2009 |
110 | EE | Ruslans Tarasovs,
Rusins Freivalds:
Group Input Machine.
SOFSEM 2009: 521-532 |
109 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Maris Ozols,
Laura Mancinska:
Improved constructions of mixed state quantum automata.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 410(20): 1923-1931 (2009) |
2008 |
108 | | Guntis Deksnis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Oksana Scegulnaja-Dubrovska,
Ruslan Tarasov,
Solvita Zarina:
A Quantum Algorithm for Real Time Rendering.
FCS 2008: 39-43 |
107 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Super-Exponential Size Advantage of Quantum Finite Automata with Mixed States.
ISAAC 2008: 931-942 |
106 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Artin's Conjecture and Size of Finite Probabilistic Automata.
Pillars of Computer Science 2008: 280-291 |
105 | EE | Solvita Zarina,
Rusins Freivalds:
Computer graphics for quantum computation.
SIGGRAPH Posters 2008: 123 |
104 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Non-Constructive Methods for Finite Probabilistic Automata.
Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 19(3): 565-580 (2008) |
103 | EE | Janis Barzdins,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Learning with belief levels.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 74(4): 527-545 (2008) |
102 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Richard F. Bonner:
Quantum inductive inference by finite automata.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 397(1-3): 70-76 (2008) |
2007 |
101 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Non-constructive Methods for Finite Probabilistic Automata.
Developments in Language Theory 2007: 169-180 |
100 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Liva Garkaje:
Boolean Functions of Low Polynomial Degree for Quantum Query Complexity Theory.
ISMVL 2007: 17 |
99 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Hamming, Permutations and Automata.
SAGA 2007: 18-29 |
98 | EE | Ruben Agadzanyan,
Rusins Freivalds:
Size of Quantum Finite State Transducers.
SOFSEM (1) 2007: 155-163 |
2006 |
97 | | Lars Arge,
Rusins Freivalds:
Algorithm Theory - SWAT 2006, 10th ScandinavianWorkshop on Algorithm Theory, Riga, Latvia, July 6-8, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
2005 |
96 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Languages Recognizable by Quantum Finite Automata.
CIAA 2005: 1-14 |
95 | | Raitis Ozols,
Rusins Freivalds,
Laura Mancinska,
Maris Ozols:
Size of Nondeterministic and Deterministic Automata for Certain Languages.
FCS 2005: 169-175 |
94 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Elina Kalnina,
Rihards Opmanis,
Agnese Zalcmane:
Combinatorial Block Designs for Quantum Computing Problems.
FCS 2005: 176-182 |
93 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Renate Praude,
Lelde Lace:
Some Graph Problems with Equivalent Lower Bounds for Query Complexity.
FCS 2005: 80-86 |
92 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Knot Theory, Jones Polynomial and Quantum Computing.
MFCS 2005: 15-25 |
91 | EE | Raitis Ozols,
Rusins Freivalds,
Jevgenijs Ivanovs,
Elina Kalnina,
Lelde Lace,
Masahiro Miyakawa,
Hisayuki Tatsumi,
Daina Taimina:
Boolean Functions with a Low Polynomial Degree and Quantum Query Algorithms.
SOFSEM 2005: 408-412 |
2004 |
90 | EE | Aija Berzina,
Andrej Dubrovsky,
Rusins Freivalds,
Lelde Lace,
Oksana Scegulnaja:
Quantum Query Complexity for Some Graph Problems.
SOFSEM 2004: 140-150 |
2003 |
89 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Masahiro Miyakawa,
Ivo G. Rosenberg:
Complexity of Decision Trees for Boolean Functions.
ISMVL 2003: 253- |
88 | | Andris Ambainis,
Uldis Barbans,
Agnese Belousova,
Aleksandrs Belovs,
Ilze Dzelme,
Girts Folkmanis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Peteris Ledins,
Rihards Opmanis,
Agnis Skuskovniks:
Size of Quantum Versus Deterministic Finite Automata.
VLSI 2003: 303-308 |
87 | | Lelde Lace,
Rusins Freivalds:
Lower Bounds for Query Complexity of Some Graph Problems.
