
Juris Viksna

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13EENatalja Kurbatova, Juris Viksna: Exploration of Evolutionary Relations between Protein Structures. BIRD 2008: 154-166
12 Natalja Kurbatova, Laura Mancinska, Juris Viksna: Protein Structure Comparison Based on Fold Evolution. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2007: 78-89
11EEJuris Viksna, David Gilbert: Assessment of the probabilities for evolutionary structural changes in protein folds. Bioinformatics 23(7): 832-841 (2007)
10 Juris Viksna, David Gilbert, Gilleain M. Torrance: Protein structure comparison based o n profiles of topological motifs: a feasible way to deal with information from negative examples. German Conference on Bioinformatics 2003: 159-165
9EEDavid Gilbert, David R. Westhead, Juris Viksna, Janet M. Thornton: A Computer System to Perform Structure Comparison using Representations of Protein Structure. Computers & Chemistry 26(1): 23-30 (2002)
8EEJuris Viksna, David Gilbert: Pattern Matching and Pattern Discovery Algorithms for Protein Topologies. WABI 2001: 98-111
7 David Gilbert, Juris Viksna: Pattern discovery methods for protein topology diagrams. German Conference on Bioinformatics 1999: 194-196
6 Juris Viksna: Probabilitic Limit Identification up to "Small" Sets. ALT 1996: 312-324
5 Juris Viksna: Inductive Inference of Limiting Programs with Bounded Number of Mind Changes. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 7(3): 187- (1996)
4 Karlis Cerans, Juris Viksna: Deciding Reachability for Planar Multi-polynomial Systems. Hybrid Systems 1995: 389-400
3 Juris Viksna: Learning With Growing Quality. ALT 1993: 164-172
2 Juris Viksna: Probabilistic Inference of Approximations. Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic 1991: 323-332
1 Rusins Freivalds, Juris Viksna: Inductive Inference up to Immune Sets. AII 1989: 138-147

Coauthor Index

1Karlis Cerans [4]
2Rusins Freivalds [1]
3David Gilbert (David R. Gilbert) [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
4Natalja Kurbatova [12] [13]
5Laura Mancinska [12]
6Janet M. Thornton [9]
7Gilleain M. Torrance [10]
8David R. Westhead [9]

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