlinchey, John Kawala, Colin Fyfe: Comparison of Kohonen, scale-invariant and GTM self-organising maps for interpretation of spectral data. ESANN 1999: 117-122
19EEDonald MacDonald, Darryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Neural networks which identify composite factors. ESANN 1999: 281-288
18EEColin Fyfe: Trends in Unsupervised Learning. ESANN 1999: 319-326
17EEDarryl Charles, Colin Fyfe: Noise to extract independent causes. ESANN 1999: 345-350
16 Tzai-Der Wang, J. P. Marney, Colin Fyfe: Cooperation in Oligopolies. IIA/SOCO 1999
15 Donald MacDonald, Colin Fyfe: Data Mining using Unsupervised Neural Networks. IIA/SOCO 1999
14 Daniel Livingstone, Colin Fyfe: Dialect and Learned Systems of Communication in Multi-Agent Systems. IIA/SOCO 1999
13 Colin Fyfe, Darryl Charles, Stephen McGlinchey: Learning Independent Causes of a Visual Data Set using the Rectified Gaussian Distribution. IIA/SOCO 1999
12EEJuan M. Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Unsupervised neural method for temperature forecasting. AI in Engineering 13(4): 351-357 (1999)
11EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: A neural implementation of canonical correlation analysis. Neural Networks 12(10): 1391-1397 (1999)
10EEStephen McGlinchey, Colin Fyfe: Invariant feature maps for analysis of orientations in image data. ESANN 1998: 215-220
9EEPei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe: Canonical correlation analysis using artificial neural networks. ESANN 1998: 363-368
8EEColin Fyfe: Structured population-based incremental learning. Soft Comput. 2(4): 191-198 (1998)
7 Mark Girolami, Colin Fyfe: Independence is far from normal. ESANN 1997
6EEMark Girolami, Colin Fyfe: Stochastic ICA Contrast Maximisation Using Oja's Nonlinear PCA Algorithm. Int. J. Neural Syst. 8(5-6): 661-678 (1997)
5EEColin Fyfe: A Comparative Study of Two Neural Methods of Exploratory Projection Pursuit. Neural Networks 10(2): 257-262 (1997)
4EEMark Girolami, Colin Fyfe: An extended exploratory projection pursuit network with linear and nonlinear anti-hebbian lateral connections applied to the cocktail party problem. Neural Networks 10(9): 1607-1618 (1997)
3 Colin Fyfe: A Neural Network for PCA and Beyond. Neural Processing Letters 6(1-2): 33-41 (1997)
2 Mark Girolami, Colin Fyfe: A Temporal Model of Linear Anti-Hebbian Learning. Neural Processing Letters 4(3): 139-148 (1996)
1EEColin Fyfe: Introducing asymmetry into interneuron learning. Neural Computation 7(6): 1191-1205 (1995)

Coauthor Index

1Jim Aiken [63]
2Wesam Barbakh [97] [114] [121] [123] [124]
3Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena [77]
4Vicente J. Botti [106]
5Benoit Chaperot [105]
6Darryl Charles [13] [17] [19] [24] [27] [30] [38] [40] [42] [52] [53]
7Wu Chia-Ti [127]
8Shang Jen Chuang [35] [94]
9Emilio Corchado [38] [44] [47] [48] [50] [51] [55] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [68] [70] [72] [73] [76] [77] [106]
10Juan M. Corchado [12] [37] [46] [63] [72] [76]
11Malcolm Crowe [97]
12Oleksiy Dekhtyarenko [87]
13JunKang Feng [26]
14Bogdan Gabrys [43]
15Cesar García-Osorio [81] [82] [83] [84] [108]
16Nicolás García-Pedrajas [101] [107] [108] [122] [125]
17Mark A. Girolami (Mark Girolami) [2] [4] [6] [7]
18Zhen Kun Gon [26]
19Manuel Gonzalez [63]
20Zhenkun Gou [32] [67]
21Ying Han [33] [45] [49] [54] [58] [65] [66]
22Iain Hossack [71]
23Andrew Hursthouse [71]
24Lakhmi C. Jain [74] [90] [93] [110] [111] [119] [120]
25Eunsong Jang [129]
26John Kawala [20]
27Dongsup Kim [130]
28Hokun Kim [128]
29Hanseok Ko [115] [123] [128] [129]
30Jos Koetsier [42] [52] [53] [66] [72] [76]
31Pei Ling Lai [9] [11] [22] [23] [24] [29] [34] [35] [36] [95] [96] [100] [112] [113] [116] [117] [118] [127]
32Soo-Young Lee [130]
33Gayle Leen [79] [88] [96] [99] [100] [102] [104] [120]
34Jinsong Leng [93] [110] [111] [119]
35Daniel Livingstone [14] [21]
36Donald MacDonald [15] [19] [20] [25] [27] [41] [42] [51] [52] [53] [56] [68] [70] [72] [73] [76] [78]
37J. P. Marney [16]
38Jesús Maudes [81]
39Stephen McGlinchey [10] [13] [20] [24]
40Duncan McKay [28] [31]
41Erzsébet Merényi [51]
42Wei Chuang Ooi [115] [123]
43Ana María Lara Palma [77]
44Marian Pena [98] [103]
45Florentino Fernández Riverola (Florentino Fdez-Riverola) [63]
46Douglas Robertson [71]
47Chien Shih-Yu [127]
48L. Tan [39]
49Valery Tereshko [87]
50Steve Thatcher [74] [92] [120]
51Peter Tucker [71]
52Tzai-Der Wang [16] [80] [91] [94]
53Tseng Wen-Ching [127]
54Ying Wu [116] [118]
55Hujun Yin [106] [130]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)