
Juan M. Corchado

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93 Juan M. Corchado, Juan Francisco de Paz, Miguel Rocha, Florentino Fernández Riverola: 2nd International Workshop on Practical Applications of Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, IWPACBB 2008, Salamanca, Spain, 22th-24th October 2008 Springer 2009
92 Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodríguez, James Llinas, José M. Molina: International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, DCAI 2008, University of Salamanca, Spain, 22th-24th October 2008 Springer 2009
91EEDaniel Glez-Peña, Fernando Díaz, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, José Ramon Méndez, Juan M. Corchado: Fuzzy Patterns and GCS Networks to Clustering Gene Expression Data. Fuzzy Systems in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2009: 103-125
90EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado, Yanira de Paz, Juan F. De Paz, Sara Rodríguez, Quintín Martin, Ajith Abraham: SHOMAS: Intelligent guidance and suggestions in shopping centres. Appl. Soft Comput. 9(2): 851-862 (2009)
89 Emilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado, Ajith Abraham: Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems Springer 2008
88EEDante I. Tapia, Sara Rodríguez, Javier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: FUSION@, A SOA-Based Multi-agent Architecture. DCAI 2008: 99-107
87EEJuan M. Corchado, Aitor Mata, Juan Francisco de Paz, David Del Pozo: A new CBR approach to the oil spill problem. ECAI 2008: 643-647
86EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodríguez: GR-MAS: Multi-Agent System for Geriatric Residences. ECAI 2008: 875-876
85EEJuan M. Corchado, Aitor Mata: Predicting the Presence of Oil Slicks After an Oil Spill. ECCBR 2008: 573-586
84 Sara Rodríguez, Juan Francisco de Paz, Dante I. Tapia, Juan M. Corchado: Using a Distributed Multi-Agent Architecture for Optimizing the Performance of a Case-Based Planning Mechanism. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 43-52
83 Juan Francisco de Paz, Sara Rodríguez, Javier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: CBR System for Leukemia Patients Diagnosis. ECCBR Workshops 2008: 69-78
82EEEmilio Corchado, Bruno Baruque, Aitor Mata, Juan M. Corchado: A WeVoS-CBR Approach to Oil Spill Problem. HAIS 2008: 378-384
81EEJuan M. Corchado, Juan Francisco de Paz: Using CBR Systems for Leukemia Classification. HAIS 2008: 688-695
80 Juan M. Corchado, Aitor Mata, Juan Francisco de Paz, David Del Pozo: A Case-Based Reasoning System to Forecast the Presence Of Oil Slicks. IADIS European Conf. Data Mining 2008: 3-10
79EEJuan A. Fraile, Javier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: Hybrid Multi-agent Architecture (HoCa) Applied to the Control and Supervision of Patients in Their Homes. IBERAMIA 2008: 193-202
78EESara Rodríguez, Juan Francisco de Paz, Javier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: Applying CBR Systems to Micro Array Data Classification. IWPACBB 2008: 102-111
77EEJuan M. Corchado, Jim Aiken, Javier Bajo: A CBR Agent for Monitoring the Carbon Dioxide Exchange Rate from Satellite Images. Case-Based Reasoning on Images and Signals 2008: 213-246
76EEJuan Francisco de Paz, Sara Rodríguez, Juan M. Sánchez, Ana de Luis, Juan M. Corchado: Context Aware Hybrid Agents on Automated Dynamic Environments. Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 25-32
75EEJuan Francisco de Paz, Yanira de Paz, Javier Bajo, Sara Rodríguez, Juan M. Corchado: Autonomous FYDPS Neural Network-Based Planner Agent for Health Care in Geriatric Residences. Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems 2008: 377-384
74EEMaría Lourdes Borrajo Diz, E. S. Corchado, María A. Pellicer, Juan M. Corchado: CBR Based Engine for Business Internal Control. Soft Computing Applications in Business 2008: 243-260