VLSI 2003: 309-316 |
2002 |
86 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Category, Measure, Inductive Inference: A Triality Theorem and Its Applications.
LATIN 2002: 386-399 |
85 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski,
Carl H. Smith,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Learning by the Process of Elimination.
Inf. Comput. 176(1): 37-50 (2002) |
2001 |
84 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 13th International Symposium, FCT 2001, Riga, Latvia, August 22-24, 2001, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
83 | EE | Janis Barzdins,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Towards Axiomatic Basis of Inductive Inference.
FCT 2001: 1-13 |
82 | EE | Richard F. Bonner,
Rusins Freivalds,
Maksim Kravtsev:
Quantum versus Probabilistic One-Way Finite Automata with Counter.
SOFSEM 2001: 181-190 |
81 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Andreas Winter:
Quantum Finite State Transducers.
SOFSEM 2001: 233-242 |
80 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Hierarchies of probabilistic and team FIN-learning.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 261(1): 91-117 (2001) |
79 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Juraj Hromkovic,
Gheorghe Paun,
Walter Unger:
Theor. Comput. Sci. 264(1): 1-2 (2001) |
78 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Raimonds Simanovskis,
Juris Smotrovs:
Closedness properties in ex-identification.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 268(2): 367-393 (2001) |
1999 |
77 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Richard F. Bonner,
Rusins Freivalds,
Arnolds Kikusts:
Probabilities to Accept Languages by Quantum Finite Automata.
COCOON 1999: 174-183 |
76 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Richard F. Bonner,
Rusins Freivalds,
Marats Golovkins,
Marek Karpinski:
Quantum Finite Multitape Automata.
SOFSEM 1999: 340-348 |
75 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
How to Simulate Free Will in a Computational Device.
ACM Comput. Surv. 31(3es): 15 (1999) |
74 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Richard F. Bonner,
Rusins Freivalds,
Arnolds Kikusts:
Probabilities to accept languages by quantum finite automata
CoRR quant-ph/9904066: (1999) |
73 | | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Inductive Inference with Procrastination: Back to Definitions.
Fundam. Inform. 40(1): 1-16 (1999) |
72 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
The functions of finite support: a canonical learning problem.
J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell. 11(4): 543-552 (1999) |
71 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Setsuo Arikawa,
Rusins Freivalds,
Eiju Hirowatari,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Inductive Inference of Recursive Real-Valued Functions.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 219(1-2): 3-17 (1999) |
1998 |
70 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Raimonds Simanovskis,
Juris Smotrovs:
Closedness Properties in EX-Identification of Recursive Functions.
ALT 1998: 46-60 |
69 | EE | Janis Barzdins,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
A Logic of Discovery.
Discovery Science 1998: 401-402 |
68 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds:
1-Way Quantum Finite Automata: Strengths, Weaknesses and Generalizations.
FOCS 1998: 332-341 |
67 | EE | Richard F. Bonner,
Rusins Freivalds,
Janis Lapins,
Antra Lukjanska:
Nonstochastic Languages as Projections of 2-Tape Quasideterministic Languages.
MFCS 1998: 213-219 |
66 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Models of Computation, Riemann Hypothesis, and Classical Mathematics.
SOFSEM 1998: 89-106 |
65 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Ognian Botuscharov,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Identifying Nearly Minimal Gödel Numbers from Additional Information.
Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 23(1-2): 199-209 (1998) |
64 | EE | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds:
1-way quantum finite automata: strengths, weaknesses and generalizations
CoRR quant-ph/9802062: (1998) |
63 | EE | Lance Fortnow,
Rusins Freivalds,
William I. Gasarch,
Martin Kummer,
Stuart A. Kurtz,
Carl H. Smith,
Frank Stephan:
On the Relative Sizes of Learnable Sets.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 197(1-2): 139-156 (1998) |
1997 |
62 | | Andris Ambainis,
Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
William I. Gasarch,
Carl H. Smith:
Team Learning as a Game.
ALT 1997: 2-17 |
61 | | Andris Ambainis,
Kalvis Apsitis,
Cristian Calude,
Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski,
Tomas Larfeldt,
Iveta Sala,
Juris Smotrovs:
Effects of Kolmogorov Complexity Present in Inductive Inference as Well.
