
Stefan Brantner

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5EEBernd Simon, Stefan Sobernig, Fridolin Wild, Sandra Aguirre, Stefan Brantner, Peter Dolog, Gustaf Neumann, Gernot Huber, Tomaz Klobucar, Sascha Markus, Zoltán Miklós, Wolfgang Nejdl, Daniel Olmedilla, Joaquín Salvachúa, Michael Sintek, Thomas Zillinger: Building Blocks for a Smart Space for LearningTM. ICALT 2006: 309-313
4EEBernd Simon, Symeon Retalis, Stefan Brantner: Building Interoperability among Learning Content Management Systems. WWW (Posters) 2003
3 Stefan Brantner, Thomas Enzi, Susanne Guth, Gustaf Neumann, Bernd Simon: UNIVERSAL - Design and Implementation of a Highly Flexible E-Market-Place for Learning Resources. ICALT 2001: 215-220
2EEStefan Brantner, Thomas Auer, Axel Pinz: Real-Time Optical Edge and Corner Tracking at Subpixel Accuracy. CAIP 1999: 534-541
1EEStefan Brantner, Rupert C. D. Young, David Budgett, Chris R. Chatwin: High-speed Tomographic Reconstruction Employing Fourier Methods. Real-Time Imaging 3(4): 255-274 (1997)

Coauthor Index

1Sandra Aguirre [5]
2Thomas Auer [2]
3David Budgett [1]
4Chris R. Chatwin [1]
5Peter Dolog [5]
6Thomas Enzi [3]
7Susanne Guth [3]
8Gernot Huber [5]
9Tomaz Klobucar [5]
10Sascha Markus [5]
11Zoltán Miklós [5]
12Wolfgang Nejdl [5]
13Gustaf Neumann [3] [5]
14Daniel Olmedilla [5]
15Axel Pinz [2]
16Symeon Retalis [4]
17Joaquín Salvachúa [5]
18Bernd Simon [3] [4] [5]
19Michael Sintek [5]
20Stefan Sobernig [5]
21Fridolin Wild [5]
22Rupert C. D. Young [1]
23Thomas Zillinger [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)