
Henrik Nilsson

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18EEGeorge Giorgidze, Henrik Nilsson: Switched-On Yampa. PADL 2008: 282-298
17 Henrik Nilsson: Revised Selected Papers from the Seventh Symposium on Trends in Functional Programming, TFP 2006, Nottingham, United Kingdom, 19-21 April 2006. Intellect 2007
16EEGeorge Giorgidze, Henrik Nilsson: Demo outline: switched-on yampa. Haskell 2007: 93
15EEOndrej Rypacek, Roland Carl Backhouse, Henrik Nilsson: Type-theoretic design patterns. ICFP-WGP 2006: 13-22
14EEHenrik Nilsson: Dynamic optimization for functional reactive programming using generalized algebraic data types. ICFP 2005: 54-65
13EEHenrik Nilsson: Functional automatic differentiation with dirac impulses. ICFP 2003: 153-164
12EEHenrik Nilsson, John Peterson, Paul Hudak: Functional Hybrid Modeling. PADL 2003: 376-390
11EEPaul Hudak, Antony Courtney, Henrik Nilsson, John Peterson: Arrows, Robots, and Functional Reactive Programming. Advanced Functional Programming 2002: 159-187
10EEIzzet Pembeci, Henrik Nilsson, Gregory D. Hager: Functional reactive robotics: an exercise in principled integration of domain-specific languages. PPDP 2002: 168-179
9EEIsabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Carine Courbis, Ludovic Henrio, Henrik Nilsson: An integrated development environment for Java Card. Computer Networks 36(4): 391-405 (2001)
8 Henrik Nilsson: How to look busy while being as lazy as ever: the implementation of a lazy functional debugger. J. Funct. Program. 11(6): 629-671 (2001)
7 Isabelle Attali, Denis Caromel, Carine Courbis, Ludovic Henrio, Henrik Nilsson: Smart Tools for Java Cards. CARDIS 2000: 155-176
6EEHenrik Nilsson: Tracing Piece by Piece: Affordable Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages. ICFP 1999: 36-47
5 Henrik Nilsson, Jan Sparud: The Evaluation Dependence Tree as a Basis for Lazy Functional Debugging. Autom. Softw. Eng. 4(2): 121-150 (1997)
4 Jan Sparud, Henrik Nilsson: The Architecture of a Debugger for Lazy Functional Languages. AADEBUG 1995: 19-34
3 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages. J. Funct. Program. 4(3): 337-369 (1994)
2 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Lazy Algorithmic Debugging: Ideas for Practical Implementation. AADEBUG 1993: 117-134
1 Henrik Nilsson, Peter Fritzson: Algorithmic Debugging for Lazy Functional Languages. PLILP 1992: 385-399

Coauthor Index

1Isabelle Attali [7] [9]
2Roland Carl Backhouse [15]
3Denis Caromel [7] [9]
4Carine Courbis [7] [9]
5Antony Courtney [11]
6Peter Fritzson [1] [2] [3]
7George Giorgidze [16] [18]
8Gregory D. Hager [10]
9Ludovic Henrio [7] [9]
10Paul Hudak [11] [12]
11Izzet Pembeci [10]
12John Peterson [11] [12]
13Ondrej Rypacek [15]
14Jan Sparud [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)