Volume 12,
Numbers 1-2,
January 2000
- Franz J. Kurfess:
Neural Networks and Structured Knowledge: Rule Extraction and Applications.
7-13 BibTeX
- Rudy Setiono, Wee Kheng Leow:
FERNN: An Algorithm for Fast Extraction of Rules from Neural Networks.
15-25 BibTeX
- Stefan Wermter:
Knowledge Extraction from Transducer Neural Networks.
27-42 BibTeX
- Robert I. Damper, Steve R. Gunn, Mathew O. Gore:
Extracting Phonetic Knowledge from Learning Systems: Perceptrons, Support Vector Machines and Linear Discriminants.
43-62 BibTeX
- Stephen McGlinchey, Darryl Charles, Pei Ling Lai, Colin Fyfe:
Unsupervised Extraction of Structural Information from High Dimensional Visual Data.
63-74 BibTeX
- Neil Davey, Rod Adams, Stella J. George:
The Architecture and Performance of a Stochastic Competitive Evolutionary Neural Tree Network.
75-93 BibTeX
- Marcus Pfister, Sven Behnke, Raúl Rojas:
Recognition of Handwritten ZIP Codes in a Real-World Non-Standard-Letter Sorting System.
95-114 BibTeX
- Anna Maria Bianucci, Alessio Micheli, Alessandro Sperduti, Antonina Starita:
Application of Cascade Correlation Networks for Structures to Chemistry.
115-145 BibTeX
Volume 12,
Number 3,
May 2000
- Babak Forouraghi:
A Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Robust Design.
151-161 BibTeX
- Enrique Alba, José M. Troya:
Influence of the Migration Policy in Parallel Distributed GAs with Structured and Panmictic Populations.
163-181 BibTeX
- C. E. Henderson, Walter D. Potter, Ronald W. McClendon, Gerrit Hoogenboom:
Predicting Aflatoxin Contamination in Peanuts: A Genetic Algorithm/Neural Network Approach.
183-192 BibTeX
- Khosrow Kaikhah, Ryan Garlick:
Variable Hidden Layer Sizing in Elman Recurrent Neuro-Evolution.
193-205 BibTeX
- A. D. Kulkarni, Charles Cavanaugh:
Fuzzy Neural Network Models for Classification.
207-215 BibTeX
- Gianfranco Lamperti, Marina Zanella, Paolo Pogliano:
Diagnosis of Active Systems by Automata-Based Reasoning Techniques.
217-237 BibTeX
- Nikitas M. Sgouros:
Using Character Motives to Drive Plot Resolution in Interactive Stories.
239-250 BibTeX
- Igor Jurisica, Janice I. Glasgow, John Mylopoulos:
Incremental Iterative Retrieval and Browsing for Efficient Conversational CBR Systems.
251-268 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:50:51 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)