Volume 25,
Number 1/2,
January / February 1989
- Konrad Engel:
About k-optimal Representations of Posets.
3-10 BibTeX
- Bernhard Thalheim:
On Semantic Issues Connected with Keys in Relational Databases Permitting Null Values.
11-20 BibTeX
- Frank van Harmelen:
An Overview of Metal-level Architectures for Control in Experts Systems.
21-35 BibTeX
- János Sztrik:
Asymptotic Reliability Analysis of Some Complex Systems with Repair Operating in Random Environments.
37-43 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 3,
March 1989
Volume 25,
Number 4,
April 1989
Volume 25,
Number 5/6,
May / June 1989
- Hartmut Ehrig, Werner Fey, Horst Hansen, Michael Löwe, Dean Jacobs, Anno Langen, Francesco Parisi-Presicce:
Algebraic Specification of Modules and Configuration Families.
205-232 BibTeX
- Thomas Fischer:
Lower Bound Proofs via Voronoi Diagrams.
233-238 BibTeX
- Rusins Freivalds, Efim B. Kinber, Rolf Wiehagen:
On the Power of Probabilistic Inductive Inference in Nonstandard Numberings.
239-243 BibTeX
- Zdzislaw Habasinski:
Solving Generalized Equations Over Infinite Trees.
245-254 BibTeX
- Gerhard Lischke:
Types of Separations for Relativized Complexity Classes.
255-262 BibTeX
- Alberto Pettorossi, Andrzej Skowron:
The Power of the Lambda Abstraction Strategy for Program Derivation.
263-281 BibTeX
- Gerard R. Renardel de Lavalette:
Modularisation, Parametrisation, Interpolation.
283-292 BibTeX
- Gisela Schäfer-Richter:
A Time Logic for Hierarchical Modelling of Dynamic Systems.
293-306 BibTeX
Volume 25,
Number 7,
July 1989
Volume 25,
Number 8/9,
August / September 1989
Volume 25,
Number 10,
October 1989
Volume 25,
Number 11/12,
November / Dezember 1989
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:57:55 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)