73EEJuan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo, Yanira de Paz: A CBR System: The Core of an Ambient Intelligence Health Care Application. Soft Computing Applications in Industry 2008: 311-330
72EEMaría Lourdes Borrajo Diz, Rosalia Laza, Juan M. Corchado: A Complex Case-Based Advisor. Applied Artificial Intelligence 22(5): 377-406 (2008)
71EEJuan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo, Yanira de Paz, Dante I. Tapia: Intelligent environment for monitoring Alzheimer patients, agent technology for health care. Decision Support Systems 44(2): 382-396 (2008)
70EECarlos Carrascosa, Javier Bajo, Vicente Julián, Juan M. Corchado, Vicente J. Botti: Hybrid multi-agent architecture as a real-time problem-solving model. Expert Syst. Appl. 34(1): 2-17 (2008)
69EEJuan M. Corchado, Javier Bajo, Ajith Abraham: GerAmi: Improving Healthcare Delivery in Geriatric Residences. IEEE Intelligent Systems 23(2): 19-25 (2008)
68 Daniel Borrajo, Luis A. Castillo, Juan M. Corchado: Current Topics in Artificial Intelligence, 12th Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence, CAEPIA 2007, Salamanca, Spain, November 12-16, 2007. Selected Papers Springer 2007
67EEJosé Ramon Méndez, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Daniel Glez-Peña, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Relaxing Feature Selection in Spam Filtering by Using Case-Based Reasoning Systems. EPIA Workshops 2007: 53-62
66EEJosé Ramon Méndez, Carlos González, Daniel Glez-Peña, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Assessing Classification Accuracy in the Revision Stage of a CBR Spam Filtering System. ICCBR 2007: 374-388
65EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodríguez: Intelligent Guidance and Suggestions Using Case-Based Planning. ICCBR 2007: 389-403
64EEJavier Bajo, Dante I. Tapia, Sara Rodríguez, Ana de Luis, Juan M. Corchado: Nature-Inspired Planner Agent for Health Care. IWANN 2007: 1090-1097
63EEManuel González Bedia, Juan M. Corchado, Luis Fernando Castillo: Bio-inspired Memory Generation by Recurrent Neural Networks. IWANN 2007: 55-62
62EEMaría Lourdes Borrajo Diz, Juan M. Corchado, E. S. Corchado, María A. Pellicer: Neural Business Control System. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2007: 242-254
61EEDante I. Tapia, Javier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado, Sara Rodríguez, Juan M. Manzano: Hybrid Agents Based Architecture on Automated Dynamic Environments. KES (2) 2007: 453-460
60EEJavier Bajo, Dante I. Tapia, Ana de Luis, Sara Rodríguez, Juan Francisco de Paz, Juan M. Corchado: Hybrid Architecture for a Reasoning Planner Agent. KES (2) 2007: 461-468
59EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, Fernando Díaz, José Ramon Méndez, Juan M. Corchado: SpamHunting: An instance-based reasoning system for spam labelling and filtering. Decision Support Systems 43(3): 722-736 (2007)
58EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, Fernando Díaz, José Ramon Méndez, Juan M. Corchado: Applying lazy learning algorithms to tackle concept drift in spam filtering. Expert Syst. Appl. 33(1): 36-48 (2007)
57EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Reducing the Memory Size of a Fuzzy Case-Based Reasoning System Applying Rough Set Techniques. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 37(1): 138-146 (2007)
56EEJosé Ramon Méndez, Florentino Fernández Riverola, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Tracking Concept Drift at Feature Selection Stage in SpamHunting: An Anti-spam Instance-Based Reasoning System. ECCBR 2006: 504-518
55EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado, Luis Fernando Castillo: Running Agents in Mobile Devices. IBERAMIA-SBIA 2006: 58-67