ALT 1997: 244-259 |
60 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Asymmetric Team Learning.
COLT 1997: 90-95 |
59 | | Janis Barzdins,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Learning Formulae from Elementary Facts.
EuroCOLT 1997: 272-285 |
58 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Gints Tervits,
Rolf Wiehagen,
Carl H. Smith:
Learning Small Programs with Additional Information.
LFCS 1997: 102-112 |
57 | | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski:
Weak and Strong Recognition by 2-way Randomized Automata.
RANDOM 1997: 175-185 |
56 | | Janis Kaneps,
Dainis Geidmanis,
Rusins Freivalds:
Tally Languages Accepted by Monte Carlo Pushdown Automata.
RANDOM 1997: 187-195 |
55 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Sanjay Jain:
Kolmogorov Numberings and Minimal Identification.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 188(1-2): 175-194 (1997) |
1996 |
54 | | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds:
Transformations that Preserve Learnability.
ALT 1996: 299-311 |
53 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Thomas Zeugmann:
Co-Learning of Recursive Languages from Positive Data.
Ershov Memorial Conference 1996: 122-133 |
52 | | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Raimonds Simanovskis,
Juris Smotrovs:
Unions of identifiable families of languages.
ICGI 1996: 48-58 |
51 | | Janis Barzdins,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Learning with Confidence.
STACS 1996: 207-218 |
50 | | Andris Ambainis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
General Inductive Inference Types Based on Linearly-Ordered Sets.
STACS 1996: 243-253 |
49 | | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
On Duality in Learning and the Selection of Learning Terms.
Inf. Comput. 129(1): 53-62 (1996) |
1995 |
48 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Inductive Inference of Real Valued Functions.
COLT 1995: 170-177 |
47 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the intrinsic complexity of learning.
EuroCOLT 1995: 154-168 |
46 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Sanjay Jain:
Kolmogorov numberings and minimal identification.
EuroCOLT 1995: 182-195 |
45 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
Probabilistic versus Deterministic Memory Limited Learning.
GOSLER Final Report 1995: 155-161 |
44 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Error Detecting in Inductive Inference.
GOSLER Final Report 1995: 25-48 |
43 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Learning from Good Examples.
GOSLER Final Report 1995: 49-62 |
42 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski:
Lower Time Bounds for Randomized Computation.
ICALP 1995: 183-195 |
41 | | Lance Fortnow,
Rusins Freivalds,
William I. Gasarch,
Martin Kummer,
Stuart A. Kurtz,
Carl H. Smith,
Frank Stephan:
Measure, Category and Learning Theory.
ICALP 1995: 558-569 |
40 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
How Inductive Inference Strategies Discover Their Errors
Inf. Comput. 118(2): 208-226 (1995) |
39 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Intrinsic Complexity of Learning.
Inf. Comput. 123(1): 64-71 (1995) |
38 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Impact of Forgetting on Learning Machines.
J. ACM 42(6): 1146-1168 (1995) |
1994 |
37 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Dace Gobleja,
Marek Karpinski,
Carl H. Smith:
Co-learnability and FIN-identifiability of Enumerable Classes of Total Recursive Functions.
AII/ALT 1994: 100-105 |
36 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Ognian Botuscharov,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Identifying Nearly Minimal Gödel Numbers From Additional Information.
AII/ALT 1994: 91-99 |
35 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski,
Carl H. Smith:
Co-Learning of Total Recursive Functions.
COLT 1994: 190-197 |
34 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Marek Karpinski:
Lower Space Bounds for Randomized Computation.
ICALP 1994: 580-592 |
33 | EE | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Choosing a learning team: a topological approach.
STOC 1994: 283-289 |
1993 |
32 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Duality Between Mechanistic Learners and What it is They Learn.
ALT 1993: 137-149 |
31 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Impact of Forgetting on Learning Machines.
COLT 1993: 165-174 |
30 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the impact of forgetting on learing machines.
Bulletin of the EATCS 49: 212-225 (1993) |
29 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Carl H. Smith:
On the impact of forgetting on learing machines.
