1. PARA 1994:
Jack Dongarra, Jerzy Wasniewski (Eds.):
Parallel Scientific Computing, First International Workshop, PARA '94, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 1994, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 879 Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-58712-8 BibTeX
editor = {Jack Dongarra and
Jerzy Wasniewski},
title = {Parallel Scientific Computing, First International Workshop,
PARA '94, Lyngby, Denmark, June 20-23, 1994, Proceedings},
booktitle = {PARA},
publisher = {Springer},
series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
volume = {879},
year = {1994},
isbn = {3-540-58712-8},
bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
- Anders Ålund, Per Lötstedt, Roland Rydeén:
Computational Fluid Dynamics on Workstation Clusters in Industrial Environments.
1-10 BibTeX
- Bjarne Stig Andersen, P. Kaae, C. Keable, Wojciech Owczarz, Jerzy Wasniewski, Zahari Zlatev:
PVM Implementations of Advection-Chemistry Modules of Air Pollution Models.
11-16 BibTeX
- Vincenzo Antonuccio-Delogu, Ugo Becciani:
A Parallel Tree N-Body Code for Heterogeneous Clusters.
17-32 BibTeX
- José M. Badía, Antonio M. Vidal:
Parallel Computation of the Eigenstructure of Toeplitz-plus-Hankel Matrices on Multicomputers.
33-40 BibTeX
- Susanne M. Balle, Palle M. Pedersen:
Singular Value Decomposition on the Connection Machine CM-5/CM-5E.
41-50 BibTeX
- Vincent A. Barker, Chen Yingqun:
Computing Eigenvalues of Sparse Matrices on the Connection Machine.
51-58 BibTeX
- Claus Bendtsen:
Preliminary Experiences with Extrapolation Methods for Parallel Solution of Differential Algebraic Equations.
59-66 BibTeX
- Pavel Berkhin, John Brown:
A Transform Approach to Fast Matrix Multiplication.
67-79 BibTeX
- Gert D. Billing:
Quantum Mechanical Treatment of Reactive Scattering Problems.
80-88 BibTeX
- Achim Bode, Norbert Eicker, Thomas Lippert, Klaus Schilling, P. Ueberholz:
Visualizing the Critical Dynamics of Monopole Current Clusters - Global/Local Programming on the Connection Machine CM-5.
89-99 BibTeX
- Krzysztof Boryczko, Jacek Kitowski, Jacek Moscinski:
Load-Balancing Procedure for Distributed Short-Range Molecular Dynamics.
100-109 BibTeX
- John Brown, Per Christian Hansen, Jerzy Wasniewski, Zahari Zlatev:
Comparison of Massively Parallel SIMD Computers Using Air Pollution Models.
110-126 BibTeX
- Marian Bubak, Jacek Moscinski, Marek Pogoda, W. Zdechlikiewicz:
Parallel Distributed 2-D Short-Range Molecular Dynamics on Networked Workstations.
127-135 BibTeX
- Marian Bubak, Jacek Moscinski, Renata Slota:
Implementation of Parallel Lattice Gas Program on Workstations under PVM.
136-146 BibTeX
- Jaeyoung Choi, Jack Dongarra, Roldan Pozo, David W. Walker:
Constructing Numerical Software Libraries for High-Performance Computing Environments.
147-168 BibTeX
- Michel J. Daydé, Iain S. Duff:
The CERFACS Experience.
169-176 BibTeX
- Renate Dohmen:
Towards an Automatic Portation of Programs from nCUBE2 to KSR1.
177-189 BibTeX
- V. D. Elinov, O. G. Monakhov, I. I. Ushatinsky:
Seismic Data Processing: Parallel and Conservative Computations on the Multitransputer System.
190-193 BibTeX
- Yakov I. Fet, Alexander Vazhenin:
Heterogeneous Processing: A Combined Approach.
194-206 BibTeX
- Salvatore Filippone, Maria Loredana Sales:
Experiences in Numerical Software on IBM Distributed Memory Architectures.
207-218 BibTeX
- T. L. Freeman, J. Mark Bull:
Shared Memory and Message Passing Implementations of Parallel Algorithms for Numerical Integration.
219-228 BibTeX
- M. Gajecki, Jacek Moscinski:
A New Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem on Networked Workstations.