54EEFernando Díaz, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Daniel Glez-Peña, Juan M. Corchado: Using Fuzzy Patterns for Gene Selection and Data Reduction on Microarray Data. IDEAL 2006: 1087-1094
53EEFernando Díaz, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Daniel Glez-Peña, Juan M. Corchado: Applying GCS Networks to Fuzzy Discretized Microarray Data for Tumour Diagnosis. IDEAL 2006: 1095-1102
52EEJavier Bajo, Yanira de Paz, Juan Francisco de Paz, Quintín Martin, Juan M. Corchado: SMas: A Shopping Mall Multiagent Systems. IDEAL 2006: 1166-1173
51EEJosé Ramon Méndez, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, Juan M. Corchado: A Comparative Performance Study of Feature Selection Methods for the Anti-spam Filtering Domain. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2006: 106-120
50EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: Multiagent Architecture for Monitoring the North-Atlantic Carbon Dioxide Exchange Rate. CAEPIA 2005: 321-330
49EEJosé Ramon Méndez, Eva Lorenzo Iglesias, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Tokenising, Stemming and Stopword Removal on Anti-spam Filtering Domain. CAEPIA 2005: 449-458
48EEMaría Lourdes Borrajo Diz, Juan M. Corchado, J. Carlos Yáñez, Florentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz: Autonomous Internal Control System for Small to Medium Firms. ICCBR 2005: 106-121
47EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz, María Lourdes Borrajo Diz, J. Carlos Yáñez, Juan M. Corchado: Improving Gene Selection in Microarray Data Analysis Using Fuzzy Patterns Inside a CBR System. ICCBR 2005: 191-205
46EEJavier Bajo, Juan M. Corchado: Evaluation and Monitoring of the Air-Sea Interaction Using a CBR-Agents Approach. ICCBR 2005: 50-62
45EEJuan M. Corchado, Jim Aiken, Emilio Corchado, Florentino Fernández Riverola: Evaluating the air-sea interactions and fluxes using an instance-based reasoning system. AI Commun. 18(4): 247-256 (2005)
44EEJuan M. Corchado, María A. Pellicer: Development of CBR-BDI Agents. IJCSA 2(1): 25-32 (2005)
43EEEmilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado, Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena, Ana María Lara Palma: Constructing a Global and Integral Model of Business Management Using a CBR System. CDVE 2004: 141-147
42EEJuan M. Corchado, Emilio Corchado, María A. Pellicer: Design of Cooperative Agents for Mobile Devices. CDVE 2004: 205-212
41EEJuan M. Corchado, Jim Aiken, Emilio Corchado, Nathalie Lefevre, Tim Smyth: Quantifying the Ocean's CO2 Budget with a CoHeL-IBR System. ECCBR 2004: 533-546
40EEJuan M. Corchado, Juan Pavón, Emilio Corchado, Luis Fernando Castillo: Development of CBR-BDI Agents: A Tourist Guide Application. ECCBR 2004: 547-559
39EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Applying Rough Sets Reduction Techniques to the Construction of a Fuzzy Rule Base for Case Based Reasoning. IBERAMIA 2004: 83-92
38EEJuan M. Corchado, María Lourdes Borrajo Diz, María A. Pellicer, J. Carlos Yáñez: Neuro-symbolic System for Business Internal Control. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2004: 1-10
37EEJuan M. Corchado, Emilio Corchado, Jim Aiken: An IBR System to Quantify the Ocean's Carbon Dioxide Budget. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2004: 33-41
36EEEmilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado, Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena, Ana María Lara Palma: A Beta-Cooperative CBR System for Constructing a Business Management Model. Industrial Conference on Data Mining 2004: 42-49
35EEJos Koetsier, Emilio Corchado, Donald MacDonald, Juan M. Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Kernel Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 650-653
34EEJuan Pavón, Juan M. Corchado, Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz, Luis F. Castillo Ossa: Mobile Tourist Guide Services with Software Agents. MATA 2004: 322-330
