2009 |
66 | EE | Tibor Gyimóthy:
To Use or Not to Use? The Metrics to Measure Software Quality (Developers' View).
CSMR 2009: 3-4 |
65 | EE | Denys Poshyvanyk,
Andrian Marcus,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Using information retrieval based coupling measures for impact analysis.
Empirical Software Engineering 14(1): 5-32 (2009) |
2008 |
64 | EE | Lajos Jeno Fülöp,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Design Pattern Miner Tools.
CSMR 2008: 143-152 |
63 | EE | Janos Pantos,
Árpád Beszédes,
Pál Gyenizse,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Experiences in Adapting a Source Code-Based Quality Assessment Technology.
CSMR 2008: 311-313 |
62 | EE | László Vidács,
Judit Jász,
Árpád Beszédes,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Combining Preprocessor Slicing with C/C++ Language Slicing.
ICPC 2008: 163-171 |
61 | EE | Tibor Bakota,
Árpád Beszédes,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Continuous software quality supervision using SourceInventory and Columbus.
ICSE Companion 2008: 931-932 |
60 | EE | Judit Jász,
Árpád Beszédes,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Václav Rajlich:
Static Execute After/Before as a replacement of traditional software dependencies.
ICSM 2008: 137-146 |
59 | EE | Lajos Jeno Fülöp,
Péter Hegedus,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Towards a Benchmark for Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools.
WCRE 2008: 335-336 |
2007 |
58 | EE | Árpád Beszédes,
Tamás Gergely,
Szabolcs Farago,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Ferenc Fischer:
The Dynamic Function Coupling Metric and Its Use in Software Evolution.
CSMR 2007: 103-112 |
57 | EE | Attila Szegedi,
Tamás Gergely,
Árpád Beszédes,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Gabriella Toth:
Verifying the Concept of Union Slices on Java Programs.
CSMR 2007: 233-242 |
56 | EE | Tibor Bakota,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Clone Smells in Software Evolution.
ICSM 2007: 24-33 |
55 | EE | Árpád Beszédes,
Tamás Gergely,
Judit Jász,
Gabriella Toth,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Václav Rajlich:
Computation of Static Execute After Relation with Applications to Software Maintenance.
ICSM 2007: 295-304 |
54 | EE | Zoltán Herczeg,
Ákos Kiss,
Daniel Schmidt,
Norbert Wehn,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
XEEMU: An Improved XScale Power Simulator.
PATMOS 2007: 300-309 |
2006 |
53 | EE | Tibor Bakota,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Claudio Riva,
Jianli Xu:
Towards Portable Metrics-based Models for Software Maintenance Problems.
ICSM 2006: 483-486 |
52 | EE | Árpád Beszédes,
Tamás Gergely,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Graph-Less Dynamic Dependence-Based Dynamic Slicing Algorithms.
SCAM 2006: 21-30 |
51 | EE | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Václav Rajlich:
Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on the International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(9): 625-626 (2006) |
50 | EE | Miklós Kálmán,
Ferenc Havasi,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Compacting XML documents.
Information & Software Technology 48(2): 90-106 (2006) |
49 | EE | Václav Rajlich,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM2005).
Journal of Software Maintenance 18(2): 59-60 (2006) |
48 | EE | David Binkley,
Sebastian Danicic,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Mark Harman,
Ákos Kiss,
Bogdan Korel:
A formalisation of the relationship between forms of program slicing.
Sci. Comput. Program. 62(3): 228-252 (2006) |
47 | EE | David Binkley,
Sebastian Danicic,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Mark Harman,
Ákos Kiss,
Bogdan Korel:
Theoretical foundations of dynamic program slicing.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 360(1-3): 23-41 (2006) |
2005 |
46 | EE | Attila Szegedi,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Dynamic Slicing of Java Bytecode Programs.
SCAM 2005: 35-44 |
45 | EE | David Binkley,
Sebastian Danicic,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Mark Harman,
Ákos Kiss,
Bogdan Korel:
Minimal Slicing and the Relationships Between Forms of Slicing.