Bulletin of the EATCS 51: 212-225 (1993) |
28 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Role of Procrastination in Machine Learning
Inf. Comput. 107(2): 237-271 (1993) |
27 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
On the Power of Inductive Inference from Good Examples.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 110(1): 131-144 (1993) |
1992 |
26 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Achim G. Hoffmann:
An Inductive Inference Appoach to Classification.
AII 1992: 187-196 |
25 | | Kalvis Apsitis,
Rusins Freivalds,
Martins Krikis,
Raimonds Simanovskis,
Juris Smotrovs:
Unions of Identifiable Classes of Total Recursive Functions.
AII 1992: 99-107 |
24 | EE | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
On the Role of Procrastination for Machine Learning.
COLT 1992: 363-376 |
23 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith:
Memory Limited Inductive Inference Machines.
SWAT 1992: 19-29 |
1991 |
22 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Janis Barzdins,
Karlis Podnieks:
Inductive Inference of Recursive Functions: Complexity Bounds.
Baltic Computer Science 1991: 111-155 |
21 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Complexity of Probabilistic Versus Deterministic Automata.
Baltic Computer Science 1991: 565-613 |
20 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Inductive Inference of Recursive Functions: Qualitative Theory.
Baltic Computer Science 1991: 77-110 |
19 | | Janis Kaneps,
Rusins Freivalds:
Running Time to Recognize Nonregular Languages by 2-Way Probabilistic Automata.
ICALP 1991: 174-185 |
18 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Dual Types of Hypotheses in Inductive Inference.
Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic 1991: 209-240 |
1990 |
17 | EE | Rusins Freivalds:
Inductive Inference of Minimal Programs.
COLT 1990: 3-22 |
16 | | Janis Kaneps,
Rusins Freivalds:
Minimal Nontrivial Space Complexity of Probabilistic One-Way Turing Machines.
MFCS 1990: 355-361 |
1989 |
15 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
Inductive Inference from Good Examples.
AII 1989: 1-17 |
14 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Juris Viksna:
Inductive Inference up to Immune Sets.
AII 1989: 138-147 |
13 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber,
Rolf Wiehagen:
On the Power of Probabilistic Inductive Inference in Nonstandard Numberings.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 25(5/6): 239-243 (1989) |
12 | | Rusins Freivalds,
Carl H. Smith,
Mahendran Velauthapillai:
Trade-Off among Parameters Effecting Inductive Inference
Inf. Comput. 82(3): 323-349 (1989) |
1988 |
11 | | Masahiro Miyakawa,
Ivan Stojmenovic,
Teruo Hikita,
Hajime Machida,
Rusins Freivalds:
Sheffer and Symmetric Sheffer Boolean Functions under Various Functional Constructions.
Elektronische Informationsverarbeitung und Kybernetik 24(6): 251-266 (1988) |
1986 |
10 | | Farid M. Ablayev,
Rusins Freivalds:
Why Sometimes Probabilistic Algorithms Can Be More Effective.
MFCS 1986: 1-14 |
1985 |
9 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Recursiveness of the enumerating functions invreases the inferablity of recursively enumberable sets.
Bulletin of the EATCS 27: 35-39 (1985) |
1984 |
8 | | Rusins Freivalds:
An answer to an open problem.
Bulletin of the EATCS 23: 31-32 (1984) |
7 | | Rolf Wiehagen,
Rusins Freivalds,
Efim B. Kinber:
On the Power of Probabilistic Strategies in Inductive Inference.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 28: 111-133 (1984) |
1983 |
6 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Space and Reversal Complexity of Probabilistic One-Way Turing Machines.
FCT 1983: 159-170 |
5 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Methods and Languages to Prove the Power of Probabilistic Machines.
IFIP Congress 1983: 157-162 |
1981 |
4 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Probabilistic Two-Way Machines.
MFCS 1981: 33-45 |
3 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Projections of Languages Recognizable by Probabilistic and Alternating Finite Multitape Automata.
Inf. Process. Lett. 13(4/5): 195-198 (1981) |
1979 |
2 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Fast Probabilistic Algorithms.
MFCS 1979: 57-69 |
1977 |
1 | | Rusins Freivalds:
Probabilistic Machines Can Use Less Running Time.
IFIP Congress 1977: 839-842 |