33EEDonald MacDonald, Jos Koetsier, Emilio Corchado, Colin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: A Kernel Method for Classification. MICAI 2004: 823-832
32EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Fernando Díaz, Juan M. Corchado: Using Rough Sets Theory and Minimum Description Length Principle to Improve a beta-TSK Fuzzy Revision Method for CBR Systems. SBIA 2004: 424-433
31EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: FSfRT: Forecasting System for Red Tides. Appl. Intell. 21(3): 251-264 (2004)
30EEEmilio Corchado, Juan M. Corchado, Jim Aiken: IBR retrieval method based on topology preserving mappings. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 16(3): 145-160 (2004)
29EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: Employing TSK Fuzzy Models to Automate the Revision Stage of a CBR System. CAEPIA 2003: 302-311
28EERosalia Laza, Reyes Pavón, Juan M. Corchado: A Reasoning Model for CBR_BDI Agents Using an Adaptable Fuzzy Inference System. CAEPIA 2003: 96-106
27EEJuan M. Corchado, Emilio Corchado, Jim Aiken, Colin Fyfe, Florentino Fernández Riverola, Manuel Gonzalez: Maximum Likelihood Hebbian Learning Based Retrieval Method for CBR Systems. ICCBR 2003: 107-121
26EEJuan M. Corchado, Rosalia Laza, Lourdes Borrajo, J. C. Yañez A. de Luis, Manuel González Bedia: Agent-Based Web Engineering. ICWE 2003: 17-25
25EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: Forecasting red tides using an hybrid neuro-symbolic system. AI Commun. 16(4): 221-233 (2003)
24EEFlorentino Fdez-Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: FSFRT: Forecasting System for Red Tides. A Hybrid Autonomous AI Model. Applied Artificial Intelligence 17(10): 955-982 (2003)
23EEJuan M. Corchado, Rosalia Laza: Constructing deliberative agents with case-based reasoning technology. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 18(12): 1227-1241 (2003)
22EEJuan M. Corchado, Rosalia Laza, Lourdes Borrajo, J. C. Yañez A. de Luis, M. Valiño: Increasing the Autonomy of Deliberative Agents with a Case-Based Reasoning System. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 3(1): 101-118 (2003)
21EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: CBR based system for forecasting red tides. Knowl.-Based Syst. 16(5-6): 321-328 (2003)
20EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado, Jesús M. Torres: Neuro-symbolic System for Forecasting Red Tides. AICS 2002: 45-52
19EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado, Jesús M. Torres: An Automated Hybrid CBR System for Forecasting. ECCBR 2002: 519-533
18 María Lourdes Borrajo Diz, J. Carlos Yáñez, Juan M. Corchado: A CBR System to Assist the Internal Control Process of a Firm. ECCBR Workshops 2002: 23-26
17 Rosalia Laza, A. Gómez, Reyes Pavón, Juan M. Corchado: A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to the Implementation of BDI Agents. ECCBR Workshops 2002: 27-30
16 Juan M. Corchado, Rosalia Laza: Construction of BDI Agents from CBR systems. German Workshop on Experience Management 2002: 47-60
15 Florentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: An Automated Hybrid Reasoning System for Forecasting. HIS 2002: 31-41
14EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: A Hybrid CBR Model for Forecasting in Complex Domains. IBERAMIA 2002: 101-110
13EEColin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: A comparison of Kernel methods for instantiating case based reasoning systems. Advanced Engineering Informatics 16(3): 165-178 (2002)
12 Juan M. Corchado, Jim Aiken: Hybrid artificial intelligence methods in oceanographic forecast models. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C 32(4): 307-313 (2002)
11 Francisco J. García, Juan M. Corchado: CBR Applied to Development with Reuse Based on Mecanos. SEKE 2001: 307-311