SCAM 2005: 45-56 |
44 | EE | Dóra Csendes,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
András Kocsor:
The Szeged Treebank.
TSD 2005: 123-131 |
43 | EE | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Rudolf Ferenc,
István Siket:
Empirical Validation of Object-Oriented Metrics on Open Source Software for Fault Prediction.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 31(10): 897-910 (2005) |
42 | EE | Ákos Kiss,
Judit Jász,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Using Dynamic Information in the Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables.
Software Quality Journal 13(3): 227-245 (2005) |
2004 |
41 | EE | Rudolf Ferenc,
Árpád Beszédes,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Fact Extraction and Code Auditing with Columbus and SourceAudit.
ICSM 2004: 513 |
40 | EE | Rudolf Ferenc,
István Siket,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Extracting Facts from Open Source Software.
ICSM 2004: 60-69 |
39 | EE | David Binkley,
Sebastian Danicic,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Mark Harman,
Ákos Kiss,
Lahcen Ouarbya:
Formalizing Executable Dynamic and Forward Slicing.
SCAM 2004: 43-52 |
38 | EE | Dóra Csendes,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
The Szeged Corpus: A POS Tagged and Syntactically Annotated Hungarian Natural Language Corpus.
TSD 2004: 41-48 |
37 | EE | Mark van den Brand,
Gerardo Canfora,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Seventh European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2003).
Journal of Software Maintenance 16(4-5): 217-218 (2004) |
2003 |
36 | EE | Zoltán Alexin,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Károly Bibok,
Csaba Hatvani,
Gábor Prószéky,
László Tihanyi:
Annotated Hungarian National Corpus.
EACL 2003: 53-56 |
35 | EE | Ákos Kiss,
Judit Jász,
Gábor Lehotai,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Interprocedural Static Slicing of Binary Executables.
SCAM 2003: 118- |
34 | | Miklós Kálmán,
Ferenc Havasi,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Compacting XML Documents.
SPLST 2003: 137-151 |
33 | EE | Árpád Beszédes,
Rudolf Ferenc,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
André Dolenc,
Konsta Karsisto:
Survey of code-size reduction methods.
ACM Comput. Surv. 35(3): 223-267 (2003) |
2002 |
32 | EE | Árpád Beszédes,
Csaba Faragó,
Zsolt Mihály Szabó,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Union Slices for Program Maintenance.
ICSM 2002: 12-21 |
31 | EE | Rudolf Ferenc,
Árpád Beszédes,
Mikko Tarkiainen,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Columbus - Reverse Engineering Tool and Schema for C++.
ICSM 2002: 172-181 |
30 | | Gyöngyi Szilágyi,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Jan Maluszynski:
Static and Dynamic Slicing of Constraint Logic Programs.
Autom. Softw. Eng. 9(1): 41-65 (2002) |
2001 |
29 | | Árpád Beszédes,
Tamás Gergely,
Zsolt Mihály Szabó,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Dynamic Slicing Method for Maintenance of Large C Programs.
CSMR 2001: 105-113 |
28 | EE | Rudolf Ferenc,
Susan Elliott Sim,
Richard C. Holt,
Rainer Koschke,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Towards a Standard Schema for C/C++.
WCRE 2001: 49-58 |
27 | EE | Gyöngyi Szilágyi,
László Harmath,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
The Debug Slicing of Logic Programs.
Acta Cybern. 15(2): (2001) |
26 | EE | Szilvia Zvada,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Using Decision Trees to Infer Semantic Functions of Attribute Grammars.
Acta Cybern. 15(2): (2001) |
2000 |
25 | EE | Gyöngyi Szilágyi,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Jan Maluszynski:
Slicing of Constraint Logic Programs.
AADEBUG 2000 |
1999 |
24 | EE | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Árpád Beszédes,
István Forgács:
An Efficient Relevant Slicing Method for Debugging.
ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 1999: 303-321 |
23 | EE | Tamás Horváth,
Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Stefan Wrobel:
Application of Different Learning Methods to Hungarian Part-of-Speech Tagging.
ILP 1999: 128-139 |
1997 |
22 | | Gabriella Kókai,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Learning the Syntax and Semantic Rules of an ECG Grammar.
AI*IA 1997: 171-182 |
21 | | Gabriella Kókai,
Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Application of Inductive Logic Programming for Learning ECG Waveforms.
AIME 1997: 126-129 |
20 | | Zoltán Alexin,
János Csirik,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Márk Jelasity,
László Tóth:
Learning Phonetic Rules in a Speech Recognition System.
ILP 1997: 37-44 |
19 | | Gabriella Kókai,
László Harmath,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Algorithmic Debugging and Testing of Prolog Programs.
LPE 1997: 14-21 |
18 | EE | Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Henrik Boström:
IMPUT: An Interactive Learning Tool Based on Program Specialization.
Intell. Data Anal. 1(1-4): 219-244 (1997) |
17 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Tamás Horváth:
Learning Semantic Functions of Attribute Grammars.
Nord. J. Comput. 4(2): 287-302 (1997) |
1996 |
16 | | Tibor Gyimóthy:
Compiler Construction, 6th International Conference, CC'96, Linköping, Sweden, April 24-26, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
15 | | Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Henrik Boström:
Integrating Algorithmic Debugging and Unfolding Transformation in an Interactive Learner.
ECAI 1996: 403-407 |
14 | | Gabriella Kókai,
Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Analyzing and Learning ECG Waveforms.
Inductive Logic Programming Workshop 1996: 127-145 |
1995 |
13 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Jukka Paakki:
Static Slicing of Logic Programs.
AADEBUG 1995: 87-103 |
1992 |
12 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Zoltán Alexin,
Róbert Szücs:
Integrated Graphics Environment to Develop Applications Based on Attribute Grammars.
CC 1992: 51-58 |
11 | | Peter Fritzson,
Nahid Shahmehri,
Mariam Kamkar,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing.
LOPLAS 1(4): 303-322 (1992) |
1991 |
10 | | Tibor Gyimóthy:
Natural Language Interface Construction Using Attribute Grammars.
Attribute Grammars, Applications and Systems 1991: 460-468 |
9 | | Peter Fritzson,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Mariam Kamkar,
Nahid Shahmehri:
Generalized Algorithmic Debugging and Testing.
PLDI 1991: 317-326 |
1990 |
8 | | János Toczki,
Ferenc Kocsis,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
G. Dányi,
Gabriella Kókai:
SYS/3 - A Software Development Tool.
CC 1990: 193-207 |
7 | | Tamás Horváth,
Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Károly Fábricz:
Towards a Multilingual Natural Language Understanding Interface (Extended Abstract).
CC 1990: 217-218 |
6 | EE | Károly Fábricz,
Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Tamás Horváth:
THALES: a Software Package for Plane Geometry Constructions with a Natural Language Interface.
COLING 1990: 44-46 |
5 | | Zoltán Alexin,
Tibor Gyimóthy,
Tamás Horváth,
Károly Fábricz:
Attribute Grammar Specification for a Natural Language Understanding Interface.
WAGA 1990: 313-326 |
4 | | Zoltán Alexin,
József Dombi,
Károly Fábricz,
Tibor Gyimóthy:
A natural language interface based on attribute grammars.
Acta Cybern. 9(3): 247-255 (1990) |
1988 |
3 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
Tamás Horváth,
Ferenc Kocsis,
János Toczki:
Incremental Algorithms in Prof-LP.
CC 1988: 93-102 |
1987 |
2 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
János Toczki:
Syntactic pattern recognition in the HLP/PAS system.
Acta Cybern. 8: 79-88 (1987) |
1984 |
1 | | Tibor Gyimóthy,
E. Simon,
Á. Makay:
An implementation of the HLP.
Acta Cybern. 6: 315-327 (1984) |