
Joaquín Salvachúa

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17EEAlberto Mozo, Joaquín Salvachúa: Scalable tag search in social network applications. Computer Communications 31(3): 423-436 (2008)
16EEBernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Fridolin Wild, Sandra Aguirre, Stefan Brantner, Peter Dolog, Gustaf Neumann, Gernot Huber, Tomaz Klobucar, Sascha Markus, Zoltán Miklós, Wolfgang Nejdl, Daniel Olmedilla, Joaquín Salvachúa, Michael Sintek, Thomas Zillinger: Building Blocks for a Smart Space for LearningTM. ICALT 2006: 309-313
15EEAlberto Mozo, Joaquín Salvachúa: Tag Indexed DHT for Scalable Search Infrastructure in Social NetworkApplications. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2006: 77-78
14EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz, Vicente Sirvent, Fernando Escribano, Javier Sedano: Isabel: an application for real time collaboration with a flexible floor control. CollaborateCom 2005
13EEAlberto Verdejo, Narciso Martí-Oliet, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Luis Llana, Margarita Bradley: Transforming Information in RDF to Rewriting Logic. FMOODS 2005: 227-242
12EEGermán M. Rivera, Bernd Simon, Juan Quemada, Joaquín Salvachúa: Improving LOM-Based Interoperability of Learning Repositories. OTM Workshops 2004: 690-699
11EEJuan Quemada, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás de Miguel, Joaquín Salvachúa, Blanca Fernandez, Bernd Simon, Katherine Maillet, Efiie Lai-Cong: Educanext: a framework for sharing live educational resources with isabel. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 11-18
10EEJuan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Eva M. Castro, Santiago Pavón, Gabriel Huecas, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Elena Apolinario, Javier Sedano, María José Perea: Isabel Distribution of the Madrid Global IPv6 Summit 2002. SAINT Workshops 2003: 200-203
9EEBernd Simon, Zoltán Miklós, Wolfgang Nejdl, Michael Sintek, Joaquín Salvachúa: Elena: A Mediation Infrastructure for Educational Services. WWW (Alternate Paper Tracks) 2003
8EETomás Robles, Ramiro Ortiz, Joaquín Salvachúa: Porting the Session Initiation Protocol to IPv6. IEEE Internet Computing 7(3): 43-50 (2003)
7 Tomás Robles, Héctor L. Velayos Munoz, Juan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Gabriel Huecas, Eva M. Castro, Manuel Petit: Managing Distributed Conferences with ISABEL. MMNS 2000: 89-101
6 Juan Quemada, Tomás de Miguel, Arturo Azcorra, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Manuel Petit, David Larrabeiti, Tomás Robles, Gabriel Huecas: ISABEL: A CSCW Application for the Distribution of Events. COST 237 Workshop 1996: 137-153
5 Tomás de Miguel, Santiago Pavón, Joaquín Salvachúa, Juan Quemada, Pedro Luis Chas Alonso, Javier Fernandez-Amigo, Carlos M. Acuña, Lidia Rodriguez Yamamoto, Vasco Lagarto, Joao Vastos: ISABEL - Experiment Distributed Cooperative Work Application over Broadband Networks. IWACA 1994: 353-362
4 José A. Mañas, Tomás de Miguel, Joaquín Salvachúa, Arturo Azcorra: Tool Support to Implement LOTOS Formal Specifications. Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 25(7): 815-839 (1993)
3 José A. Mañas, Joaquín Salvachúa: Lambda-beta: A Virtual LOTOS Machine. FORTE 1991: 441-456
2 José A. Mañas, Joaquín Salvachúa, Tomás de Miguel: Tool Demonstration: A Cross Compiling Experiment: A PC Implementation of a LOTOS Spec. FORTE 1991: 467-470
1 Tomás de Miguel, Tomás Robles, Joaquín Salvachúa, Arturo Azcorra: The SRTS Experience: Using TOPO for LOTOS Design and Realization. FORTE 1990: 383-394

Coauthor Index

1Carlos M. Acuña [5]
2Sandra Aguirre [16]
3Pedro Luis Chas Alonso [5]
4Elena Apolinario [10]
5Arturo Azcorra [1] [4] [6]
6Margarita Bradley [13]
7Stefan Brantner [16]
8Eva M. Castro [7] [10]
9Peter Dolog [16]
10Fernando Escribano [14]
11Blanca Fernandez [11]
12Javier Fernandez-Amigo [5]
13Gernot Huber [16]
14Gabriel Huecas [6] [7] [10] [11] [14]
15Tomaz Klobucar [16]
16Vasco Lagarto [5]
17Efiie Lai-Cong [11]
18David Larrabeiti [6]
19Luis Llana [13]
20Katherine Maillet [11]
21José A. Mañas [2] [3] [4]
22Sascha Markus [16]
23Narciso Martí-Oliet [13]
24Tomás de Miguel [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [14]
25Zoltán Miklós [9] [16]
26Alberto Mozo [15] [17]
27Héctor L. Velayos Munoz [7]
28Wolfgang Nejdl [9] [16]
29Gustaf Neumann [16]
30Daniel Olmedilla [16]
31Diego Andres Acosta Ortiz [14]
32Ramiro Ortiz [8]
33Santiago Pavón [5] [6] [7] [10] [14]
34María José Perea [10]
35Manuel Petit [6] [7]
36Juan Quemada [5] [6] [7] [10] [11] [12] [14]
37Germán M. Rivera [12]
38Tomás Robles [1] [6] [7] [8] [10] [13] [14]
39Javier Sedano [10] [14]
40Bernd Simon [9] [11] [12] [16]
41Michael Sintek [9] [16]
42Vicente Sirvent [14]
43Stefan Sobernig [16]
44Joao Vastos [5]
45Alberto Verdejo [13]
46Fridolin Wild [16]
47Lidia Rodriguez Yamamoto [5]
48Thomas Zillinger [16]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)