10 Juan M. Corchado, Brian Lees: A Hybrid Case-based Model for Forecasting. Applied Artificial Intelligence 15(2): 105-127 (2001)
9 Colin Fyfe, Juan M. Corchado: Automating the construction of CBR systems using kernel methods. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 16(4): 571-586 (2001)
8 Juan M. Corchado, Brian Lees, Jim Aiken: Hybrid Instance-Based System for Predicting Ocean Temperatures. International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications 1(1): 35-52 (2001)
7EEFlorentino Fernández Riverola, Juan M. Corchado: Sistemas hibridos neuro-simbolicos: Una revision. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 11: 12-26 (2000)
6EEJuan M. Corchado: Resumen Mesa de Trabajo sobre Agentes Inteligentes y Sistemas Multiagente. Inteligencia Artificial, Revista Iberoamericana de Inteligencia Artificial 9: 6-7 (2000)
5 Juan M. Corchado, Pedro Cuesta: Improving the Interoperability in Multi-agent Systems. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 14-15
4 Brian Lees, Juan M. Corchado: Integrated Case-Based Neural Network Approach to Problem Solving. XPS 1999: 157-166
3EEJuan M. Corchado, Colin Fyfe: Unsupervised neural method for temperature forecasting. AI in Engineering 13(4): 351-357 (1999)
2 Juan M. Corchado: Adaptive Hybrid System Architecture for Forecasting. AAAI/IAAI 1997: 808
1 Juan M. Corchado, Brian Lees, N. Rees: A Multi-agent System "Test Bed" For Evaluating Autonomous Agents. Agents 1997: 386-393

Coauthor Index

1Ajith Abraham [69] [89] [90]
2Jim Aiken [8] [12] [27] [30] [37] [41] [45] [77]
3Javier Bajo [46] [50] [52] [55] [60] [61] [64] [65] [69] [70] [71] [73] [75] [77] [78] [79] [83] [86] [88] [90]
4Lourdes Sáiz Bárcena [36] [43]
5Bruno Baruque [82]
6Manuel González Bedia [26] [63]
7Daniel Borrajo [68]
8Vicente J. Botti [70]
9Carlos Carrascosa [70]
10Luis A. Castillo [68]
11Luis Fernando Castillo [40] [55] [63]
12E. S. Corchado [62] [74]
13Emilio Corchado [27] [30] [33] [35] [36] [37] [40] [41] [42] [43] [45] [82] [89]
14Pedro Cuesta [5]
15Fernando Díaz (Fernando Díaz Gómez) [32] [39] [47] [48] [49] [51] [53] [54] [56] [57] [58] [59] [66] [67] [91]
16María Lourdes Borrajo Diz (Lourdes Borrajo) [18] [22] [26] [38] [47] [48] [62] [72] [74]
17Juan A. Fraile [79]
18Colin Fyfe [3] [9] [13] [27] [33] [35]
19Francisco J. García [11]
20Daniel Glez-Peña [53] [54] [66] [67] [91]
21A. Gómez [17]
22Jorge J. Gómez-Sanz [34]
23Carlos González [66]
24Manuel Gonzalez [27]
25Eva Lorenzo Iglesias [49] [51] [56] [58] [59]
26Vicente Julián [70]
27Jos Koetsier [33] [35]
28Rosalia Laza [16] [17] [22] [23] [26] [28] [72]
29Brian Lees [1] [4] [8] [10]
30Nathalie Lefevre [41]
31James Llinas [92]
32José M. Molina López (José Manuel Molina, José M. Molina) [92]
33Ana de Luis [60] [64] [76]
34J. C. Yañez A. de Luis [22] [26]
35Donald MacDonald [33] [35]
36Juan M. Manzano [61]
37Quintín Martin [52] [90]
38Aitor Mata [80] [82] [85] [87]
39José Ramon Méndez [49] [51] [56] [58] [59] [66] [67] [91]
40Luis F. Castillo Ossa [34]
41Ana María Lara Palma [36] [43]
42Juan Pavón [34] [40]
43Reyes Pavón [17] [28]
44Juan F. De Paz [90]
45Juan Francisco de Paz [52] [60] [75] [76] [78] [80] [81] [83] [84] [87] [93]
46Yanira de Paz [52] [71] [73] [75] [90]
47María A. Pellicer [38] [42] [44] [62] [74]
48David Del Pozo [80] [87]
49N. Rees [1]
50Florentino Fernández Riverola (Florentino Fdez-Riverola) [7] [14] [15] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [27] [29] [31] [32] [39] [45] [47] [48] [49] [51] [53] [54] [56] [57] [58] [59] [66] [67] [91] [93]
51Miguel Rocha [93]
52Sara Rodríguez [60] [61] [64] [65] [75] [76] [78] [83] [84] [86] [88] [90] [92]
53Juan M. Sánchez [76]
54Tim Smyth [41]
55Dante I. Tapia [60] [61] [64] [71] [84] [88]
56Jesús M. Torres [19] [20]
57M. Valiño [22]
58J. Carlos Yáñez [18] [38] [47] [48]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)