
Dag Fritzson

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7 Vadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interface from C++ Data Structures. TAMODIA 2002: 72-77
6EEVadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Lossless Compression of High-Volume Numerical Data from Simulations. Data Compression Conference 2000: 574
5EEDag Fritzson, Patrik Nordling: Adaptive scheduling strategy optimizer for parallel rolling bearing simulation. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(5): 563-570 (2000)
4 Dag Fritzson, Patrik Nordling: Adaptive Scheduling Strategy Optimizer for Parallel Rolling Bearing Simulation. HPCN Europe 1999: 99-108
3EEVadim Engelson, Dag Fritzson, Peter Fritzson: Automatic Generation of User Interfaces From Data Structure Specifications and Object-Oriented Application Models. ECOOP 1996: 114-141
2EEPeter Fritzson, Lars Viklund, Johan Herber, Dag Fritzson: High-level Mathematical Modeling And Programming. IEEE Software 12(4): 77-87 (1995)
1 Peter Fritzson, Lars Viklund, Johan Herber, Dag Fritzson: Industrial Application of OO Mathematical Modeling and Computer Algebra in Mechanical Analysis. TOOLS (7) 1992: 167-181

Coauthor Index

1Vadim Engelson [3] [6] [7]
2Peter Fritzson [1] [2] [3] [6] [7]
3Johan Herber [1] [2]
4Patrik Nordling [4] [5]
5Lars Viklund [1] [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)