229-235 BibTeX
- G. A. Geist II:
Cluster Computing: The Wave of the Future?
236-246 BibTeX
- L. Grosz, C. Roll, Willi Schönauer:
Nonlinear Finite Element Problems on Parallel Computers.
247-261 BibTeX
- Harri Hakula, Jouni Malinen, Petri Kallberg, Pekka Valve:
The Finite Element Method Applied to the Exterior Helmholtz Problem on the IBM SP-1.
262-269 BibTeX
- Sven Hammarling:
The Challenge of Portable Libraries for High Performance Machines.
270-286 BibTeX
- Per Christian Hansen:
Parallel Issues of Regularization Problems.
287-295 BibTeX
- Per Christian Hansen, Tzvetan Ostromsky, Zahari Zlatev:
Two Enhancements in a Partitioned Sparse Code.
296-303 BibTeX
- William J. Harrod, Majed Sidani:
Numerical Algorithms for the Cray T3D.
304-311 BibTeX
- A. Hunding:
Nonlinear Dynamics in Biochemical Control Systems.
312-317 BibTeX
- S. Lennart Johnsson, Kapil K. Mathur:
Scientific Software Libraries for Scalable.
318-332 BibTeX
- Jürgen Günter Kienhöfer:
The EFFECT System for Parallel Programming.
333-343 BibTeX
- Thomas Larsen, Wouter Joosen, John W. Perram:
The Object-Oriented Development of a Parallel Application in Polymer Dynamics.
344-348 BibTeX
- Henryk Leszcynkski, Jerzy Pieniazek:
On Some Difference Analogues of PDEs with a Delay.
349-357 BibTeX
- Kaj Madsen, Ole Toft:
Parallel Interval Methods for Perturbed Linear Systems.
358-361 BibTeX
- Oliver A. McBryan:
Limiting Factors in High Performance Computing.
362-373 BibTeX
- Peter Michielse:
Programming the Convex Exemplar Series SPP System.
374-382 BibTeX
- K. Museth, Gert D. Billing, J. Linderberg:
The Full Quantum Mechanical Three Body Problem of H2+.
383-391 BibTeX
- Ole H. Nielsen:
Molecular dynamics: experiences with Connection Machines CM-200 and CM-5.
392-396 BibTeX
- Patrik Nordling, Peter Fritzson:
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations on Parallel Computers - Applied to Dynamic Rolling Bearings Simulation.
397-415 BibTeX
- Marcin Paprzycki, Przemyslaw Stpiczynski:
Solving Linear Recurrence Systems on a Cray Y-MP.
416-424 BibTeX
- Palle M. Pedersen, Susanne M. Balle:
Selected Techniques for Efficient Parallel Implementation of Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms on the Connection Machine CM-5/CM/5E.
425-433 BibTeX
- Roar Skålin, Dag Bjørge, Nils Gustafsson, Ivar Lie, Deborah Salmond:
Parallelization of HIRLAM on MIMD Platforms.
434-457 BibTeX
- Jens N. Sørensen, Martin O. L. Hansen, Erik Jensen:
Simulation of Fluid Dynamical Flow Problems.
458-468 BibTeX
- Marek Szularz, Jim Weston, Kieran Murphy, Maurice Clint:
Parallel Algorithms for the Partial Eigensolution of Large Sparse Matrices on Novel Architecture Computers.
469-482 BibTeX
- Carl G. Tengwall:
SP2 Architecture and Performance.
483-492 BibTeX
- Per Grove Thomsen:
Real Time Simulation in a Cluster Computing Environment.
493-497 BibTeX
- Søren Toxvaerd:
Parallel Computations in Molecular Dynamics.
498-504 BibTeX
- Alexander Vazhenin:
Efficient High-Accuracy Computations in Massively Parallel Systems.
505-519 BibTeX
- Plamen Y. Yalamov:
Stability of Parallel Bidiagonal Solvers.
520-533 BibTeX
- Adam Zemla:
Wavelet Transforms Computing on PVM.
534-546 BibTeX
- Zahari Zlatev, Jerzy Wasniewski:
PARASPAR: Parallel Solvers for Sparse Linear Algebraic Systems.
547-556 BibTeX
- Andrej Zrimsek, Tine Smukavec:
Fair Metacomputer - FMC.
557-566 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:32:30 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)